From | Message |
3/18/2003 21:30:08 [ report this post ] |
Subject: nice endgame
Message: please look at this game andshare your thoughts with me board #683216
3/19/2003 04:17:57 [ report this post ] | and so what?
Message: Your opponent played simply stupid and some of your moves wasn't the best too.
3/19/2003 07:11:32 [ report this post ] | not bad,
Message: I liked that checkmate at the end.
3/19/2003 08:27:37 [ report this post ] | werwolf
Message: I really think that was uncalled for... I believe he is looking for constructive criticism and encouragement for his win.
Why don't you actually analyze the game and provide suggestions as to what might have been done (on both sides, not just white's) to play better? These are the kind of suggestions that helps to improve play.
3/19/2003 16:26:17 [ report this post ] | Small mistake in the opening
Message: Hi there,
A neat little trick to consider after 1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 f6 ...
f6 is a bad move at this point, because it opens the h5-e8 diagonal to the king, leading to ...
3. Nxe5! fxe5 white sacs the Knight
4. Qh5+ g6 white's Queen makes a quick entrance
5. Qxe5+ (Qe7 or Be7 or Ne7)
6. Qxh8 and white's up a rook
Usually, white can just thrash around in the kingside, picking up pawns. In the end white will probably need to trade queens, but will still be up material.
Keep playing!
3/20/2003 02:57:00 [ report this post ] |
Message: A counter-trick to your trick: after 1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 f6 3.Nxe5 (which hardly deserves a "!"), black can play 3...Qe7 - and after the white knight retreats, win back the pawn with Qxe4+.
Note that white cannot respond to that with 4.Qh5+ because he'll lose a knight for nothing:
4.Qh5+ g6 5.Nxg6 Qxe4+ 6.Be2 Qxg6
So 2...f6 doesn't have an immediate refutation, but it's still a bad move positionally because it weakens black's king position and takes away a good spot from the g8-knight.
3/20/2003 03:11:38 [ report this post ] | Yes
Message: I like to play 3. Bc4 and keep the Nxe5 as a strong threat, a bit like in this game where f6 was played but there was a different move order...
board #507253
Kind Regards,
3/20/2003 06:37:23 [ report this post ] | Damiano's Defense
Message: 3. Nxe5 is much better than 3. Bc4, as it practically wins outright. True, Black can play 3... Qe7, but the awkward position of his queen is usually more than enough to give white an advantage. For example, 4. Nf3 d5 5. d3 dxe4 6. dxe4 Qxe4+ 7. Be2 Bf5 8. Nd4! Bh3 9. Nb5 Na6 10. N1c3 Bb4 11. Bd2 Qc6 12. Bf3 Qe6+ 13. Be3+- (Black can improve, but is still at a disadvantage). However, in the game move order, with ...d6 before ...f6, there is no such trick.
3/20/2003 10:34:07 [ report this post ] | thank you all...
Message: for the feedback and please keep it coming and i would very much appreciate an analisys of the game after the move 19
3/20/2003 23:37:27 [ report this post ] | zucan
Message: It was enough for me to look all the moves for getting clear that that is low class
3/20/2003 23:57:31 [ report this post ] | werwolf
Message: thanks for the constructive contributions so far.
if you've nothing to tell, stay out of these type of discusions.
thanks in advance.
3/21/2003 00:28:02 [ report this post ] | dear werwolf
Message: i would be more than delighted to taste your high class chess,if you dare challenge me
3/21/2003 01:24:10 [ report this post ] |
Message: I agree with mormel12 about werwolf
Why to waste time to post such comments? Those posts were no help to anyone.
Sometimes I wish there was the +1/-1 Forum rating feature...
Kind Regards,
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