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2/01/2005 05:56:45 [ report this post ] |
Subject: c3 sicilian
Message: I would like to start studying c3 sicilian. Does anyone know of any good books?
2/01/2005 11:45:21 [ report this post ] | Small help.
Message: The Everyman(publisher) book, Starting Out the Sicilian by John Emms has a chapter on the c3 sicilian. Its a start.
2/01/2005 12:16:48 [ report this post ] | Gary Lane,
Message: one of my favorite opening book authors, has a book called "Winning with the Closed Sicilian", which has a very favorable member review at Amazon.
2/01/2005 16:10:05 [ report this post ] | John Emms
Message: I am very fond of the writings and analysis of John Emms. I have not read the book apastpawn mentioned, but I have read other writings by him. I would strongly suggest any book by John Emms.
2/01/2005 16:21:48 [ report this post ] | None of these books cover the openings you want!!!
Message: You want to play the c3-sicilian which is 1. e4 c5 2. c3. "Starting Out: The Sicilian" by John Emms is about how to play the Sicilian AS BLACK so unless you are looking for simply how to play AGAINST the c3-sicilian, that book will be of no help. "Winning with the Closed Sicilian" doesn't even cover 2. c3 because the CLOSED SICILIAN is 1. e4 c5 2. Nc3 Nc6 3. g3.
Instead, I would recommend "Play the 2. c3 Sicilian" by Rozentalis. See the following link for more info:;=39ΠD=245
2/02/2005 07:17:53 [ report this post ] | 1..e6 2. d4 c5 move order
Message: Thanks for the info Marxisgod21.
Let ask you a question if I may. I am trying to develop a system against e4 with a tricky move order. 1. e4 e6 2. d4 c5 3. c3 and now it is c3 sicilian. Many players know how to play the french pretty well, so I don't want to allow d5 4. e5.
correct me if I am wrong but isn't c3 sicilian main line 3..d5 4. pxp Qxp
-do you know if these books will offer alternatives to 3..d5 ?
2/02/2005 14:44:12 [ report this post ] | You're right, marxisgod21
Message: I'm embarrassed. ws
2/02/2005 19:42:22 [ report this post ] |
Message: When I was still playing OTB I used "The Complete c3 Sicilian" by Murray Chandler ICE 1996 but I recently picked up "Play the 2.c3 Sicilian" by Rozentalis Gambit 2002. However recently I gave up on the 2.c3 Sicilian because its too easy for black to equalize in a correspondence type of game.
2/03/2005 13:24:23 [ report this post ] | Do you want to play the White or Black side?
Message: I'm confused as to whether you want to know how to play against the c3-sicilian with you as black, or whether you want to adopt the c3 with white. Once I know that, I can answer your question better.
2/04/2005 06:29:39 [ report this post ] | as black
Message: Sorry, I meant to be more clear on that. I want to play it as black.
2/04/2005 16:50:34 [ report this post ] | in that case
Message: I would recommend "Anti-sicilians A Guide for Black" by Dorian Rogozenko it not only covers the c3 Sicilian but all those other pesky anti-sicilians.
2/05/2005 08:32:33 [ report this post ] | The Rogozenko Book is Good
Message: "Anti-Sicilians: A Guide For Black" is indeed an excellent book, however, against the c3-sicilian, it only covers 1. e4 c5 2. c3 Nf6 and not 2...d5 or any other reply.
JStack, 2...Nf6 3. e5 Nd5 4. d4 and 2...d5 3. exd5 Qxd5 4. d4 are the two main lines of the c3-sicilian. As far as your specific line, you're probably better off simply playing 1. e4 c5 and keeping it simple as I think 1. e4 e6 2. d4 c5 is trickier for black than for white. Firstly, 3. c3 transposes to a line of the c3-sicilian which is good for white and that's where the game will stay unless you decide to play 3...d5 and transpose to an French Advance, this is probably the best move against 3. c3. Instead, 3. Nf3 transposes to an open sicilian (usually reached via 1. e4 c5 2. Nf3 e6 3. d4) and white could perhaps even try 3. d5!? and try to reach a Benoni or King's Indian type position.
Unless there are other anti-sicilian lines you're trying to avoid by playing 1. e4 e6, I would stick with 1. e4 c5 if you intend to play the Sicilian because it allows you greater flexibility instead of committing yourself to a setup with ...e6.
