From | Message |
mattdw chess
2/10/2006 08:23:16 play online chess | Subject: FORUM game #3 (FG#3) Continued...
Message: It seems that the old thread is now full, let the battle continue! My move for white is [13. Rb1].
1. e4 Nf6
2. e5 Nd5
3. d4 d6
4. Nf3 dxe5
5. Nxe5 e6
6. Bd3 Nc6
7. Nxc6 bxc6
8. O-O Bd6
9. c4 Nf6
10. Nc3 0-0
11. Bg5 h6
12. Bh4 Rb8
13. Rb1...
olean_don chess
2/10/2006 18:46:29 play online chess |
Message: mind if I contribute for black g5
sumsar chess
2/11/2006 01:39:20 play online chess | 13... g5
Message: the black move by olean_don So the moves are so far:
1. e4 Nf6
2. e5 Nd5
3. d4 d6
4. Nf3 dxe5
5. Nxe5 e6
6. Bd3 Nc6
7. Nxc6 bxc6
8. O-O Bd6
9. c4 Nf6
10. Nc3 0-0
11. Bg5 h6
12. Bh4 Rb8
13. Rb1 g5
mattdw chess
2/11/2006 01:42:01 play online chess |
Message: Of course! Just put the move in the usual format in the subject and copy and paste the moves played up to that point into your post so that people don't miss it by mistake!
mattdw chess
2/11/2006 02:08:39 play online chess |
Message: That was strange, I'm it didn't take me that long to type that message!
appelfflap chess
2/11/2006 02:23:23 play online chess | 14. Bg3
Message: I take the easy moves :)
ccmcacollister chess
2/11/2006 04:55:22 play online chess | WELL now, I must Say . . .
Message: Now that ya mention it, I think 7...bxc6 was a very strong move~!
Perhaps deserving of an Exclam, no!?
* * *
olean_don chess
2/11/2006 06:34:37 play online chess | 14. Bxg3
Message: 1. e4 Nf6
2. e5 Nd5
3. d4 d6
4. Nf3 dxe5
5. Nxe5 e6
6. Bd3 Nc6
7. Nxc6 bxc6
8. O-O Bd6
9. c4 Nf6
10. Nc3 0-0
11. Bg5 h6
12. Bh4 Rb8
13. Rb1 g5
14. Bg3 Bxg3
move for black
olean_don chess
2/11/2006 06:47:32 play online chess | sorry
Message: my move don't count. 2 consecutive moves
sumsar chess
2/11/2006 06:47:59 play online chess | SORRY
Med venlig hilsen Sumsar
alberlie chess
2/11/2006 07:11:41 play online chess | 14. ... Kg7
Message: 1. e4 Nf6
2. e5 Nd5
3. d4 d6
4. Nf3 dxe5
5. Nxe5 e6
6. Bd3 Nc6
7. Nxc6 bxc6
8. O-O Bd6
9. c4 Nf6
10. Nc3 0-0
11. Bg5 h6
12. Bh4 Rb8
13. Rb1 g5
14. Bg3 Kg7
ionadowman chess
2/12/2006 11:15:19 play online chess | I was wondering why...
Message: move 7 Black was prepared to accept such a ragged pawn structure. However, it seems that the ...Bd6 'ties in ' the central position quite nicely without constricting the bishop's mobility, and the b-file might prove valuable for Black. (It's not easy discussing moves 5 moves after the fact without reference to subsequent events... Perhaps, I'll make my point with the move 15. Be5 (!?) )
1. e4 Nf6
2. e5 Nd5
3. d4 d6
4. Nf3 dxe5
5. Nxe5 e6
6. Bd3 Nc6
7. Nxc6 bxc6
8. O-O Bd6
9. c4 Nf6
10. Nc3 0-0
11. Bg5 h6
12. Bh4 Rb8
13. Rb1 g5
14. Bg3 Kg7
15. Be5
alberlie chess
2/12/2006 11:52:48 play online chess | no... :o|
Message: ... ionadwoman, you can't do that. You can't block our pawns from moving. That's unethical ;o)
olean_don chess
2/12/2006 11:55:31 play online chess | 15 c5 for blak
Message: 1. e4 Nf6
2. e5 Nd5
3. d4 d6
4. Nf3 dxe5
5. Nxe5 e6
6. Bd3 Nc6
7. Nxc6 bxc6
8. O-O Bd6
9. c4 Nf6
10. Nc3 0-0
11. Bg5 h6
12. Bh4 Rb8
13. Rb1 g5
14. Bg3 Kg7
15,Be5 c5
alberlie chess
2/12/2006 12:22:45 play online chess | I wonder...
