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6/15/2004 22:36:20 [ report this post ] |
Subject: Celebrity chess players
Message: Anyone have the game Sting vs. Bono? I understand that they played backstage at a celebrity concert a few years back. I know Sting is a pretty accomplished player, and I have even heard rumor that Bono plays at close to (if not) grandmaster level....Any info would be welcomed - I'm a big fan of both....
6/16/2004 00:06:56 [ report this post ] | of intrest
Message: Tag,
thought you might be intrested in this if you didn't know about it
I'm still looking for Sting vs bono
6/16/2004 00:11:18 [ report this post ] | sorry didn't see the year on that
Message: guess that is old news.
6/16/2004 01:54:42 [ report this post ] |
Message: I also heard that Humphrey Bogart was a really good chess player, like GM strength or close.
6/16/2004 06:04:15 [ report this post ] | About Bogart
Message: I don't think he was quite near the GM strength. Months (maybe a year or more) ago there was a discussion about this in here and according to tonlesu, (haven't seen him for a long time) Humphrey Bogart was close to USCF rating of app. 2000, at his best.
Still interesting though, to see how many celebrities who has or are playing this game!
Best wishes
6/16/2004 06:09:30 [ report this post ] |
6/16/2004 06:47:41 [ report this post ] |
Message: Humphrey played the great opening the 'GW'
1. d4 nf6 2. g4 !? ?!
which I quite like its attacking chances.
6/16/2004 06:55:27 [ report this post ] | Celebrities
Message: As far as I know Lennox Luis and both Klichko brothers playes chess. Arnold Shwarceneger also knows the moves. Hmmm... And Carmen Kass also does, she was even elected as the President of the Estonian Chess Federation :)
6/16/2004 07:33:31 [ report this post ] | celebrity game collection
Message: Hi tag1153,
Vischer over at has a collection of celebrity chess games you might be interested in, take a look at that:
Unfortunately Sting vs Bono isn't in there, there's just one game Kasparov vs Sting.
~ Stephen
6/16/2004 07:49:25 [ report this post ] | Some others to consider:
Message: The late Ray Charles vs. Larry Evans. Ray was probably in better position before move 17 but then got too exchange-happy.
Karl Marx appears to have favored the KG:
And speaking of communists, here's Che Guevara *drawing* a game against Najdorf!
And let us not forget Kasparov-David Letterman:
The Bogart games are fairly well documented; I can't think of a Bogart movie, except perhaps "The African Queen," that doesn't involve chess to some extent. There is a short bit at
And I won't even step into the argument about whether Napoleon's games are authentic (
6/16/2004 16:36:28 [ report this post ] | Stanley Kubrick�
Message: was also reputed to be a strong player.
6/16/2004 17:48:48 [ report this post ] |
Message: i'm sure i've seen a game with napoleon in it. he's not a celebrity, i guess, but it's cool anyway, i think.
6/17/2004 15:41:00 [ report this post ] |
Message: Einstein only attained a rating around 1800!
6/17/2004 17:39:21 [ report this post ] | so what?
Message: as far as I know Einstein started to play very late, because he felt science was exhausting enough for his brain and he did not want to bother it with his chess in his sparetime. And considering that a rating about 1800 seems to be quite decent.
btw. happened to find a Game between Charly Chaplin and the young (!!!!) Sammy Reshevsky anno 1923
btw. why would anyone like to find Sting vs. Bono, if Bono really was somewhere near GM-level, it would be quite one sided, since Sting seems to be lightyears away from it (just take a look at the game vs. Kasparov, besides the fact, Kasparov is one of the world's top players, Sting was just blundering)
If you want to find a celeb who knows little about chess, check out artist Marcel Duchamp: he was able to draw Marshall in 1930
and he finished a game against Znosko-Borovsky with the same result
ok and finally something to laugh: Woody Harrelson (with a little help of Seirawan) draws Kasparov ;)
somehow proving, that 1. e4 e5 2. Dh5 is an underrated opening ,)
6/19/2004 03:02:38 [ report this post ] | Nice
Message: link here:
Best wishes
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