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11/27/2003 19:45:29 [ report this post ] |
Subject: Best opening ?
Message: I would like some input about the 'best' openings in chess. I play most of my games from black so my white opening repertoire is lacking. I'd like to specialize/study one or two of the most effective openings but don't have time to search through the countless variations and books dedicated to promoting them. Thanks
11/27/2003 20:03:29 [ report this post ] | Silver bullet
Message: Sorry there isn't one, as white you make the first move but the other guy makes the second etc. There is no way to force the game into a simple opening system your opponet has to go along with.
11/28/2003 00:36:49 [ report this post ] | Hmmmm, silver bullet?
Message: I'm looking for a little more input than mere condescension Baseline. Something along the lines of: "The King's Gambit is rairly played at tournament level because white's move is considered too loosening, I therefore recomend the Queen's Gambit for better line choices and further study."
Maybe someone else can provide some insight into modern opening theory. Thanks
11/28/2003 02:14:36 [ report this post ] | thumper
Message: Your not going to grow as a chess player until you start making these decisions for your self. You see all of the major opening are sound many of the choices are a matter of taste. You should chose based on your taste. If you are looking for a short cut then adopt the opening repertoire of one of your favorite Grandmasters. A Grandmaster whose style you can relate to.
11/28/2003 06:20:32 [ report this post ] | possibility
Message: hey. if you are white at the starting there are 20 different possibilities which means you can choose the best opening out of 20. i would prefer d4 ( queen`s gambit).
11/28/2003 06:27:45 [ report this post ] | erm
Message: There may be only twenty moves available at first but there are more than 20 openings to choose from! d4 doesn't have to be queens gambit.
11/28/2003 06:38:56 [ report this post ] |
Message: of course d4 doesnt have to be queens gambit, i meant move d4 then keep going as a queens gambit.
11/28/2003 09:03:17 [ report this post ] | I got the same question, partial answer to myself
Message: Still being a biginner, I just want to share my 2 cents.
I wasted a lot of time and energy to remember all the major line of several openings, which *I* wanted to use. The biggest problem was, my buddy at the other side of the board does not share the same desire to test my memory. Also, my memory keeps failing to remember the sequences.
Let's say you're an expert of Luy Ropez mainlines, then I'll deviate to a minor line which loses a tempo just a little so no master will play. Or, I'll just play 1.e4-d4, which I might have a little more experience.
So, I don't think anyone can choose the best opening for me. That said, try London system or Colle.
11/28/2003 17:28:14 [ report this post ] |
Message: The best openings are those that aim to control the center, develop the minor pieces and castle. In that case, g3, Nf3, e4, d4 and c4 are all candidate first moves. After your first move as White, you can count on Black to do everything he can to foul you up and take you into unfavorable lines.
11/28/2003 19:33:48 [ report this post ] | Now you're talking
Message: Dysfl. The Colle system - Edgard Colle(1897-1932), and the London system - A combination of the Colle, Torre, and various Queen pawn openings. They both look promising, are fairly versatile and appear to fit my playing style. The lines look very interesting too. I'll delve into them a bit and see if I can grasp the nuances.
Anaxagoras - Yes,yes. Must control the center.
11/30/2003 12:03:31 [ report this post ] |
Message: Thumper,
I think and was taught to not to get sucked into the opening your opponent might know better than you. My memory is fairly poor, and would rather the game did not revolve around this matter.
I would therefore recommend unusual openings. Although not as strong as other openings once know well etc., there is usually a good chance that you can gain initiative through surprise, and long term tactical ideas.
Openings starting with e3 are not usually expected!, and before anybody says it you do not lose the game with this move, but start the game with a small surprise!
11/30/2003 22:21:03 [ report this post ] | Related to selecting of 'my' opening
Message: I just could say I've finished experienting with Rousseau gambit. During the last two months I played (by using it) not less than 30 games.
I'm not sure if I use it in serious games (there on GK, even after I had good score by it) but I think it's pretty good for fast chess.
As ussually I pay 6, 8, or 10 minutes per game, and the f5 move in unexpected place takes for thinking (for opponent) from 1 or 2 minutes - so I get an advantage in that time, at least.
More notes -
a) only about 10% played a variation considered as the best (for White)
b) no one played the most sharp (wild) variation
{ in corr. chess that could be in different proportion, however }
I could provide an one game (only that played in corr. chess, time control 14 days per move) - it's not the best one, but gives some view on this gambit:
[Date "2003.10.02"]
[White "lgunder"]
[Black "yours sinfull"]
[Result "0-1"]
1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. Bc4 f5
4. exf5 e4 5. Ng1 Nf6
6. Nc3 d5 7. Bb5 Bxf5 8. Nge2 d4 9. Ng3 Bg6 10. Nce2 h6 11. b3 Qd6 12. Bb2 d3 13. Nc3 dxc2 14. Qxc2 O-O-O 15. O-O-O Nd4 16. Qb1 Nxb5 17. Nxb5 Qc6+ 18. Nc3 Ng4 19. Rdf1 e3
20. dxe3?? Bxb1
12/01/2003 02:21:01 [ report this post ] | The best opening?