Message: whether 9. ... Nf6 such a good idea. Maybe Ne7 c5 Bxh2+ Kxh2 Qxd4 would have been fun? Black would still have to castle but I'm quite sure that there would be a third pawn somewhere and though the doubled pawns don't look too nice, they do control some central squares for black and after an eventual Nd5 and Rb8 maybe black would have been quite ok?
ionadowman chess
2/13/2006 00:12:29 play online chess | C'mon alberlie...
Message: ...I'm 'the mildest mannered man that ever scuttled a ship or cut a throat.' ;-)) But 15. Be5 might be worth discussing later on. Back to the speculative line you suggest, has Black (objectively speaking of course) enough attack? After 11...Qxd4, 12.Be3 seems to put paid to any notions of picking up the 3rd pawn. It's not clear that the check (12...Qh4+) does more than buy a tempo, maybe to activate the QR (threatening the b2-pawn) before castling or otherwise developing Black's position.
I'm a bit curious about this line: 6...Nc6 looks very sus for Black, owing to ragged pawn structure that results. Maybe 6...Nd7 is indicated? But maybe there are compensations in the form of the open b-file, and the bishop looks very comfortable on d6. White's approach to this whole line seems very restrained (I should talk: 3. Nc3 used to be my response to Alekhine's, though I do have a 4-pawns in progress at the moment...). What's the theory behind all this?
alberlie chess
2/13/2006 01:02:07 play online chess | no!
Message: On Be3 b2 hangs!
ionadowman chess
2/13/2006 02:54:26 play online chess | My mistake...
Message: I had inadvertently interpolated Nc3 when playing it through. Sorry about that! So much for 12. Be3 then! Actually, the line looks playable, for mine, though not as good as I had thought! E.g. 12. Be3 Qxb2 13.Nd2, say, or even 13.Qa4 (Qxa1?? 14.Bd4).
12. Qc2 doesn't look very inspiring, but do we want to write off the c-pawn? 12. Nc3 Qxc5!? 13. Be3 for example? Not bad for White: actively placed pieces. But if Black manages to build up a big, solid centre, white's pieces might find good squares hard to come by. On the other hand, Black has to find a decent square for the queen - not as easy as it looks! - and to mobilise the rest of his army. Ordinarily, one would like at least one protected advanced pawn (not necessarily passed) when trading piece for pawns, too, but there are none here. An interesting line, alberlie! I do find 'positional' sacrifices more intriguing than tactical ones, with a persistent spatial advantage outweighing the material deficit! In the line you suggest it is not so much a material deficit as a material asymmetry, with Black having (potentially) a more solid centre, but Black's chances would still seem to be pretty nebulous.
appelfflap chess
2/13/2006 03:25:10 play online chess | 16. f4
Message: I don't like the fact that black wasn't allowed to exchange the bisschops because of a stupid mistake by someone.I hope it won't happen when a queen is attacked for example.
