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11/10/2004 21:01:45 [ report this post ] |
Subject: When to fianchetto?
Message: I don't understand the concept of the fianchetto very well. It requires an extra move to set up (i.e., advancing the knight's pawn). It leaves holes. If the fianchettoed bishop takes a piece, it needs to go back to its hiding place, which requires yet another loss of tempo. And it's hard to protect the bishop from the opponent's bishop, if he threatens to exchange. Somewhere I read that you should only fianchetto when your bishop has no other way to leave its starting post, yet there are openings based on the fianchetto. Any reflections on the fianchetto, especially about when to do it and when to avoid it, would be most welcome. Please allow me to thank you in advance for your responses.
11/10/2004 23:40:06 [ report this post ] | Hypermodern openings
Message: In the Hypermodern openings, such as the Reti opening (1.Nf3 d5; 2. c4 e6; 3. g3 Nf6; Bg2 ...) the fianchetto is played because the idea is to attack the centre indirectly. Instead of occupying the centre fields pawns, bishops and knights are set up in such a way that they attack the centre from a distance. This way your opponent is lured into occupying the centre fields which you can attack later on in the game.
Ussually a fianchetto is played in slow games, where there is not much initiative on both sides. So losing one or more tempi do not automatically lead to a bad position.
An other advantage of fianchettoing the bishops is that you place the bishops on the main diagonals and they support a queen side or king side attack.
I reccomend not to fianchetto in open, fast games where initiative is the key word.
11/11/2004 06:57:19 [ report this post ] |
Message: if you've moved your knight pawn forward one square, you should definitely place your bishop there else you develop a color complex weakness.
I recommend Richard Reti, Modern Ideas in Chess if you want a quick overview of the principles of the fianchettoed bishop, as well as hypermodernism generally.
11/14/2004 14:50:23 [ report this post ] | fianchetto fever makes you hot!
Message: One should never fear the fianchetto in his opening moves in spite of tempo loss or awkwardness of moving the bishop or creating holes. Where would the SIcilian and English openings be without the fianchetto? The power of controlling the long diaganol of squares more than offsets the negative aspects of a bishop at g7 or b2
(or b7 or g2). The traps and pitfalls that natually develop from the fianchetto are
worth the dangers involved.
Richard Reti was the strongest proponent of the fianchetto and wrote convincingly for others to follow his reasoning.
I say "LONG LIVE THE FIANCHETTO!" If you avoid it, for whatever reason, you are
cutting yourself off from its benefits and giving your opponent the opportunity to use it against you. Avoidance of the fianchetto is bypassing one of the tactics that makes chess the fascinating game it is.
11/15/2004 04:03:53 [ report this post ] | Well Said . . .
Message: Well spoken, unclemick!
11/23/2004 15:26:20 [ report this post ] |
Message: The fianchettod bishop doesnt inhibit the pawns movements, and gives the bishop a diplomacy in that it has a certain freedom when to counteract with the enemy troops. U need to have some forsight and anticipate enemy troop movements to avoid being overrun.. look out for pinned knights and be sure to move ur pawns wisely. Begin playing the queens fianchetto a very nice opening! U cant make a sigle move in chess that doesnt leave some weaknesses ,, but keeping the pawns mobile and controlling the long diagonals r really awesome stuff!
If u have to x back with the fianchetto bishop u have probably gone the wrong way in your game ..fianchettos r not for woodpusher pacman gameplay
11/23/2004 15:39:43 [ report this post ] |
Message: Ive looked at your games and I see that u dont incorporate the pawns in your games but just use your center pawns or a - h pawns to maybe stop a pin..I can see why u dont like the fianchetto. U have yet not developed any positional feel and would have aprox a rating of 1200- 1300 in a timed game
11/24/2004 11:33:34 [ report this post ] | gunnarsamuelsson
Message: I feel insulted by "U have yet not developed any positional feel and would have aprox a rating of 1200- 1300 in a timed game." I didn't ask you for a rating, and I wouldn't respect a rating that came from someone whose rating at Gameknot was significantly beneath my own. Would you?
