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4/06/2004 01:05:46 [ report this post ] |
Subject: interesting move order in the anti-sicilian
Message: In year book 68 (i think) whith grischuk on the front, it talks about an interesting move order white can adobt in the nc6 sicilian.
1.e4 c5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3. Nc3 g6 (most commone their are alternatives) 4.Bb5!?
an interesting move order to get to the rossolimo variation. The yearbook shows in depth the possibilities for both sides after whites fourth move, only problem is that their are plent of alternatives after Nc3. Does anyone know a site which give strategies for white in the rossillimo variation?
4/06/2004 01:55:21 [ report this post ] |
Message: also does anyone know a player who i can follow who plays this move order, i know kasparov does but most of this games end in draws and isn't so important for my level. As often if i know this line well i will surely be able to catch my opponent out with this move order. Does anyone know a IM or maybe 2500 or so GM who plays this move order successfully?
4/06/2004 04:16:46 [ report this post ] |
Message: Mmmh, I can't tell you much about this, however I've just seen an article in which Leko comments on some of his Linares games and basically dismisses 3.Nc3. He wrote:"I had to play against 3.Nc3 about 8 or 9 times in the last two years. In each game I played something slightly different and I believe that I've basically totally neutralised this whole variation."
Leko (like many other grandmasters and as recommened by Sveshnikov) plays 3...e5 (look e.g. at his games against Kasparov or Kramnik at Linares).
4/06/2004 04:41:33 [ report this post ] |
Message: yes i've seen that leko is a stauch supporter of 3...e5 obviously people at leko's level may be able to equalise in this variation but its a different prospect if you can learn the line against someone say 1800 level who i can assure won't know the line as welll. For instance i once play a 2000 (fide rating) and i played 3.Bb5 and he said he had never seen this move before! and im pretty sure this is similiar siuation for those around that rating.
4/06/2004 08:08:50 [ report this post ] | Leko
Message: In the "Chess in Baltics" magazine last year there was an article on Opening strategy written by Sveshnikov. In his style, he dismisses 3. Nc3 as a bad move (e5 wins for black, of cours. Why wins? Because Sveshniko plays so!). But don't take it seriously, Sveshnikov is the guy who thinks there is only one truth -- his truth. End of the discussion. He is always winning too...
What it has to do with Leko? I heard some rumors here in Riga (thought, rumors, but told by knowing people), that Sveshnikov has recently told several people that he has sold some serious analysis in his variation to... Leko. I guess Sveshnikovs "righfullness" (is there such a word?) has switched to Leko too :)
4/06/2004 11:15:16 [ report this post ] | gibo
Message: It isn't that the Rossolimo isn't a good variation for White, it is that Nc3 is frequently a weak move in the Rossolimo! In many lines White's only try for an advantage is to play c3 and d4 which is impossible after Nc3.
4/06/2004 12:39:56 [ report this post ] | Not really an important move order
Message: First of all, if White wants to achieve this position, he would do so more frequently by employing the move order 1. e4 c5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. Bb5 g6 (usually played) 4. Nc3. 3. Nc3 has the unfortunate drawback of allowing 3... e5, which people will play very frequently against 3. Nc3.
Secondly, after 3... g6, white almost never employs 4. Nc3; rather, he plays 4. 0-0 maintaining a degree of flexibility (and will often play c3 and d4). If you're just looking for totally offbeat lines, you could play it, but I don't think this system has much merit.
4/06/2004 22:18:44 [ report this post ] |
Message: bogg i disaggree with your comments. it is merely a different line. c3 and d4 idea is playable. An early Nc3 often involves a lot of maneurvering as white tries to dominate d5, which is also playable and not neccassarily worse. It is merely a matter of taste.
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