cairo chess
2/13/2006 04:58:14 play online chess | 16.... Bb7
Message: 1. e4 Nf6
2. e5 Nd5
3. d4 d6
4. Nf3 dxe5
5. Nxe5 e6
6. Bd3 Nc6
7. Nxc6 bxc6
8. O-O Bd6
9. c4 Nf6
10. Nc3 0-0
11. Bg5 h6
12. Bh4 Rb8
13. Rb1 g5
14. Bg3 Kg7
15. Be5 c5
16. f4 Bb7
sough chess
2/13/2006 13:52:14 play online chess | 17.fxg5
Message: 1. e4 Nf6
2. e5 Nd5
3. d4 d6
4. Nf3 dxe5
5. Nxe5 e6
6. Bd3 Nc6
7. Nxc6 bxc6
8. O-O Bd6
9. c4 Nf6
10. Nc3 0-0
11. Bg5 h6
12. Bh4 Rb8
13. Rb1 g5
14. Bg3 Kg7
15. Be5 c5
16. f4 Bb7
I'm somewhat hesistant to almost ignore the last move coming from a player ranked so high as cairo but to the best of my knowledge the pawn capture will lead to good things for us.
olean_don chess
2/13/2006 15:11:11 play online chess | 17..Bxe5
Message: 1. e4 Nf6
2. e5 Nd5
3. d4 d6
4. Nf3 dxe5
5. Nxe5 e6
6. Bd3 Nc6
7. Nxc6 bxc6
8. O-O Bd6
9. c4 Nf6
10. Nc3 0-0
11. Bg5 h6
12. Bh4 Rb8
13. Rb1 g5
14. Bg3 Kg7
15. Be5 c5
16. f4 Bb7
17.fxg5 Bxe5
tugger chess
2/13/2006 19:12:10 play online chess | 18. gxh6+
Message: 1. e4 Nf6
2. e5 Nd5
3. d4 d6
4. Nf3 dxe5
5. Nxe5 e6
6. Bd3 Nc6
7. Nxc6 bxc6
8. O-O Bd6
9. c4 Nf6
10. Nc3 0-0
11. Bg5 h6
12. Bh4 Rb8
13. Rb1 g5
14. Bg3 Kg7
15. Be5 c5
16. f4 Bb7
17.fxg5 Bxe5
18. gxh6+
alberlie chess
2/14/2006 01:09:00 play online chess | 18. ... Kh8
Message: 1. e4 Nf6
2. e5 Nd5
3. d4 d6
4. Nf3 dxe5
5. Nxe5 e6
6. Bd3 Nc6
7. Nxc6 bxc6
8. O-O Bd6
9. c4 Nf6
10. Nc3 0-0
11. Bg5 h6
12. Bh4 Rb8
13. Rb1 g5
14. Bg3 Kg7
15. Be5 c5
16. f4 Bb7
17.fxg5 Bxe5
18. gxh6+ Kh8
appelfflap chess
2/14/2006 04:25:05 play online chess | 19.dxe5
Message: I suppose Cairo saw this line :)
alberlie chess
2/14/2006 04:34:48 play online chess | so we're at:
Message: 1. e4 Nf6
2. e5 Nd5
3. d4 d6
4. Nf3 dxe5
5. Nxe5 e6
6. Bd3 Nc6
7. Nxc6 bxc6
8. O-O Bd6
9. c4 Nf6
10. Nc3 0-0
11. Bg5 h6
12. Bh4 Rb8
13. Rb1 g5
14. Bg3 Kg7
15. Be5 c5
16. f4 Bb7
17.fxg5 Bxe5
18. gxh6+ Kh8
19. dxe5
Someone step forward boldy for black and justify my prophecy of move 10 :o))
cairo chess
2/14/2006 04:35:34 play online chess | 19.... Qd4
Message: you gals/guys are not easy to hide anything for :-))
1. e4 Nf6
2. e5 Nd5
3. d4 d6
4. Nf3 dxe5
5. Nxe5 e6
6. Bd3 Nc6
7. Nxc6 bxc6
8. O-O Bd6
9. c4 Nf6
10. Nc3 0-0
11. Bg5 h6
12. Bh4 Rb8
13. Rb1 g5
14. Bg3 Kg7
15. Be5 c5
16. f4 Bb7
17. fxg5 Bxe5
18. gxh6+ Kh8
19. dxe5 Qd4
shall we play on!