2/05/2005 20:11:11 [ report this post ] | What I figured
Message: For some reason I suspected 3..d5 was the best reply for black. Well, I still want to study the alternatives...maybe I can discover something that will be complicated with chances for both sides..
I don't mind comitting to e6 sicilian set ups. I really only feel comfortable with one variation of the sicilian(Taimanov). I also feel comfortable with closed sicilian. I am still working on how to deal Bb5 and smith morra gambit. I like openings where it is enough to be familiar with ideas rather than memorising moves. So, I stay away from the dragon and Nadjorf.
As for the other transpositions I am comfortable with kings Indian type positions and french advanced
Through my seems to me there is at least one advantage to playing the black side of 1. e4 e6 2. d4 c5 3. c3 d5 and that is it avoids the exchange variation which I don't really like to play. Since pxp Qxp is fine for black as white can't play a knight to c3
2/06/2005 06:24:05 [ report this post ] | 3..d5 4. exd5 Qxd5 avoids exchange
Message: 1. e4 e6 2. d4 c5 3. c3 d5 4. exd5 Qxd5 transposes to a variation of the c3-sicilian that is usually reached via 1. e4 c5 2. c3 d5 3. exd5 Qxd5 4. d4 e6
2/06/2005 07:51:50 [ report this post ] | 1.e4 c5 2.c3 d6!?
Message: An interesting plan to play is 1.e4 c5 2.c3 d6!?
Playing 2...d6!? instead of 2...d5 Black protects the e5 square and goes for a fast Bg4.Very often, after 3-4 moves he plays d6-d5 hitting the centre.The play that occurs is tactical and the development of your pieces is the most important factor.
For example:
3.d4 Nf6 and if 4.dxc5 Nc6! with an excellent position for Black.
The main line is 4.Bd3 Nc6 when the most of the variations transpose to a French Defence with your light-square bishop at g4 or to Dragon-type and Sheveningen-type positions.
If you are interested in this line watch one of my current games:;=684
2/06/2005 12:27:55 [ report this post ] | jstack
Message: The Smith-Morra gambit can be declined and turned into a c3 Sicilian playing whatever line Black desires. 1. e4 c5 2. d4 cd: 3. c3 d5 or 3. ... Nf6 transposing to main line c3 Sicilians.
CT (Bogg)
2/07/2005 20:22:57 [ report this post ] | thanks bogg
Message: I was not looking foward to having to figure out the smith morra gambit.
thanks to everyone else for the replies. I think I will probably start with
"Play the 2. c3 Sicilian" by Rozentalis
2/10/2005 19:41:27 [ report this post ] | fascinating line poulovas
Message: I would have never thought of playing 2... d6 with the possibility of entering french like positions. I will definitely have to give it a try.
However, the possibility of 3. c4 entering the marcozy Bind concerns me. Of course white would be a tempo down after 2. c3 in this line. But, what if white plays 2. Nf3 d6 3.c4. This opening has been giving me a hard time in OTB play. Probably its not so bad, I just need to put some time into studying it more thoroughly
2/10/2005 20:57:42 [ report this post ] | 2..c5 2..e6
Message: marxisgod21, I have started to look at the Nc3 Benoi positions in the 2..e6 move order I mentioned and I have to admit black is definitely at a disadvantage. I haven't been able to find a game where black has reasonable counterplay.
so, I am going back to 1..c5 but not necessarily to play the sicilian but the french. Like you said it is more flexible. I might be wrong but it seems to me it improves the assessment of the Nc3 french lines. For example after...
1.e4 c5 2.Nf3 e6 3.d4 d5 4.Nc3 Nf6 5.Bg5 Be7 6.e5 Nfd7
7. h4 aiming for the Chatard-alekhine attack type position is less effective with a knight on f3 blocking the queen from the the d1-h5 diagonal. Also, black having a pawn on c5 already is a plus for black achieving counterplay
similarly after...
1.e4 c5 2.Nf3 e6 3.d4 d5 4.Nc3 Nf6 5.Bg5 dxe4 6.Nxe4 Nbd7 7.Bb5 Qa5+ 8.Nc3 Be7 black is no worse.
It seems to me white's better chance is with the advanced french as he enters the normal lines here. Also 2. c4 is a possibility. And of course c3 sicilian is also possible along with smith morra gambit.
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