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Subject: Hoe to play when there's a big time difference

In my final tomorrow I'll have an hour and 45 minutes whereas my opponent only has 7 minutes(!) The reason for this is that he is ranked much higher than me and this tournament aims at creating a somewhat level playing field. Has anyone here ever played ounder similar circumstances? What is the way to play? Should I play carefully, without exchanging a lot? Should I move quickly, so he doesn't have the opportunity to think on my time?

Thanx, Ren�



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I suspect that moving quickly won't do any good, because as a result you'll be both moving quickly and it will be as if you were both playing with the same time limit. Other than that... Well, I guess you have lots of time to think of ways of creating problems for him and can hope that he won't be able to figure everything out correctly.



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makes sense

Good point. It's very logical what you say, but I hadn't thought of it.



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don't play bookmoves

i think it would be wise to play as soon as possible an unusual move...



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With such a big time-handicap in your favour, you need to make the game last as many moves as possible, so block the position with a stonewall-type formation.



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K-fan; If I were you ....

I'd consider it like this: Is your opp so much higher rated than you that you feel you cannot create problems he must solve? If that one sided, I'd go towards maximizing complications, for there, anyone can err. But better to do it in late opening rather than early, IMO. Since he'll presumably know openings. But later it may interfere with his plan creation, or at least lead to more considerations.
On the other hand. If you believe you can play solidly toward attaining an equality, yet present some problems to him on the way. That is how I would go. But watch for opportunities for moves that will "change the Nature of the position", that then require your opp to think to change or modify his plan(s). Or play on using old assumptions, which will be very risky for him. And if he ever does make a move or two or maybe 3, like that without stopping to reconsider. Then THAT is a good point for YOU to stop and see if he has hung himself. Make sure YOU understand the new Nature position before going into it tho, and have looked ahead a few moves at least. You've got the time.
....Shifting your field of attack, when justifiable, is one very good way to change the Nature. EG from Q-side, K-side, or Center to one of the other two choices. (An opening like Saemisch vs KI is an excellent EG of one that lets WT do like that).
.....Even alternating some threats, one on K-side, then a3 kick a Q-side Bishop, an such can be helpful, if it gets down to real low time. Or to make "sequences" of 3 or 4 moves, after thinking. Maybe a couple are tactical threats, throw in a positional one on him. He's in tactical mode, and has to go "huh, whats the threat??" Can't find it, since there isn't one! Not tactical one anyway, but just improving your piece placement or such.
....What ever I did, I would avoid getting into an exchange of one mover threats with him. Because that takes things to a totally tactical level, rather than taking advantage of his lack of time to plan properly.
....Also agree with everyone else above here. One caution, an unusual move in the opening to make it "not quite Book" for him thruout the opening may really slow him down if it is meaningful enough, as he has to keep reconsidering the "exceptionalness" it causes to the opening.
....My caution would be, don't get into throwing many meaningless moves at him, just for unusualness(I'm 100% sure Xerox is not saying to do THAT. Like he says a "move". MAybe couple. Then let them do their work for you, as you play your best.) Especially after you see him following a definate plan. He' probably just ignore at that point & continue his plan without loss of time. One or two meaningful, unusual moves may do you better. IMO. Still wouldn't make one that YOU don't understand just hoping HE won't either. If you can see his past games tonight. And what he may play. I'd plan your Unusual Deviation tonight, and next few moves for both, and plans, each of you may select when you get to the real game.
....Anything you know in advance, that opp must think about helps you. But don't get so clock oriented you for get to play good chess! One last thing. If you do blitz your first 5-10 moves in familiar territory, and opp is doing the same, may help slow him down if You slow a bit first, even in what you still know. He may feel more need to think, if you use a bit of time. Or just fall into the normal otb habit of doing that.
Just some ideas.



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Oh, one last addition

If you do get him low enough on time that he is obviously shook, and has to be "on the edge of his seat" just to respond, but you have plenty of time, that may be a good point to take some time. Keep him teetering while You seek to understand the position fully. And at this point, if you can make a major change in game Nature in next 3-6 moves or so. He'll probably crack. [8-D ..."Good Skill" to you Chessfriend (Then he'll be the one to need Good Luck!)
Regards, Craig A.C.
PS. Would really like to know how it turns out, if you find any of this was useful.



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Phew! How's kasparovfan going to remember all that?

Just block the position, and after 30 15-second moves his time will be up.

Or as Sun Tzu said, "Wait by the river long enough, and the corpses of your enemies will come floating past."



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Or as Sun Tzu said, "Wait by the river long enough, and the corpses of your enemies will come floating past."

I just came across that quote today in Rising Sun (cool movie, by the way, with Sean Connery among others).

Wow, 30 15-second moves: that's not a lot.



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The accepted strategy when you have a big time edge is to create as many complications as you can, even at the risk of weakening your position. If you just play solidly then the opponent will usually be able to find likewise solid moves in a matter of seconds, but if you make a lot of threats and complicate the game, chances are that he'll miss one. So I would not advocate blocking the game with a Stonewall-type formation (this tends towards a more solid game where it's difficult to generate any breaks), unless the Stonewall is what you play normally.

You want to play "reasonably" fast so that he can't evaluate everything on your time. That is, when you see a move that generates difficulties for your opponent and doesn't seriously weaken your position, make it. Don't spend an hour looking for a crusher. But don't get into a blitz scramble and blunder, either; you want to use your entire time, obviously. You definitely don't want to play badly and lose outright.

Other than that, try to get him out of his normal opening theory...the Saemisch is a good suggestion, if you have any idea how to play that. Just guessing, but since he plays the Pirc(?) against 1. e4 he'll probably view a KID favorably. If it gets down to a matter of seconds, force him to make moves on the side of the board furthest from the clock (typically the Kingside if you're White and Black is right-handed), and make unexpected moves.



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thanks ccmcacollister!

Thanks for your elaborate comments! I'll definitely give them some thought tonight. Good point about taking time where I don't really need to take any time in order to sort of trap him into more time than he needs, or to make him routinely think a lot about moves that he would even otherwise not think about a lot.



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Atrifix writes: "Just guessing, but since he plays the Pirc(?) against 1. e4 he'll probably view a KID favorably. If it gets down to a matter of seconds, force him to make moves on the side of the board furthest from the clock (typically the Kingside if you're White and Black is right-handed), and make unexpected moves."

So if I play 1. e4 and he plays 1. ... d6, what do I play? How does a Pirc usually go?

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