alberlie chess
2/14/2006 04:36:56 play online chess | so we're at:
Message: 1. e4 Nf6
2. e5 Nd5
3. d4 d6
4. Nf3 dxe5
5. Nxe5 e6
6. Bd3 Nc6
7. Nxc6 bxc6
8. O-O Bd6
9. c4 Nf6
10. Nc3 0-0
11. Bg5 h6
12. Bh4 Rb8
13. Rb1 g5
14. Bg3 Kg7
15. Be5 c5
16. f4 Bb7
17.fxg5 Bxe5
18. gxh6+ Kh8
19. dxe5
Someone step forward boldy for black and justify my prophecy of move 10 :o))
btw: how about conditional moves in this game ;o) I'd have a few candidate lines :o)
alberlie chess
2/14/2006 05:19:31 play online chess | whoops, sorry,
Message: double post. cairo gave the last official move. White to move now at move 20. after 19. ... Qd4+
ccmcacollister chess
2/14/2006 06:30:23 play online chess | YES, the last move was 19.Qd4+
Message: So just to clarify the current game score, being:
White to move after Cairo's ...Qd4+ , [with appleflap inelliglible to make WT's 20th move since he made the 19th for WT]
* * * * *
1. e4 Nf6
2. e5 Nd5
3. d4 d6
4. Nf3 dxe5
5. Nxe5 e6
6. Bd3 Nc6
7. Nxc6 bxc6
8. O-O Bd6
9. c4 Nf6
10. Nc3 0-0
11. Bg5 h6
12. Bh4 Rb8
13. Rb1 g5
14. Bg3 Kg7
15. Be5 c5
16. f4 Bb7
17. fxg5 Bxe5
18. gxh6+ Kh8
19. dxe5 Qd4+
ionadowman chess
2/14/2006 12:19:33 play online chess | Horrors!
Message: What happened?
1. e4 Nf6
2. e5 Nd5
3. d4 d6
4. Nf3 dxe5
5. Nxe5 e6
6. Bd3 Nc6
7. Nxc6 bxc6
8. O-O Bd6
9. c4 Nf6
10. Nc3 0-0
11. Bg5 h6
12. Bh4 Rb8
13. Rb1 g5
14. Bg3 Kg7
15. Be5 c5
16. f4 Bb7
17. fxg5 Bxe5
18. gxh6+ Kh8
19. dxe5 Qd4+
20. Rf2... [Aye, well... 20. Kh1 don't look too good neither. 14...Kg7 turned out rather well, didn't it? ;-)) ]
ccmcacollister chess
2/14/2006 12:37:20 play online chess | 20... Ng4
Message: 1. e4 Nf6
2. e5 Nd5
3. d4 d6
4. Nf3 dxe5
5. Nxe5 e6
6. Bd3 Nc6
7. Nxc6 bxc6
8. O-O Bd6
9. c4 Nf6
10. Nc3 0-0
11. Bg5 h6
12. Bh4 Rb8
13. Rb1 g5
14. Bg3 Kg7
15. Be5 c5
16. f4 Bb7
17. fxg5 Bxe5
18. gxh6+ Kh8
19. dxe5 Qd4+
20. Rf2 Ng4
ccmcacollister chess
2/14/2006 13:31:17 play online chess | dog-on-it
Message: I think we were hoping for 20.Kh1 , with some really pretty wins for BL, IF we had seen the ZwishenZug!? Hmmm, possibly
Thanks to Premium_steve, a fine choice of opening for fulfilling Destiny ...
Cheers for Basbos, opener of The Way, Lines & Diagonals ...
Hail Cairo , Combinative genius at large . . .
and Alberlie, setting the clever trap with ...Kg7
The King is a Fighting Piece~!
A bow to Ionadowman, for bravery under fire; chosing anyway when faced with no choice, but a lesser of evils ...
And tip of the hat to all our worthy opponents ...
