From | Message |
9/23/2004 15:04:05 [ report this post ] |
Subject: Great chess website
Thought I'd post this for all. The chess records are quite interesting (e.g., longest lived quadruble pawns, 23 moves, which on a side note this site came to my attention after I had a triple pawn and my opponent and I wondered how often or even if quad pawns had occured in high level play). Also I've found his Open Chess Diary to be particularly informative and instructive. There's some great stories in there, including one about the likelyhood of Fischer playing online chess.
9/23/2004 23:24:34 [ report this post ] | Great site
Message: It is quite an interesting site. I visit it on a regulary basis. There are a lot of interesting things to find.
9/27/2004 04:23:21 [ report this post ] | Thankyou
Message: Thanks for posting this site.
9/30/2004 15:41:47 [ report this post ] |
Message: quote: "I wondered how often or even if quad pawns had occured in high level play"
lol. i was wondering this last night
10/01/2004 02:59:07 [ report this post ] | Even in chess there are friends as well as madnes
The website has got hilarious quotes, some of which I like, such as:
"I won't play with you anymore. You have insulted my friend."
by Miguel Najdorf at blitz when an opponent cursed himself for a blunder.
And this:
"You need not play well. Just help your opponent to play badly"
by Chepukaitis, blitz master
10/02/2004 15:29:50 [ report this post ] | Tim Krabbe
Message: is a Dutch chessplayer who also has written some interesting books. Most popular is the book "Het Gouden Ei" (Dutch) from which they made the movie "The Vanishing". Its a great Dutch chessplayer and writer!!
10/02/2004 16:49:24 [ report this post ] |
Message: I was looking at the records link and noticed that there was a game where castling took place 3 times. How is this possible? I thought (and am almost positive) that each side can only castle once.
10/02/2004 19:55:20 [ report this post ] | multiple castle
Message: I thought that game very strange as well. It is definitely illegal, but if the players failed to note this (how remains a ?) then I guess after the move is made, recorded and not challenged it's too late. I would bet that other illegal moves have been made in tournament play and missed by both players (e.g., a castle through check perhaps), but don't know. Apparently Tim uses a program that can search through database records for positions to see these things--don't know if he's checked for other potential illegal moves.
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