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Subject: GAME SHOWCASE of Blitz to 30 min. games:

A place to show your Blitz game(s) or QuickChess, RapidChess ETC ... annotated or not. They may be entertaining, instructive, fun or pleasing, a best effort, humorous oversight, demonstrative of blitz technique, or completely overturning theory to show 1.e4 unsound !? Just like to see some GAMES !! Maybe some nice Traps-Sprung. !? Or that game, you just STILL can't believe you found that Move !
* * * * * * * * *
[My thought in making this Blitz Game thread is to separate from Turn-Based games since most of those will have GK Board-Lincs and these will not. And just due to Blitz games being expected to be less perfect :) but also highly dynamic and entertaining at times, and perhaps showing some differences between Blitz Moves & Techniques as compared to Correspondence types of play or even slower OTB. If something doesnt fit here exactly tho, I wont complain. I'd just like to see more game threads! ]



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Still Cant believe I found that move !

This is my happiest game so far for 2005. From a 5 min. Quad. It ends with BL giving WT a Piece (B) he can take with tempo since its check. Yet has little effect upon the outcome, since ... Rb7 offering another Rook sac forces WT to accept the Rook and get mated in two, or decline the Rook to lose his Queen and face the continuing onslaught afterward. Resignation was a good option.
The early opening is fairly theoretical example of King's Indian, Mar del Plata variation ... a former Fischer favorite as Black. Some brief notes will follow in a bit.
* * *
Subj: FICS history game: Etempusfugit 21
Date: 1/5/05 11:48:13 AM Central Standard Time
From: [email protected]
To: [email protected]

matenun (1811) vs. Etempusfugit (1861) --- Wed Jan 5 2005, 17:38 GMT
Rated Blitz match, initial time: 5 minutes, increment: 0 seconds.

Move matenun Etempusfugit
---- ---------------- ----------------
1. d4 (0:02) Nf6 (0:06)
2. Nf3 (0:01) d6 (0:02)
3. c4 (0:01) g6 (0:04)
4. Nc3 (0:01) Bg7 (0:01)
5. e4 (0:01) O-O (0:02)
6. Be2 (0:01) Nc6 (0:03)
7. O-O (0:02) e5 (0:03)
8. d5 (0:01) Ne7 (0:03)
9. Ne1 (0:03) Nd7 (0:03)
10. f3 (0:01) f5 (0:03)
11. Be3 (0:01) f4 (0:03)
12. Bf2 (0:01) g5 (0:02)
13. h3 (0:01) h5 (0:03)
14. Nd3 (0:03) b6 (0:08)
15. b4 (0:02) a5 (0:02)
16. a3 (0:04) axb4 (0:02)
17. axb4 (0:01) Rxa1 (0:02)
18. Qxa1 (0:01) Nf6 (0:04)
19. c5 (0:01) bxc5 (0:07)
20. bxc5 (0:01) g4 (0:04)
21. hxg4 (0:07) hxg4 (0:02)
22. cxd6 (0:04) cxd6 (0:12)
23. Bh4 (0:06) g3 (0:08)
24. Qa7 (0:10) Ng6 (0:09)
25. Bxf6 (0:02) Qxf6 (0:03)
26. Nb5 (0:02) Qh4 (0:05)
27. Rc1 (0:09) Rf7 (0:21)
28. Qb6 (0:06) Rb7 (0:34)
29. Rxc8+ (0:21) Kh7 (0:11)
{White resigned} 0-1



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Nice game

Very Craig-like, with its precise k-side pawn play. It's also completely intimidating, since it looks like you were in book until about white's 13th move...if I can stay in book 7-8 moves deep, I'm feeling pretty good. But now I must burst your bubble: it seems that your sacrifices were designed to move white's queen from the g1-a7 diagonal, to ensure that it would not be able to interpose itself along the lines of 1. ...Qh2+ 2. Kf1 Qh1+ 3. Qg2. But in fact 29. Rc7 seems to take care of this problem: 29. ... Rxc7 30. Nxc7 and black cannot dislodge the white queen.

29. Nc7, which I would have said works just as well, actually fails miserably in the face of 29. ... Ne7! 30. Rb8 [forced--a 30. Nxc8 forces the Q off the key diagonal] Nxd5! 31. exd5 [again forced--otherwise 31. ... Ne3 blocks the critical diagonal and threatens immediate mate] Rxc7 32. Qb6 Rc5 33. Qxc5 dxc5[white's move is another force--Nxc5 leads to quick mate via ...Qh2+, as does leaving the black rook alone. Even so, it looks like white will have to sacrifice a good deal of material to stave off imminent mate, and eventual mate is practically guaranteed]. I should make it clear that I credit the computer with all this, but I find it both pretty and enlightening.

