From | Message |
hardland chess
1/15/2006 11:50:43 play online chess | Subject: Wijk An Zee
Message: Are you following the tournment? Have anything to talk about?
alberlie chess
1/15/2006 14:46:55 play online chess | YES
Message: It's a shame that Lahno screwed this up against Motyleev today.
And I'm happy for Adams - did you see that screenshot on where he's analyzing with Seirawan? It seems that even the buttons on his suit are grinning from ear to ear :o))
bucklehead chess
1/15/2006 14:47:15 play online chess | A promising start...
Message: ...despite (though some might say "because of") a complete lack of Petrovs through round two. I guess you take Kramnik out of the mix and sparks start to fly.
I haven't analyzed any of the games in depth, but on tonight's plate is Adams' round-two KO of Topalov--it looks to be the kind of convincing punch none of the competitors in San Luis could deliver. Kamsky's also brought a smile to my face, choosing (and losing with) the Scandinavian (!) against Toppy in round one and yet knocking Gelfand around in round two.
Tomorrow looks like a bit of a bust, but I'll probably be paying close attention to Ivanchuk-Anand myself.
basbos chess
1/15/2006 16:29:44 play online chess | Anand
Message: I'm a huge fan of Anand but today after losing two pawns in the endgame, it seems that I will change my opinion unless he make something next game.
hardland chess
1/15/2006 18:05:11 play online chess |
Message: I've only had time to look deeply Topalov/Kamsky and Anand/Karjakin.
I don't understand how Kamsky had choosen a Scandinavian!. I like the 1.e4 d5 for "social" games. But,... in a tournment? I wait for some kind o "magical" new variant, but there was no such a thing, or I cannot see it.
In the other Anand is Anand.
bucklehead chess
1/15/2006 18:39:47 play online chess | Anand
Message: I don't think he "lost" two pawns in that endgame--it feels to me like he traded down to Philidor-type position, a book draw. Any opinion from the endgame experts?
ccmcacollister chess
1/16/2006 00:12:17 play online chess | isnt there
Message: some link to these games, being discussed?
basbos chess
1/16/2006 04:29:36 play online chess | Link
Message: ->
look at ruond two Anand vs Aronian 1/2-1/2
basbos chess
1/16/2006 04:32:29 play online chess | Especially
Message: move 55Kg2
ccmcacollister chess
1/16/2006 04:48:05 play online chess | THanks basbos!
Message: So good to be linked!
And lets not forget Van der Wiel - Afek when considering the StrangeGame Award?!
basbos chess
1/16/2006 11:41:51 play online chess |
Message: :-)
hardland chess
1/17/2006 08:35:14 play online chess |
Message: If you have problem with the link to coruschess, it's also -> after the games are finished.
They also privide coments in many lenguages, if you prefer to read them in other lenguage than English.
Corus has the advantage of seeing them play in real time. You can say..."mmm Topy has to put that Knight here...mmm Anand shouldn't do that move..." and... minutes later... you'll realize why they are there and why you're not!
bucklehead chess
1/20/2006 08:04:08 play online chess | Kamsky defeats Anand!!!
Message: Gata Kamsky, who's been slapped around all tournament long and was in last place, just took down the (heretofore) undefeated Anand!
[Event "Corus 2006"]
[Date "2006.01.20"]
[Round "6"]
[White "GMKamsky"]
[Black "GMAnand"]
[Result "1-0"]
[WhiteElo "2690P"]
[BlackElo "2788P"]
[ECO "D20"]
[TimeControl "7200"]
1. d4 d5 2. c4 dxc4 3. e4 Nf6 4. e5 Nd5 5. Bxc4 Nb6 6. Bd3 Nc6 7. Ne2 Be6 8.
Nbc3 Qd7 9. Ne4 Bd5 10. Be3 O-O-O 11. a3 Qe8 12. Qc2 f5 13. N4c3 Bxg2 14. Rg1
Bf3 15. Bxf5+ e6 16. Bh3 Kb8 17. Rg3 Bxe2 18. Nxe2 Nd5 19. Nc3 Nxe3 20. fxe3
Qh5 21. Qe2 Qxe2+ 22. Kxe2 Re8 23. Rf1 Nd8 24. Ne4 g6 25. Ng5 Re7 26. Rgf3
Bh6 27. Nf7 Nxf7 28. Rxf7 Rhe8 29. R1f6 a5 30. Rxe7 Rxe7 31. Rxe6 Rxe6 32.
Bxe6 Bg5 33. d5 Ka7 34. Bg8 h6 35. Bf7 Kb6 36. Bxg6 Kc5 37. Bf7 h5 38. Kd3 h4
39. h3 b5 40. Ke4 b4 41. axb4+ axb4 42. b3 Bh6 43. Bh5 Bg5 44. Be2 Bh6 45.
Bc4 Bg5 46. Kf5 Bxe3 47. d6 1-0
ketchuplover chess
1/20/2006 15:50:17 play online chess |
Message: Carlsen rocks!!!!!
cairo chess
1/21/2006 02:12:40 play online chess | Carlsen
Message: certainly rocks, but he must have have used all his luck in his last game against Naiditsch, were he was loosing thick and suddenly Naiditsch made a blunder and lost!!
Best wishes
alberlie chess
1/21/2006 02:46:51 play online chess |
Message: He played/plays his last three tourneys with an tpr of 2700+ - I guess that accounts for part of his luck :o))