Message: The best opening is opening which I know better than my opponent.
12/01/2003 06:07:03 [ report this post ] | solid enough but not common
Message: 1. b4 and 1. f4 are both solid openings without too much theory, and that your opponent may not know too well. I have had reasonable success with 1. b4 in OTB chess. I suggest you choose an opening based on your strengths, and start a tourny with it to experience it from both sides.
12/02/2003 08:10:30 [ report this post ] | Appendix...
Message: Interesting game in Rousseau gambit at Yahoo - in places sharp as razor:
Time control: 9 min per game (it was evening and I felt tired a bit):
1. e2-e4 e7-e5
2. g1-f3 b8-c6
3. f1-c4 f7-f5
4. e4xf5 e5-e4
5. c4xg8 h8xg8
6. d1-e2 d7-d5
7. d2-d3 c8xf5
8. f3-g5 d8-e7
9. o-o h7-h6
10. d3xe4 d5xe4
11. e2-b5 e7-c5
12. b5xb7 a8-b8
13. b7xc7 h6xg5
14. c1xg5 f8-d6
15. c7xb8+ d6xb8
16. b1-c3 b8-e5
17. g5-e3 c5-d6
18. c3-b5 e5xh2+
19. g1-h1 d6-b8
20. g2-g3 h2xg3
21. f2xg3 b8xg3
22. b5-c7+ e8-d7
23. a1-d1+ d7-c8
24. d1-d6 g8-h8+
25. d6-h6 g7xh6
26. f1xf5 h8-g8
27. f5-f2 g3-g1++, 0:1
12/04/2003 14:56:36 [ report this post ] | Without a doubt,
Message: the single best opening is 1. e4, followed by 2. Ke2!! Get the king out in the center! After all, he's the KING, isn't he? Shouldn't he lead by example?
12/04/2003 16:31:05 [ report this post ] | The best openings nowadays...
Message: ...are those that puzzle computers, so jeffz_2002's suggestion is worth considering. For instance:
1.e4 e5 2.Ke2!? Nc6 3.Qe1! Nd4+ 4.Kd1, and White stands better.
Perhaps Black's best defence is the Symmetrical Variation:
1.e4 e5 2.Ke2 Ke7 3.Qe1 Qe8 4.Kd1 Kd8
12/05/2003 04:36:53 [ report this post ] | philaretus
Message: Are you kidding?
And does "philaretus" mean anything? It sounds like a Greek philosopher.
12/05/2003 05:15:11 [ report this post ] | I'm trying to guess....
Message: ....what jeffz_2002 can mean... ;)
12/07/2003 09:58:53 [ report this post ] | Best opening(s) for White?
Message: There are so many. But: As the initial post here was about to MINIMIZE variations knowledge/memorising, I suggest:
* A Hypermodern Opening Repertoire for White (Eric Schiller, Cardoga Publishing), based on the English and the R�ti.
* Complementing this with the King's Indian Attack and probably the London System.
Schiller also wrote two good books for Black, also to minimize endless variations study:
* A Complete Defense against King Pawn Openings (based on the Caro-Kann)
* A Complete Defense against Queen Pawn Openings (based on the Tarrasch)
But never forget to enhance your knowledge, ability to play a fair tactical and strategical game.
Oh well, I suppose this is about a lifetime's task, anyway.
12/07/2003 14:49:09 [ report this post ] | Eric Schiller's opening books
Message: While I cannot say that I could write an opening book on my own (though with about 3 or 4 months I think I could certainly do better than Schiller), Eric Schiller's opening books, in addition to not offering the latest material, frequently give lines that are either not the most ambitious, or, in some cases, simply not good, just because he "likes them". The openings in Schiller's book will never help anyone rated over 1400 and so once you hit 1400 you'll need to buy a whole new set of books. For white, John Emms "Attacking with 1. e4" is a great book as is "Play 1. d4" (can't recall the author). GM Aaron Summerscale's "A Killer Chess Opening Repertoire" is a nice attacking manual based around 1. d4. For black, though I don't play it, "An Explosive Chess Opening Repertoire for Black" based on 1...d6 is a really good book if you want to play hypermodern. To be honest, I think "real" openings are best to learn at any level, they help you learn more advanced themes and although you may lose a few games at first (as I did when I started playing the Sicilian Dragon), you slowly build expert knowledge of a GOOD OPENING, not just one that will only beat weak and unprepared players. I want an opening that will give me good chances, regardless of what theory my opponent knows. GMs play the main lines for a reason. A great general opening reference is "Nunn's Chess Openings" co-authored by GMs Nunn, Emms, Gallagher, and Burgess with Kasparov overseeing the project. However, for those who lack the time to study, the above titles are really good.
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