From | Message |
2/28/2004 13:21:43 [ report this post ] |
Subject: Gary blows it! Linares Rd.9
Message: Kasparov throws away a win with his 55th move,and is to concede a draw to Radjabov. Shirov(vs.Kramnik) and Vallejo(vs. Topalov) also fail to convert seeming wins and also draw.
2/28/2004 16:04:41 [ report this post ] |
Message: I was surprised that Kasparov was making his moves so quickly, since the clocks showed that he had almost half an hour, but perhaps there was some mistake in the relay. I was even more surprised that he missed 55... Rb1 since everyone knows that with the White King so far cut off Black can easily reach a Lucena position. I think Garry has some mental block when he plays Radjabov.
Kramnik had an edge, but was never really close to a win. I liked Vallejo's chances, but it seemed like he started to drift and had to settle for a draw.
3/02/2004 14:42:21 [ report this post ] |
Message: Kasparov can draw and feel happy, he is defending his title I suppose?, much harder than seeking it!
3/02/2004 20:35:14 [ report this post ] | In tournaments
Message: no one is happy when they draw clearly won positions...if you throw away half-points consistently, you're never going to win.
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