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Subject: Avoiding Panov-Botvinnik Attack with 3...Qxd5?!

Is this not too bad an idea for people who would like to avoid the Panov attack (or even the 3.Bd3 Exchange Variation) of the Caro-Kann?
The position looks similar to that of the Center-Counter Game (or Scandinavian Defense): 1.e4 d5 2.exd5 Qxd5, where White has played d4 and Black c6.

1.e4 c6 2.d4 d5 3.exd5 Qxd5?!
so, what do you think?

4.c4 might be a good option now for White.
4.Nc3 would lead to lines fairly popular in the Scandinavian.



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I've been thinking that it's probably wiser, if a person prefers 3...Qxd5 to 3...cxd5, to play the Scandinavian solely instead of the Caro-Kann.
I guess my real question is>>> Is the Panov-Botvinnik attack something to be really feared? I've been trying hard to choose one opening against 1.e4, but I've alway had trouble. I usually switch between 1...Nf6 and 1...d5, and lately I've been trying 1...c6.



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Hi Steve !

I was hoping you'd get some more responses, bcuz I dont have much. But what there is: Should the Panov-Botvinnik be feared? I don't. I'd rather have Black.
If you can get ahold of some games by Bob Curry from APCT by google or whatever ... he's a 2300 ish corr master who plays the Caro & has actually published a systematic account of his goals in the opening. And has brought out some new ideas too. Its worth a look if findable.
Agree with you that the Scandinavian & Caro-Kann are often very closely related.
About the line you give: The Scandinavian line of 2...Qxd5 3.Nc3 Qa5 often does use that ...c6 move anyway, so seems to be no waste & looks to be quite transpositional to me. Though not forcibly, as you mentioned white can try to todd the c4 or such. Yet never seems to in the Scandi-proper, so the question, "Is that really any better here?"
I play the Scandi like this quite often: 1.e4 d5 2.ed Nf6 3.d4 Qxd5 and from there play a number of the retreats Qd1, Qa5 (sometimes to h5 later!?) etc. Not tried Qd6 yet but shall sometime. Anyway, my favorite plan from Qxd5 is; to get into a David C. Taylor ...Bf5 line. And he wrote a book about it, with Alex Dunne as co-author, sometime after Taylor won the USA Usccc Championship by Championing that opening setup. Would be a good read for any Scandi player. Or a lot of the USCCC games can be Googled. Perhaps those.
Anyway, I dont experience much trouble playing the Qxd5 with my Nf6 out. So it would seem like your having a thematic ...c6 already played shouldn't be too odd to live I'd guess. Regards, Craig A.C.
I always find your ideas interesting premium_steve !



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I checked my database

and found about 150 games. After 4. Nf3 Nf6 5. Be2 Bf5 6. O-O e6 7. c4 White scores about 4% better than he does in general. Statistics seem to indicate that this isn't best play for Black, but it doesn't seem to miss the mark by to far, and that is a small sample. You don't seem to be giving up much equity, so if you like the position why not give it a try?

CTC (Bogg)



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Why not indeed!

Being a Scandinavian player myself (with Anderssen's 3...Qa5, 4. d4 e5 being my preferred line), I do not see anything really wrong with 3...Qxd5. Against 1.e4 c6 2. c4 it would not really be an option for a conservative player though a gambiteer could go with 2...d5 3. exd5 cxd5 4. cxd5 Qxd5 5. Nc3 Qa5 with White having 6. Qa4+, 6. d4 or 6. Nf3 as options.

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