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12/02/2005 13:00:03 [ report this post ] |
Subject: Email/Correspondence Chess
Message: Anyone @ gameknot play email/correspondence chess?
12/02/2005 13:02:13 [ report this post ] | but,
Message: isn't Gameknot a correspondence chess site?
12/02/2005 13:21:00 [ report this post ] | Yes, GK is a......
Message: correspondence chess site and yes I play
email chess. Have a few games going with
the US Chess Federation and also at IECG.
12/02/2005 14:39:47 [ report this post ] | Nice
Message: I play there as well,but my rating or elo is no lower at IECG, and slightly lower at IECC,Also play at WCCF highest rating/elo except my rating/elo at gameknot.
Whats it all mean , lot of fun...... ;o)
12/02/2005 15:04:02 [ report this post ] | GK & corr. chess
Message: Back when I started playing Chess by mail in the 1980's it was called Postal Chess. And then sometime in that same decade (I think) it became Correspondence Chess instead. A change of name, tho the sport was the same. For EG the USA's open championship tournament in ICCF became known as the USCCC (United Stated Correspondence Chess Championship). Then along came play be computer. Mainly on Leisure Link, later to become known as USA Today Sport Center. And on Compu-
Serve. (Where you paid 8 cents and 25 cents respectively for the privilege ... about $5 and $15 per hour). Still postal Chess kept the Corr label and online became another form of it, usually differentiated in some way. When APCT (Amer. Postal Chess Tournaments) added online sections to it's offerings (late 80's or very early 90's) they were labeled as "Electro" sections.
Time controls in those days were almost invariably a flat 3 days per move, or 10 moves in 30 days, whether Postal or Online. Someone may have had 10 moves in 20 days.
Now GK offers "Turn-Based" Chess, as its moniker for online correspondence play here. And wonderfully this is free or at a yearly rate, not dollars per hour !! And with many more time control options. And having the very slick and convenient ability to play on gameboards right on the site. That seems like it must be much easier and convenient than e-mail Chess?! That I don't really know since I've never played by e-mail. From what I've seen/understand of that it appears to be somewhat of a cross between Turn-Based and the old traditional Postal Chess ... basically Postal Chess played via e-mail rather than post office delivery.
In a way there might be some advantage in that, for me or persons used to Postal or OTB, in having to set up a board and look at the game anew each time. EG In postal, that I was accustomed to, I did not find myself making 'hasty-move' errors as I've done here at times. And could just "see" better on a 'real' board than computer board ... so perhaps via e-mail would be a good in-between form of play.
After familiarity of over 20 years with a real physical Chess board. [And at least some e-mail play used a simulated postcard to show moves on, i hear.] But after getting adjusted to this format (which Leisure Linc used as well) it is much more convenient and hard to beat in that regard, especially with the Analyze Game option here; plus the ability to keep game notes right with the board, & to access the GK d-base directly from there too. So I have never gone back and even tried any e-mail play.
The way I've come to see things at this time is to consider play by mail as Postal Chess; that along with the two forms of ONLINE Chess, Turn-Based and e-mail Chess, are what I think of as Correspondence Chess ... now having those 3 main forms.
I know that at times some games have been played over telephone or radio too. To me I suppose I would consider these as yet more forms of correspondence play.
[I believe there was a GM (Fischer!? ) once allowed to play an actual tournament game over radio or phone (to Havana perhaps!?). And there have been some consultation games played in that way. Also some city vs city matches.
In the USA -1970's- there was even a College Chess league which I believe may have transmitted moves in some manner. Unless I am confusing that with the City contests. Whichever it was, i think the games were really more like an OTB event that was just transmitted, rather than true Corr play in which days, and reference materials could be used. Perhaps someone more familiar might comment/clarify on that. Both fmgaijin and fimath competed in the College league. Anyone else here>?]
chuckventimiglia , I was wondering if you (or anyone with similar experience?) might be willing to comment more about your e-mail Chess experience>? Having preference? Differeces, likes, dislikes in comparison? etc. It would interest me quite a lot and so I was thinking that probably others would be interested as well. Did you play in the match that GK had vs the e-mail site for instance? {IECG ?!}
They never did give GK a rematch with our having "homesite" advantage, did they? I think they made GK play via e-mail both times to match against them. Which hardly seemed fair in the opinion of me and many here at GK.
GK DID play and win a "Friendly Match" before that vs the CCLA organization. Does anyone know of anymore matches coming up in the future, with GK vs anyone else?
Craig A.C. }8-)
PS// btw, zfreez are you playing by e-mail? (What do You think of it?) Or other sites ....
12/02/2005 22:35:46 [ report this post ] | Telephone/Radio Matches
Message: Craig:
You're thinking of the old National Chess League, which was an American city vs. city league (not a college league) with moves transmitted over the telephone. Time controls were normal, but the games took much longer due to the move transmission time. I did play in a college vs. college radio match in the old days, too, but that wasn't a league.
P.S. Fischer played in Havana via telex because the U.S. would not issue him a visa to play in person . . .
12/03/2005 12:04:29 [ report this post ] | I believe the match that....
Message: GK had was with IECC the sister club to
IECG. I used to be a TD for IECC and played
with them for about 5 years then quit the club
for various reasons.
I have kept my membership with IECG and still play
email chess with them although they have a
webchess server now as well.
Email chess and Postal chess are ok but they have
a lot of problems tied with them. With Postal chess,
which I still play with the USCF and their Golden Knights
tourneys, it is record keeping but with the advent of
chess programs like Chessbase and the like the record
keeping is minimized. Nothing worse than a computer
crash to erase all of your moves in postal chess matches.
Email chess allows the record keeping to be minimal
also because the IECG requires that the entire move
record be sent with each transmission [which all my
opponents have always done] so if you have
a computer crash then the next transmission of email
restores all the moves. The reflection time for IECG is
10 move/40 days with the "unused" time being carried
over so there is more than ample time to play the
Webservers like GK is the way to go. There is virtually
zero record keeping and there is no need to set up
a chess board because the game can be played directly
from the screen although I still use my Chessbase 8 to
record all my moves and use their board to make my moves.
Postal chess always had the problem of cards being lost
in the mail. If you are losing a game and your card gets
lost there is always the opponent that does not believe
that the card was "lost." :-) Anyhow, it happens!! With
email chess you always have your "sent" mail as your
"receipt" that the move was sent.
So in my opinion email chess was a big improvement over
postal chess and the advent of webservers is a big
improvement over email. I still play in all 3 venues but
my postal and email are now very minimal. Basically
play in IECG and the USCF to keep my membership active
and current.
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