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3/31/2003 09:58:33 [ report this post ] |
Subject: I have read a mistake in a chess book
Message: In Chess for Dummies, it says:
It is impossible to give checkmate if you only have a bishop and a king. Go ahead, take out your board and try it. If you can do it, you'll become world famous.
That's not word for word quote, but I have the book and can look up the page. It is impossible ONLY IF THE OPPONENT HAS NOTHING BUT A KING but I've done it before( after trying) if the king has a couple pawns.
3/31/2003 10:12:10 [ report this post ] |
Message: :) They assumed the obvious...
3/31/2003 10:16:19 [ report this post ] | themadphantom
Message: Good show! Maybe that's why the book is entitled, "Chess for Dummies".
3/31/2003 11:16:26 [ report this post ] | Here it is:
Message: pg 22: The bishop is called a minor piece because you cannot deliver checkmate with just a king and bishop. Go ahead, set up a board and try it. If you can do it, you'll become world famous, and i'll include you in the next edition.
Here's me:
Set up this position: White bishop:on e3
White king: on d1
black pawns: on b4 and a2
1)Kc1 b3
2)Kd1 b2
3)Kc2 b1( and turns into a knight)
4)Bd4+ Nc3
It's not very likely, but it's not impossible
3/31/2003 11:39:16 [ report this post ] | It happens.
Message: In Yasser seirawans Brilliancies, (one of the best chess books ever written, and dirt cheap) He accidently overlooks a knight in his analysis.
3/31/2003 11:44:42 [ report this post ] | I read an opening book
Message: and in one of the lines they have taken the wrong pawn, which is an obvious blunder :)
3/31/2003 11:44:42 [ report this post ] | I read an opening book
Message: and in one of the lines they have taken the wrong pawn, which is an obvious blunder :)
3/31/2003 12:39:34 [ report this post ] | You are truly amazing
Message: but little old me could not achieve the stage of enlightenment since I humbly couldn�t figure out were you had placed the King of Darkness�
3/31/2003 12:39:54 [ report this post ] | A bird told me
Message: that the Black king awaited his faith in a1�
but the same piece of flying meat also preached that playing against a somewhat good chess player under those conditions would probably result in a victory for the dark forces
b1 (turns into a beautiful queen)
3/31/2003 23:47:48 [ report this post ] | jean_marc
Message: No one would ever be foolish enough to turn their pawn into a knight, that's right. But it's not against chess rules
4/01/2003 00:15:46 [ report this post ] | Example
Message: W: Kd3, Qf1, Bb8
B: Kb2, Pa2, Pb7, Pc2
White moves 1. Qa1+! and if 1... Kxa1 then 2. Kxc2 mates.
4/01/2003 00:29:30 [ report this post ] | Here's a better one
Message: W: Kd3, Qf1, Ba7
B: Kb2, Bd7, Pa2, Pc2, Pe5, Pf6, Pg7
Any move here would lose except for 1. Qa1+!, which mates.
4/01/2003 00:48:09 [ report this post ] | Themadphantom
Message: There can be cases when turning a pawn into a knight is the winning move, for example when a queen or a rook would stalemate.
4/01/2003 02:42:49 [ report this post ] | not only stalemate
Message: Once I played against a computer, and it turned a pawn into a knight which was a checkmating move.
4/01/2003 14:42:10 [ report this post ] | themadphantom
Message: I think you have contributed to our chess knowledge, even if in a minor degree. You should endeavor to have your finding published in a chess journal. Every country has one. believe a publisher would have interest.
I generally reward someone who is the first to discover an error in one of my authored books.
4/02/2003 01:40:04 [ report this post ] | themadphantom
Message: thank you:)
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