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7/09/2004 11:10:09 [ report this post ] |
Subject: How should I have conducted the attack here?
Message: I think that I had a strong attack in this game, but I did not played the correct way. At the end of the game I was so desperate that I sacrificed a bishop for a pawn in order to gain control of the 7th rank and to create a passed pawn but I did not have enough pieces to continue the attack nor my pawn had any chances to queen. Please give some advices and ideas.
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I was playing white.
Ivan Russanov (1657) - Cauchemar (1785) [B80]
Rated game, 60m + 0s Online game, 02.07.2004
1.e4 c5 2.Nf3 e6 3.d4 cxd4 4.Nxd4 Nf6 5.Nc3 d6 6.Bd3 Nc6 7.Be3 Be7 8.Qd2 Nxd4 9.Bxd4 e5 10.Be3 a6 11.f3 b5 12.0-0-0 Bb7 13.g4 0-0 14.g5 Nd7 15.h4 Nc5 16.Rdg1 b4 17.Nd5 Bxd5 18.exd5 Nxd3+ 19.Qxd3 a5 20.f4 exf4 21.Bxf4 Re8 22.h5 Bf8 23.g6 fxg6 24.hxg6 h6 25.Rh2 Qf6 26.Rf1 Qe7 27.Qd4 Qe4 28.Qxe4 Rxe4 29.Rhf2 Rd4 30.Bxh6 gxh6 31.Rf7 Rxd5 32.Rh7 Rg5 33.Rf6 Rxg6 0-1
7/09/2004 12:16:02 [ report this post ] |
Message: Mmmh, I'm not sure the attack was decisive, black had managed to swap off some important attacking pieces (and also had counter play on the queenside). And yes, 30.Bxh6 was not a good idea, because (as you say) there wasn't much you could do after getting the 7th rank (in fact the placement of your rook allowed your opponent to simplify the position further). Maybe you could have tried Bf4-e3-d4, but I don't think there was much to be gained. I suspect the game was about even after the opening, things look interesting (but with approx. balanced chances after move 12ish), and nobody made extremely serious mistakes until Bxh6.
7/09/2004 12:46:56 [ report this post ] |
Message: This is just a quick analysis with chessbase:
instead of 10 Be3... 10 Bb5+ Bd7 11 Bxd7+ Qxd7 12 Be3+ +/= with the Black d6 pawn exposed to attack.
instead of 16 Rdg1?... 16 Bf1 Rc8 17 Bh3 Ne6 +/- The light squared bishop is very happy outside of the white pawn chain.
instead of 27 Qd4?... 27 Qf5 Ra7 28 Bg5! Qe4 (28...Qxg5+? 29 Qxg5 hxg5 It's mate in 6 moves 30 Rhf1!! etc.) 29 Qf2 (29 Qf7+?! Rxf7 30 gxf7+ Kh7 31 fxe8Q Qxe8 is bad for White -/+) Rea8 30 Bd8 Qe8 31 Bb6... and the fight is far from over.
After your 28th move Black is ahead, and your sacrifice on the 30th move is the nail in the coffin...
A good effort, however. In general you need to concentrate your attack on your opponent's weaknesses, in this case, the d6 pawn. Both of you seem to think the winner of a chess game is the first one to storm his pawns on the enemy king position, instead of the strengthening of your own strong points and the siege of your opponent's weak points. A couple of times chessbase prefers the centralizing of your rooks with Rhe1 instead of the flank position you undertook. As the cliche says: an attack on the flank is best repelled with an attack in the center!
7/13/2004 09:50:41 [ report this post ] | why not g6 earlier?
Message: I thought your g6 pawn attack was good. (Mikhail Tal's idea, so it must be good :)
You had a chance of a bishop sacrifice on h6 before he got his bishop back to defend, so you should have played Ne2 and under no circumstances taken the knight with your queen, I think...
7/13/2004 11:37:44 [ report this post ] | The position is not equal
Message: The position could not be so equal! After move 22. fzitz 8 evaluates the position +/-(1.22) and after 26. ...Qe7 +-(1.47). My 20. f4 aimed to isolate the d6 pawn but I think that my chances was to attack the opponent's king and not the d6 pawn. And I think that a queen, 2 rooks, a bishop and far advanced pawn just in the midle of the kingside is quite enough for an attack.
7/13/2004 13:26:16 [ report this post ] |
Message: If the position were not so equal, then why didn't you win? ;-) Seriously, your kingside pawn advance was not very threatening, as your opponent showed. All Black had to do was 24...h6 and the White attack is over.
"I think that my chances was to attack the opponent's king and not the d6 pawn."
An attack on your opponent's king is unjustified unless you dominate your strong points and have tied up the opponent's defenders around his weak points. In this case, you should've been aiming to dominate the d file and especially the square d5; the attack on d6 would follow as a logical consequence of the same process. Silman draws attention to this disease and calls it "the curse of the mindless king hunter." A player can only think of checkmating the enemy king regardless of the position, e.g. his pawn chain points towards the queenside and he still says to himself "how do I checkmate that king?!"
Anyway, even if Fritz is correct, you're only up by a pawn and half, which isn't much. Moreover, the numerical evaluations of chess programs can be disastrously innacurate. Use Fritz as a tool for help, not as an authority.
7/14/2004 08:29:57 [ report this post ] | position at move 18 better for white
Message: Before 19. Qxd3 white had the chance of an attack on the black king, with g6 followed by h5. This opens up the h-file for the white rook and queen. If black tries to play ...h6, just sac the bishop and you end up with a queen on h6 and the same result. :) cxd3 was probably okay, because black has a pretty futile check. :)
7/25/2004 11:17:35 [ report this post ] | Please help me to improve my calculating skill
Message: Hello, my real elo is approximately 1750. In my tournament and realtime online games I often make mistakes in my calculations. Please give me some advices how to calculate faster and more correctly. Should I play blindfold, study chess games without chess board or what? Is there any good software which could help me?
7/25/2004 11:23:32 [ report this post ] | I made mistake
Message: Sorry I want that to be a new topic but I accidentally posted it here
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