From | Message |
buddie chess
2/21/2006 08:11:04 play online chess | Subject: K, B+N ending
Message: Here is a practical example of how to play the ending of K, B+N v K.
Unfortunately I was on the losing end of it.
board #3582174
The pure ending starts at move 102.
PS Has anyone played a game here longer than 130 moves?
mfeeney93 chess
2/21/2006 08:30:32 play online chess | Wow
Message: Fascinating game. Thank you for sharing.
tugger chess
2/21/2006 08:36:12 play online chess |
Message: Indeed, thoguh dare I suggest that perhaps you should've won that...
Which says a lot about the way you opponent played.
ccmcacollister chess
2/21/2006 09:02:06 play online chess | Not sure ... Somewhere in that area.
Message: I played an OTB game once vs bogg which I believe may have been in the 130's. Hard to recall after over a dozen years.
It was an ending of K+R+N vs K+R , with no pawns left. I had the lesser side of things in it, but managed to attain a Draw, from the 50 move Rule. Being the next to last round game, it could not be adjourned, and so had to play straight thru on it, for a total of 8 hours! This did delay the tournament quite markedly.
After well over 6 hours playing, we both overlooked a move where I'd blundered into the typical losing maneuver. Have the impression it was around move 108. But the error was only present for that one move then gone, and with it any chances of a win barring further blunder(s). It was a great experience in character buiilding.
My longest lasting game before that had been only 5 1/2 hours, and won it.
ionadowman chess
2/21/2006 10:52:34 play online chess | Very nicely played...
Message: ...Your opponent played the 'pure' K+B+N vs K very accurately, I thought. Your K was a slippery customer! I don't think you had to lose the B+N+2p vs R+2P, but. He had what chances were going, but Black's resources seemed to suggest a draw... Quite a struggle, all the same! Thanks.