But if I critique I suppose I must also share. The blitz game below is not pretty, and shows me (as white) at my fumbling-est, but I am fond of it for that moment of clarity I had while playing, the one where I was overwhelmed with confidence that I could break my opponent's back if only I started slamming my pieces into his.

1. e4 e6 2. d4 d5 3. Nc3 Nf6 4. Bg5 Be7 5. e5 Nfd7 6. Bxe7 Qxe7 7. f4 Nc6
8. Qd2 Qb4 9. O-O-O a5 10. a3 {Nb5 would probably have worked well here, but I was focused, as I seem to be too often these days, on starting a kingside pawnstorm.} 10... Qe7 11. Nf3 O-O 12. h3 f5 {One of the many times black could have opened a second front with ...Nb6. I was completely oblivious to it.} 13. g4 fxg4 {In a blitz game, I suppose it's easier to dispel tensions than work them out. I hadn't worked anything out, but I felt very strong after black's move.} 14. hxg4 Kh8 {This little move made no sense to me at the time, and perhaps black felt it was a good waiting move, but he's doomed himself. For this reason I offer the game: at this point, I knew, deep in my gut and without working out every detail, that I could launch an all-out assault and subdue him quickly. I don't often get those sensations, so it was something of a novelty to me. I dove right in, though not with the best move.} 15. Bd3 {The computer tells me Ng5!, and it makes sense; but at the time I didn't want to impede my pawns, so I didn't even consider it.} 15... h6 16. g5 Qf7 17. gxh6 Qxf4 {There is a mate from this point, but I didn't see it: 18. hxg7+ Kg8 19. Rh8+ Kf7 20. Qxf4+ Ke7 21. gxf8=Q+ Nxf8 22. Qxf8+ Kd7 23. Qe8#} 18. hxg7+ Kg8 19. gxf8=Q+ Qxf8 20. Rdg1+ Kf7 21. Rh7+ {This is just about the weakest choice. Qg5 was the way to go. From here on out, I stumble from one mating opportunity to another, never getting a firm grip on the right approach. I had no doubt I would win, but at the same time that initial thrill of attack had dissipated.} 21... Ke8 22. Bg6+ Kd8 23. Qg5+ Ne7 24. Nd2 c5 25. Rgh1 cxd4 26. Rh8 dxc3 27. bxc3 b5 28. Rxf8+ Nxf8 29. Rh8 Kd7 30. Rxf8 Nxg6 31. Qxg6 Kc7 32. Qf7+ Kc6 33. Qe7 Kb6 34. Rf7 a4 35. Qc7+ Ka6 36. Qc6+ Ka5 37. Qxa8+ Kb6 38. Qxc8 d4 39. Qc7+ Ka6 40. Qa7#



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aha ...A--ha......AHA !!

Very well Jeff, my first game above was a little flawed; I shoulda played 26 ... Rf7! first, not the natural feeling 26 ... Qh4. BUT, NOW I have here a game, at last, complete in its perfection, scrupulously clean, immaculate from conception; which NO despoiler of Chessic dreams can marr(!)(nor despoil) with anti-analysis, and so I present That-for-which-I-bartered-my-soul, "The Game of The Century" * }8-)
It's Bucklehead-proof !
*{2000 thru 2005, not 100 years and any resemblance to other games, living or dead, is purely coincidental}
Subj: FICS history game: tempusfugit 78
Date: 1/26/05 2:21:03 AM Central Standard Time
From: [email protected]
To: [email protected]

tempusfugit (1729) vs. mrROBERTT (2090) --- Wed Jan 26 2005, 8:17 GMT
Rated Blitz match, initial time: 5 minutes, increment: 0 seconds.

Move tempusfugit mrROBERTT
---- ---------------- ----------------
1. e4 (0:04) e5 (0:02)
2. d4 (0:01) exd4 (0:02)
3. Nf3 (0:01) c5 (0:01)
4. c3 (0:02) dxc3 (0:02)
5. Nxc3 (0:02) b6 (0:03)
6. Bc4 (0:04) Nc6 (0:03)
7. O-O (0:03) f6 (0:21)
8. Bf4 (0:15) Nge7 (0:08)
9. Nb5 (0:12) Ng6 (0:44)
10. Bc7 (0:37) Qe7 (0:16)
11. Nd6+ (0:11) Qxd6 (0:03)
12. Bxd6 (0:02) Bxd6 (0:01)
13. Qxd6 (0:03) Nge5 (0:04)
14. Nxe5 (0:13) Nxe5 (0:03)
15. Bd5 (0:06) Nc6 (0:17)
16. Bxc6 (0:10) dxc6 (0:05)
{Black resigned} 1-0



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A gem!

You outplayed him from the start, you and that Center Game of yours.... I enjoy that he spent an oblivious 8 sec. making 8. ...Nge7, then nearly a minute pondering his fate. 'Tis always the way, at least with me (I have far too many my-God-what-have-I-done moments).

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