From | Message |
roland_l chess
1/26/2006 23:50:59 play online chess | Subject: Your favorite line as black in the Sicillian ...
Message: Against 1. e4 I'm going soley with c5, the sicillian for a bit. Anyone here care to share your favorite line as black? After 2.Nf3 I've been playing only d6 recently. It has its share of opportunities and problems. I thought the key for black in the sicillain was to attack the queen side, large via the open c file, but I've had a hard time 'getting that going'.
Anyone care to share on this?
vegeta17 chess
1/27/2006 04:22:22 play online chess |
Message: I'm in the same boat as you!
I just started playing the exact same way. I've recently started study on the matter but the books I have are usually based on white making the best move. This doesn't seem to happen much in my rating group so it is making for some interesting games.
Everyone I've played so far castles short and I surely have problems attacking that side considering my dark square bishop. Better to play for material?
I'm just getting started so I'd love to see were this thread goes.
cairo chess
1/27/2006 04:50:07 play online chess | Sicilian Najdorf
Message: 90% of all my replies to 1.e4 is 1.... c5 and mostly the following line:
1.e4 c5 2.Nf3 d6 3.d4 cxd4 4.Nxd4 Nf6 5.Nc3 a6! it is always exciting to see, what white will play in his 6th move!
Good luck!
Best wishes
roland_l chess
1/27/2006 21:00:59 play online chess | Cairo ...
Message: I'm finding most of my lines go this way as well. Two .. well three problems I have
1. what to do with my e pawn? e6 or e5? Care to share principles behind the differences here?
2. What to do when white puts his queen on d2, and then Bg5? Put the question to the bishop? If so, the Bishop sac (Bxh6 gxh6, Qxh6) seems particularly dangerous to me, but I'm not sure.
3. Good aggressive ideas on the queen side after devoloping?
cairo chess
1/28/2006 00:33:32 play online chess | It's
Message: a matter of taste and temper, the choice between e6 or e5, perhaps e5 is more obligatory, since black's pawnstructure are moreless permanent.
After white's 6th move 6.Bg5 e6 follow by 7.f4 black has a choice of the notorious "poisened pawn" variation with his 7.... Qb6!? or a slowly development with 6.... Be7, again a matter of taste and temper.
No matter what black or white decide of lines in the Sicilian Najdorf, it almost always lead to unbalanced positions and in many casses to opposite castling and this is really what you want, to bring the game across the drawing line!
Good "skullcrushing" onwards!
masros chess
1/28/2006 10:56:05 play online chess |
Message: I go for Sveshnikov!
snakeking chess
1/28/2006 21:56:02 play online chess | sveshnikov
Message: I agree with you masros. I love the sveshnikov sicilian. Exciting stuff... 1. e4 c5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. d4 cxd4 4. Nxd4 Nf6 5. Nc3 e5! 6. Ndb5 d6 7. Bg5 a6 8. Na3 b5 9. Bxf6 gxf6! 10. Nd5 f5! Black usually gets a huge pawn center. Sometimes even a kingside attack using that open g file. :)
ruzina chess
1/29/2006 01:17:32 play online chess | Sicilian
Message: I like Sicilian also. But I often use Kan/Paulsen �variation: 1. e4 c5 2. Nf3 e6 3. d4 cxd4 4. Nxd4 a6
It�s an interesting opening, but I�ve had some problems with it lately, getting bad positions against strong opponents. Maybe Najdorf and Sveshnikov are better.
But anyway Sicilians are fun, because they are challenging white early. Brave choise :-)
ionadowman chess
1/29/2006 11:15:46 play online chess | Roland_l - in answer...
Message: In the Najdorf, you would normally prefer ...e5 to ...e6, but this depends very much on White's choice at move 6. If White plays one of the more aggressive lines, 6.Bg5 or 6.Bc4, Black plays 6...e6. 6...e4 doesn't seem to come into question against the former, and leaves a weak light-square complex in Black's centre against 6.Bc4. (I used to play ...e5 a few moves later in this line, but it was a very risky policy!) Against most other 6th moves by White, 6...e5 is indicated. Against the older attack 6.f4, I gather that 6...Qc7 is preferred, delaying Black's intended ...e5 a few moves in the interests of building counterpressure against White's centre - something like: 6.f4 Qc7 7.Bd3 b5 8.Qe2 Nbd7 9.Nf3 e5... I admit this is old theory, though! 6.f4 e5 might yet be playable.
ionadowman chess
1/29/2006 18:43:45 play online chess | Some further investigation...
Message: ...indicates that you don't play an early ...e5 against Weaver Adams's line 6.h3. In response, any of 6...e6, 6...Nc6 or even 6...g6 are playable. Against Bobby Fischer in 1962, Najdorf tried 6...b5. The Byrne Line, 6.Be3, seems to be quite hard to meet. 6...e5 appears to be a popular response, but White's record looks pretty good against it. And if some maniac plays 6.a4 (presumably to discourage a future ...b5), Black usually interposes 6...Nc6 and then 7...e5. Alternatively, Black can conjure up a species of Dragon to oppose it: 6.a4 g6.
schnarre chess
1/31/2006 23:03:29 play online chess | Hmmnnn...
Message: I'll definitely concur with the Sveshnikov's viability!
I myself use the offbeat line 2...Na6. Not easy to use, but scrappy.