From | Message |
3/07/2003 13:39:32 [ report this post ] |
Subject: Linares 2003 II
Message: Linares Tournament news info and discussian...
3/08/2003 05:22:05 [ report this post ] | Linares rd.12
Message: Anand,with his win over Radjabov,has tied with Kramnik(free)for first.Kasparov drew with Pono.,and is half a point back.Leko basically mated himself vs.Vallejo.I'm sure his Ka6 will go down as one of the all time lulus.
3/08/2003 08:54:07 [ report this post ] | Kasparov vs. Radjabov 0-1
Message: Here is the game where the 15 year old beat
Kasparov. Enjoy.
[Event "Ciudad de Linares 2003"]
[Site "Linares"]
[Date "2003.02.23"]
[Round "2"]
[White "KASPAROV"]
[Black "RADJABOV"]
[Result "0-1"]
1. e4 e6 2. d4 d5 3. Nc3 Nf6 4. e5 Nfd7 5. f4 c5 6.
Nf3 Nc6 7. Be3 a6 8. Qd2 b5 9. a3 Qb6 10. Ne2 c4
11. g4 h5 12. gxh5 Rxh5 13. Ng3 Rh8 14. f5 exf5 15.
Nxf5 Nf6 16. Ng3 Ng4 17. Bf4 Be6 18. c3 Be7 19.
Ng5 O-O-O 20. Nxe6 fxe6 21. Be2 Ngxe5 22. Qe3
Nd7 23. Qxe6 Bh4 24. Qg4 g5 25. Bd2 Rde8 26.
O-O-O Na5 27. Rdf1 Nb3+ 28. Kd1 Bxg3 29. Rf7 Rd8
30. Bxg5 Qg6 31. Qf5 Qxf5 32. Rxf5 Rdf8 33. Rxf8+
Nxf8 34. Bf3 Bh4 35. Be3 Nd7 36. Bxd5 Re8 37. Bh6
Ndc5 38. Bf7 Re7 39. Bh5 Nd3 0-1
3/08/2003 20:12:04 [ report this post ] | Linares Rd.13
Message: Anand handed Leko a gift, Kasparov let Vallejo escape with a repeat,and Kramnik butchered a pawn up position to draw Radjabov.Last round tomorrow:Leko and Kramnik face each other at 6 and a half points,while Kasparov,half a point back,faces Anand.Will Gary pull another rabbit out of his hat?
3/09/2003 00:57:33 [ report this post ] | great fights
Message: Today , last round , we will see :
Kramnik - Leko
Anand - Kasparov
Vallejo - Ponomariov
and these are standings before this last round :
1 Peter Leko (HUN) 6,5
1 Vladimir Kramnik (RUS) 6,5
3 Gary Kasparov (RUS) 6
3 Viswanathan Anand (IND) 6
5 Francisco Vallejo (ESP) 5
6 Ruslan Ponomariov (UCR) 4,5
6 Teimour Radjabov (AZE) 4,5
have a nice Sunday!
3/09/2003 10:48:12 [ report this post ] | It's over!
Message: Leko and Kramnik drew their last rd. game to tie for 1st at 7 pts.each.Kasparov and Anand also drew,leaving them both at 6.5. If Ponomariov beats Vallejo(likely),he will finish on 5.5,with Vallejo on 5,and Radjabov trailing with 4.5.
3/09/2003 11:02:20 [ report this post ] | What am I missing here?
Message: In the Vallejo-Ponomariov last Rd. game,Vallejo could have taken a rook with check and made a new Queen to boot,and he didn't do it,nor could Black have stopped it. What gives here?
3/09/2003 11:40:36 [ report this post ] | that is strange...
Message: I looked over the game, and the only way I can explain it is that they made a mistake in move order transcription or something, it doesn't make any sense for Ponom. to leave his rook hanging to the passed pawn, and then for Vallej. to not even take it! Vallej. was not in check, there were no stalemate dangers, and no counterattack as he would have taken the rook, promoted the pawn and given check all at once....must be a mistake in move order.
3/09/2003 12:32:20 [ report this post ] | Vallejo-Ponomariov:
Message: Something definately stinks here. Unless Kingslinger is right about the move order being transposed wrong,this game is phonier than a 9 dollar bill.I've gone back to a couple of times to see if there was an correction of the move orders,but it's not changed. Can we get confirmation from some other source that this was the move sequence?
3/09/2003 12:38:20 [ report this post ] | I know,
Message: I don't think there can be a mistake with the moves, They are the same on Uschesslive. I don't understand.
3/09/2003 12:49:23 [ report this post ] | This looks right
3/09/2003 12:57:56 [ report this post ] | thanks,parrveert
Message: appears todoajedrez did screw up the move order.It would be hard to believe that a 2600+ GM could miss something like that,tho stranger things have happened.
3/09/2003 13:12:54 [ report this post ] | I was looking
Message: on the official Linares site, even they had it wrong!
I am guessing a lot of websites get their information from the same source, either a half-asleep source, or a mischievous one!
3/09/2003 22:45:12 [ report this post ] |
Message: The source they get it from is a computerised chessboard which records the players' moves automatically. There can be many problems and glitches with this type of electronic equipment. For example, this kind of board may "consider" a post-mortem analisys as part of the game.
3/10/2003 03:33:39 [ report this post ] | World Championship
Message: The match Kramnik v Leko is now beginning to look like being an epic battle, maybe too close to call. The only worry is whether funding will be in place for this match. No such worries for Kasparov-Ponomariov, funding is in place for that match. Pity of it is, the games may be very one sided.
Kind regards,
3/11/2003 21:28:53 [ report this post ] | Kasparov in bad form
Message: First the Deep Junior travesty and now this. Looks like his pride is greater than his talent. I for one am no longer a fan of his.
Long live Leko!!!
3/12/2003 03:14:57 [ report this post ] | Kasparov
Message: behaved very very bad - but giving the prize for the most beautiful game to Radjabov - just for that win - is an insult!
There where other games worth getting that price.
I perfectly can understand Kasparov - but the way he behaved was the wrong one.
3/12/2003 03:51:36 [ report this post ] | Trouble is
Message: The brilliancy award is awarded by journalists, they do not have the deep insight of a Super GM and so awarded the prize for the sensational result of the Tournament, not withstanding the fact that it was a mediocre game with flawed sacrifice and flawed refusal.
I can understand Kasparov's anger at the insult, but he should remember that he is idolised by millions of chess players and he should therefore try to react with dignity to set a good example to his legion of fans.
Leko can now look forward to his coming Championship match with real optimism. Should be a cracker....remember, Kramnik may have finished second but he was the only undefeated player.
Kind regards,
3/12/2003 05:50:10 [ report this post ] | hello
Message: Way to go Radjabov!
He sacrifices and wins and kasparov naturally gets annoyed.
Kasparov cant accept the fact hes not perfect, who cares?
I think its sad that noone hasnt got the guts to burst out at him, who does he think he is?
I remember Morphy, he was of another sort.
3/12/2003 13:49:31 [ report this post ] | In agreement with previous three posts
Message: I find it ironic that the mighty K did not appreciate the fact that Radjabov utlised psychology on him (a hail mary if you want) to save a losing position. And it worked!
Yes, the game did not deserve a brilliancy prize (both played poorly), but as has been mentioned before, it wasn't a brilliancy prize but rather a "beauty" prize...whatever that is.
Any opinions on who will win the Leko vs Kramnik unification title match? Too close to call IMHO.
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