Thanks to my lovely wife, without whose support and understanding I would not be here today, proud supporter of the Black pieces. And to my Brother, for irritating me so much, as to sublimate into the squirmy, uptight player I am today. Thanks Mom for buying 4 Chess sets in 1968 to find a complete rulesbook. And finally, thank you Fred Shizzaz for wholloping me so badly after my 2...Ne4 in the Alekhines
that I can stand before you all today, at the certain pinnacle of my Alekhines playing career (this being my 2nd Alekhines Defense ventured) and say, Where does it go from here ?!!
And thank you all for sharing special this moment with me ...
When my wife just informs me I bought champaigne with no alcohol in it ...
So it must be something in the air ??? Oh my ... !? ...hic
ccmcacollister chess
2/14/2006 13:32:20 play online chess | Oh YES ...
Message: So HAPPY VALENTINES Day, Everyone !!
mattdw chess
2/14/2006 14:14:15 play online chess | 21. Qd2
Message: We're gonna go down fighting at the very least! :P
1. e4 Nf6
2. e5 Nd5
3. d4 d6
4. Nf3 dxe5
5. Nxe5 e6
6. Bd3 Nc6
7. Nxc6 bxc6
8. O-O Bd6
9. c4 Nf6
10. Nc3 0-0
11. Bg5 h6
12. Bh4 Rb8
13. Rb1 g5
14. Bg3 Kg7
15. Be5 c5
16. f4 Bb7
17. fxg5 Bxe5
18. gxh6+ Kh8
19. dxe5 Qd4+
20. Rf2 Ng4
21. Qd2...
olean_don chess
2/14/2006 14:52:54 play online chess | 21...f6
Message: 1. e4 Nf6
2. e5 Nd5
3. d4 d6
4. Nf3 dxe5
5. Nxe5 e6
6. Bd3 Nc6
7. Nxc6 bxc6
8. O-O Bd6
9. c4 Nf6
10. Nc3 0-0
11. Bg5 h6
12. Bh4 Rb8
13. Rb1 g5
14. Bg3 Kg7
15. Be5 c5
16. f4 Bb7
17. fxg5 Bxe5
18. gxh6+ Kh8
19. dxe5 Qd4+
20. Rf2 Ng4
21. Qd2..f6
sumsar chess
2/15/2006 02:29:21 play online chess | Draw/resignation?
Message: Well a quick look at the rules and ccmcacollister 's (over)confident rant made me think; how do we go about draw offers and resignations?
Is it up to the team captains (the first to move for each colour) or should the player that last moved have the oppertunity to ask the team for a vote on draw offer or resignation?
Med venlig hilsen Sumsar
ionadowman chess
2/15/2006 02:44:31 play online chess | Once more into the breach...
Message: ...dear friends, once more...Whether it is nobler in the mind to endure the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune... Methinks we must complicate withal... 22. Be4 seems to be indicated here. As for 22. Nb5: Ha! I likest not that!
1. e4 Nf6
2. e5 Nd5
3. d4 d6
4. Nf3 dxe5
5. Nxe5 e6
6. Bd3 Nc6
7. Nxc6 bxc6
8. O-O Bd6
9. c4 Nf6
10. Nc3 0-0
11. Bg5 h6
12. Bh4 Rb8
13. Rb1 g5
14. Bg3 Kg7
15. Be5 c5
16. f4 Bb7
17. fxg5 Bxe5
18. gxh6+ Kh8
19. dxe5 Qd4+
20. Rf2 Ng4
21. Qd2..f6
22. Be4
Now is the winter of our discontent made glorious summer by this son of a ... hang on...
alberlie chess
2/15/2006 03:32:15 play online chess | ... or to take arms against a sea of troubles...