"U have yet not developed any positional feel"? How, then, do you suppose I got into the 86th percentile at Gameknot? Through luck?
The basic message I am getting from you is that my fianchetto would be more successful if I made better use of my pawns. Thanks for the suggestion. The rest of the message was, at best, useless to me.
In return, let me offer you a suggestion. I see that your average rating is >100 points higher than your opponents' average rating. If you tried playing against opponents who were more challenging, your rating would probably go down, but your skills might improve. My own average rating used to be a lot higher than my opponents' too, but I felt ashamed of myself. My average rating is now <50 points higher, and someday it will be equal.
11/24/2004 14:10:15 [ report this post ] | well
Message: ..ur playingstyle is purely materialistic, u dont use ur pawns to take terrain or try to get a positional edge on your opponent, u dont follow any plans like that but base your play on calculation of pieces exchanged. In this way u try to avoid all risks. U react to every threat of your opponent instead of trying to follow your own plans.. in that maybe your queenside attack is better then his kingside counterpart or vise versa. In fact u dont play defensive or attacking games at all but just try and outcalculate your opponent for material. I think your understanding of this game is hurt because of playing corr chess too much.
11/24/2004 19:12:32 [ report this post ] | gunnarsamuelsson
Message: Do you offer a snake to everyone who asks for bread? Welcome to my Ignore List!
11/24/2004 19:53:40 [ report this post ] | Fianchetto
Message: I'm not really that good; so, take this with a grain of salt. I used to play a lot of sicillian dragons and accelerated dragons, and it is my thought that by fianchettoing the king's bishop you actually gain an exchange in these openings. If you study these openings, black routinely gives up the exchange for white's dark square bishop, or to muck-up white's pawns to achive equallity. So, if black can give up an exchange in an opening charaterized by a fianchetto and still draw the game; then, logically, the fianchettoed bishop must be worth an extra exchange. It is just a theory, and, like I said, it is your decision how you ingest my humble opinion; I hope that my point of veiw can help. I made a post when I was of a lesser rating, and I was treated in same manner as gunnarsamuelsson treated you. It helped me immensely to be handled so roughly; so don't be angry, he's just trying to help. Lincoln once said, "Tact is the ability to describe people as they see themselves."
11/25/2004 01:43:46 [ report this post ] | Excellent
Message: advise and very well spoken of unclemick!!
Best wishes
11/28/2004 21:15:22 [ report this post ] | Hmmm
Message: If you are going to put a Bishop on b2,g2,b7 or g7 ... it is an excellent time to fianchetto. Some people also fianchetto to put their queen there however. Or their King, against the Benko Gambit. The latter seems to work well enough. The former is a little weird. If you find you have a knight fianchettoed in a Dragon Sicilian or a King's Indian ... you are usually about to lose quickly. Never fianchetto a Rook!
11/29/2004 10:40:32 [ report this post ] | Fianchetto in games for rich middle game play
Message: I had the same question about 1970. I've found that the fianchetto is not especially appropriate in open tactical games that require quick development of pieces for counterplay. Instead, it works well in games that develop more slowly, where pawns don't necessarily occupy the center, or in games where the bishop on b2 or g2 reinforces a pawn center that can become mobile as it advances. Take a look at white's 1st moves of 1. g3 2. Kf3. 3 Bg2 4. 00 .... a Reti type opening that is very flexible. Of course the action is usually delayed further into the middle game. I've also had good success with the unconventional 1. b4 2. Bb2 the so called Orangutang, Grob, or Polish opening. This usually involves control of the center with pieces while establishing pawns on the queen flank. The fianchetto type openings and defenses lead to more complicated positional play with rich combinations appearing in the middle game. Good luck with your trials.
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