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11/08/2004 02:44:41 [ report this post ] |
Subject: Pelikan Sicilian Question.
Message: I have played a lot of the pelikan sicilian and now suddenly I have a doubt!
1.e4 c5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.d4 cxd4 4.Nxd4 Nf6 5.Nc3 e5 6.Nd-b5 d6 7.Bg5 a6 8.Na3 b5 9.Bxf6 gxf6 10.Nd5 f5 11.Bd3 Be6
And here white has two lines, either 12.0-0 Bxd5 13.exd5 Ne7 etc or 12.Qh5 when black can play 12....Bg7 or 12....Rg8 (which is what I play). My question is the following...
If for 12.Qh5, black plays 12.....Bxd5 13.exd5 Ne7, then what is white's strongest continuation? If white's best move is 14.0-0, then black has managed to force white into the 12.0-0 line! And I don't really see any other move for white.... For example, 14.Bxf5 Qa5+ and white is in trouble, or 14.Nxb5 and then black can just play Bg7 or for that matter even maybe Qb8 (though I haven't looked at this).
So basically, for 12.Qh5 Bxd5 13.exd5 Ne7, what is white's strongest move?
Any help will be greatly appreciated.. as I want to become a GM of Sveshnikov/Pelikan :-).
11/08/2004 02:46:44 [ report this post ] | ooops,
Message: sorry was meant to be in chess related forums... copy and posting there too.
11/08/2004 12:30:42 [ report this post ] | i just look to my openings books...
Message: there is no such a Bxd5 inside...hmm...
really interesting...especially Va5 and b4 moves...Does someone know about?
11/10/2004 05:59:10 [ report this post ] | Re: Lordoftherings
Message: What do you mean by
"really interesting...especially Va5 and b4 moves...Does someone know about?"
this? After Qa5+ white playing e4? I thaught that line is in my sicilian book...
The svesnikov bible by GM J. van der Wiel :) Great book btw.
11/19/2004 09:04:04 [ report this post ] | RE:
Message: Try to look at my pelikan/sveshnikov mini tournament. Think you will find it very helpful. I have personally played that line, and after Qh5, I played Rg8 which is a pawn sacrifize, and my game with sokolsky (white), he came ahead, I couldn't get a good attack vs the pawn.
11/19/2004 09:33:49 [ report this post ] | cash1981
Message: First, everyone thanks for the replies.
Cash1981, I think you erred somewhere against Sokolosy. As for Qh5-Rg8, g3-Rg5, the best white move is Qd1. I haven't checked what black's reply should be for Qxh7 though. However, I too play the Rg8 line, and I think that for g3, ....Rg4 is even more exciting than Rg5 and usually is followed by f4-ef4, Nf4-Rf4!? with unclear position and perhaps compensation for the exchange!
11/19/2004 09:41:34 [ report this post ] | invincible1
Message: You are probably right. I am too trying to become a good pelikan sicilian player. Why don't you play in a team anymore?
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