Message: (and now comes the part relevant for white here:) ... and by opposing end them. To die, to sleep, no more...*grin
Contrary to Hamlet, the queen will die first:
1. e4 Nf6
2. e5 Nd5
3. d4 d6
4. Nf3 dxe5
5. Nxe5 e6
6. Bd3 Nc6
7. Nxc6 bxc6
8. O-O Bd6
9. c4 Nf6
10. Nc3 0-0
11. Bg5 h6
12. Bh4 Rb8
13. Rb1 g5
14. Bg3 Kg7
15. Be5 c5
16. f4 Bb7
17. fxg5 Bxe5
18. gxh6+ Kh8
19. dxe5 Qd4+
20. Rf2 Ng4
21. Qd2..f6
22. Be4 Qxf2
appelfflap chess
2/15/2006 07:00:31 play online chess | 23. Qxf2
Message: What the hell happened in the last 2 days?
ionadowman chess
2/15/2006 11:00:25 play online chess | 2 days!
Message: It all happened in the half-day I wasn't looking...
tugger chess
2/15/2006 15:54:01 play online chess | 23.Qxf2
Message: 1. e4 Nf6
2. e5 Nd5
3. d4 d6
4. Nf3 dxe5
5. Nxe5 e6
6. Bd3 Nc6
7. Nxc6 bxc6
8. O-O Bd6
9. c4 Nf6
10. Nc3 0-0
11. Bg5 h6
12. Bh4 Rb8
13. Rb1 g5
14. Bg3 Kg7
15. Be5 c5
16. f4 Bb7
17. fxg5 Bxe5
18. gxh6+ Kh8
19. dxe5 Qd4+
20. Rf2 Ng4
21. Qd2..f6
22. Be4 Qxf2
couldn't work out if it had been played or not
looks like an endgame scrap..... excellent
ionadowman chess
2/16/2006 14:02:12 play online chess | Is this big think time for Black...?
Message: ;-)) We are still twitching! Just a general query about this sort of game: is it OK or unOK to discuss the present (or even a possible future) position in general terms i.e. an overall assessment of how we stand, mentioning of course no moves, variations or plans? Future positions might not be so easy since its outlines might indicate a likely series of moves, but not impossible, I feel. At any rate, I dare say it's legit to say that Black has the edge here, but how much of an edge is not yet quite clear (to me). Quite an interesting game this has become, with considerable excitement in the last 9 or 10 moves!
ionadowman chess
2/16/2006 14:08:35 play online chess | Concerning consultation games...
Message: ... I just recently discovered the Kasparov vs the World game (1999! goes to show just how far out of touch I've become!), together with Jude Akers's commentary (not quite complete). Quite a bit of consultation among the World players - and their computers -, with moves decided by vote. Not a bad game (disappointing finish) with considerable theoretical interest at the time, too. Any thoughts on running a similar sort of thing on GK? (Possibly a new thread here if anyone's interested in exploring this idea).
ccmcacollister chess
2/16/2006 14:54:01 play online chess | Sorry no move
Message: from me today. Feeling unwell.
I am not overconfident! just Happy. I think BL was lost very early. Just goes to show anything can happen in this type of game!
And I forgot to cheer orlean_don , chaser of Bishops!
tugger chess
2/16/2006 16:31:01 play online chess |
Message: what's the timeout limit?
ccmcacollister chess
2/16/2006 18:09:48 play online chess | Whats all this?! ...NxQf2
Message: Talk of draws and timeouts?
hmmm, that is a pretty good question about how to offer draws tho, eh. We'll have to see what the moderator comes up with. Sounds like maybe that could give some functionallity to the poor forgotten Captains to me? Maybe some kind of plurality from the team? What do others suggest?
I'll do a move tho said Iwasnt going to . Since its easy and all. ...
