From | Message |
10/17/2003 00:00:22 [ report this post ] |
Subject: game review needed
Message: game is still in progress, but i know that unless i ask this question now, i will forget about it.
please give some time for game to finish and then once it is done (i'll try to bring this thread back to life later) comment on it starting move 25 for black (I am playing black there).
board #1166906
i would appreciate if you guys would keep it to your self about all the mistakes i already made in the game prior to move 25 :)
10/17/2003 16:42:51 [ report this post ] | Well...first of all...
Message: with your moves...1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 f6 (f6 is the worst way to defend e5 posible)
white could have ended you with Nxe5
10/17/2003 17:49:30 [ report this post ] |
Message: i think 2...Qg5 is an even worse way to defend e5. :D
10/18/2003 01:44:58 [ report this post ] | I don't think
Message: white could have "ended" black with 3.Nxe5. After 3...Qe7 4.Nf3 Qxe4 5.Be2 black isn't THAT bad.
10/18/2003 05:56:48 [ report this post ] | Crafty v17.9 says....
Message: after 1.e4 e5; 2.Nf3 f6; 3.Nxe5 Qe7; 4.Nf3 Qxe4+; 5.Be2 Qf5; 6.0-0 and that white is winning with a score of +158 and that black's best move isnt 4...Qxe4+, but 4...d5; 5.d3 dxe4; 6.dxe4 Qxe4+; 7.Be2 Bf5; 8.Nd4 Nd7; 9.0-0 0-0-0 and white is winning with a score of +145
10/18/2003 14:54:05 [ report this post ] |
Message: I agree that 2...f6 is one of the worst defensive moves anyone could ever make after 1...e5. You may as well just give up a pawn for nothing and acheive better results.
Ok kids, let's keep our mouths shut for now until his game is over, right? My one stipulation, zoobrenok, is that you have to let me talk about the moves before #25 if I say anything at all. ;-)
10/19/2003 04:22:49 [ report this post ] | zoobrenk
Message: Here is a game I annotated for my old team featuring you opening,
Damiano's Defense C40
Grimsweeper - Mr Eliminator (Game 243533), 2002
1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 f6?! The Damiano Defense, an ancient opening, is somewhat popular at GoldToken. 3. Nxe5! Qe7! This is best for black at this point. 3... fxe5 4. Qh5+ g6 (4... Ke7 5. Qxe5+ Kf7 6. Bc4+ Kg6 7. Qf5+ Kh6 8. h4 g6 9. d4+ Kg7 10. Qf7# Grimsweeper-Dr0wssap GoldToken 2002) 5. Qxe5+ Ne7 (5... Kf7 6. Bc4+ d5 7. Bxd5+ Be6 8. Qxe6+ Kg7 9. Qf7+ Kh6 10. d3+ Kh5 11. Qf3+ Kh4 12. Qh3# Grimsweeper-ROOKIE U C GoldToken 2002) (5... 5... Qe7 6. Qxh8 Nf6 7. d4 Kf7 8. Bc4+ d5 9. Bxd5+ Nxd5 10. Qxh7+ Bg7 11. O-O Qxe4 12. c3 Nf4 13. Bxf4 Qxf4 14. g3 Ruy Lopez-Leonardo, in the year 1560) 6. Qxh8 Ng8 7. Qxg8 Ke7 8. Qxh7+ Ke8 9. Qxg6+ Ke7 10. d4 Qe8 11. Bg5# Grimsweeper-Fuji Tape GoldToken 2002 4. Nf3! 4. Qh5+ No longer works 4... g6 5. Nxg6 Qxe4+ 6. Be2 Qxg6 Black will develop his queenside quickly and castle there with advantage. 4... Qxe4+ 4... d5 5. d3 dxe4 6. dxe4 Qxe4+ 7. Be2 Nc6 8. O-O Bd7 9. Nc3 Qg6 10. Ne5! 5. Be2 The pawn and lead in development make for a solid advantage for White. 5... Nc6 6. Nc3 Qe6 It might be better to move the queen off the e-file, perhaps ...Qb4. 7. O-O a6?! better is 7... Bb4 8. Nb5 Ba5 9. d4 Nge7 10. Bd2 and things are going well for White. 8. Re1 Nge7 9. d4 The threat is, of course, d5. 9... Qf7 10. d5 Nb4 if 10... Ne5 11. d6 cxd6 12. Bf4 11. d6 cxd6 12. a3 Nbd5 Black seeks relief by inviting an exchange. Unfortunately, this allows white a wicked pin, but Black is lost in any event. 13. Bc4 Kd8 14. Nxd5 Nxd5 15. Bxd5 Qg6 16. Nh4 Qe8 17. Rxe8+ Kxe8 18. Qe2+ Kd8 19. Be3 Be7 20. Bb6+ Ke8 21. Nf5 g6 22. Qxe7# 1-0 [Grimsweeper]
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