1. e4 Nf6
2. e5 Nd5
3. d4 d6
4. Nf3 dxe5
5. Nxe5 e6
6. Bd3 Nc6
7. Nxc6 bxc6
8. O-O Bd6
9. c4 Nf6
10. Nc3 0-0
11. Bg5 h6
12. Bh4 Rb8
13. Rb1 g5
14. Bg3 Kg7
15. Be5 c5
16. f4 Bb7
17. fxg5 Bxe5
18. gxh6+ Kh8
19. dxe5 Qd4+
20. Rf2 Ng4
21. Qd2..f6
22. Be4 Qxf2
23.Qxf2 Nxf2
I tried to get a hyperlink picture to this using a d-base board, but it would not hold onto the position when the site was left. The http just brought back the blank board. }8-((
drdesoto chess
2/17/2006 04:42:07 play online chess | white should at least ...
Message: try to win this bouncing match ;-), so
24. Kxf2
1. e4 Nf6
2. e5 Nd5
3. d4 d6
4. Nf3 dxe5
5. Nxe5 e6
6. Bd3 Nc6
7. Nxc6 bxc6
8. O-O Bd6
9. c4 Nf6
10. Nc3 0-0
11. Bg5 h6
12. Bh4 Rb8
13. Rb1 g5
14. Bg3 Kg7
15. Be5 c5
16. f4 Bb7
17. fxg5 Bxe5
18. gxh6+ Kh8
19. dxe5 Qd4+
20. Rf2 Ng4
21. Qd2..f6
22. Be4 Qxf2
23.Qxf2 Nxf2
24. Kxf2
alberlie chess
2/17/2006 08:34:26 play online chess | 25. ... fxe5+
Message: isn't this a nice pawn structure :o/
Sorry (black) guys - I have to say 22. ... Nxf2 would have been much better. But, at least white has a chance now :o))
1. e4 Nf6
2. e5 Nd5
3. d4 d6
4. Nf3 dxe5
5. Nxe5 e6
6. Bd3 Nc6
7. Nxc6 bxc6
8. O-O Bd6
9. c4 Nf6
10. Nc3 0-0
11. Bg5 h6
12. Bh4 Rb8
13. Rb1 g5
14. Bg3 Kg7
15. Be5 c5
16. f4 Bb7
17. fxg5 Bxe5
18. gxh6+ Kh8
19. dxe5 Qd4+
20. Rf2 Ng4
21. Qd2 f6
22. Be4 Qxf2
23. Qxf2 Nxf2
24. Kxf2 fxe5+
ionadowman chess
2/17/2006 23:46:48 play online chess | Still no action...?
Message: After the recent flurry of activity, methought the game would be much farther afoot!
Let us try 25.Ke3. OK we're short the exchange - but look at Black's 5 (5!!) isolated pawns...
1. e4 Nf6
2. e5 Nd5
3. d4 d6
4. Nf3 dxe5
5. Nxe5 e6
6. Bd3 Nc6
7. Nxc6 bxc6
8. O-O Bd6
9. c4 Nf6
10. Nc3 0-0
11. Bg5 h6
12. Bh4 Rb8
13. Rb1 g5
14. Bg3 Kg7
15. Be5 c5
16. f4 Bb7
17. fxg5 Bxe5
18. gxh6+ Kh8
19. dxe5 Qd4+
20. Rf2 Ng4
21. Qd2 f6
22. Be4 Qxf2
23. Qxf2 Nxf2
24. Kxf2 fxe5+
25. Ke3
Damn fun game, this!
olean_don chess
2/18/2006 07:17:19 play online chess | 25...Rf6
Message: 1. e4 Nf6
2. e5 Nd5
3. d4 d6
4. Nf3 dxe5
5. Nxe5 e6
6. Bd3 Nc6
7. Nxc6 bxc6
8. O-O Bd6
9. c4 Nf6
10. Nc3 0-0
11. Bg5 h6
12. Bh4 Rb8
13. Rb1 g5
14. Bg3 Kg7
15. Be5 c5
16. f4 Bb7
17. fxg5 Bxe5
18. gxh6+ Kh8
19. dxe5 Qd4+
20. Rf2 Ng4
21. Qd2 f6
22. Be4 Qxf2
23. Qxf2 Nxf2
24. Kxf2 fxe5+
25. Ke3 Rf6
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