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From | Message | wschmidt chess
3/03/2006 12:29:00 play online chess | Subject: Novice Nook #7
Message: Time for a new ChessCafe Novice Nook article. This one is entitled "The Most Common Opening Tactics" and, unlike last week's article, looks to be filled with "real chess".
Here's the link - have at it:
| ionadowman chess
3/03/2006 17:45:52 play online chess | Great stuff...!
Message: ...Even just moderately experienced players try and build up a knowledge base of these kinds of tactical nuances in the openings, many of which have middlegame applications as well. One motif that features late in the article is the 'masked battery'. I don't know what other expressions it is known by, but it involves a piece moving to attack one enemy unit, whilst simultaneously 'unmasking' an attack by a different piece upon a second, inadequately defended, enemy unit. In general the attack by the unmasking piece (often a check) is the one having to be answered immediately by one's adversary, leaving one to pick up the secondary victim at leisure. The 'Milner-Barry' complex mentioned by Heisman is a classic case in point (arising from the Milner-Barry Gambit). The motif can also appear late in the game, and represent a form of indirect protection for one's own pieces. The same could be said about the 'phantom pin'. This situation always has me looking twice!
| mattdw chess
3/05/2006 13:34:29 play online chess |
Message: This one has quite a lot to work through compared to the others (especially when I want to make record of all the examples) so I'll have to defer my comments until next weekend when I've handed in a couple of courseworks I have to work on.
| alberlie chess
3/05/2006 14:39:34 play online chess | something to add to his french defence example...
Message: He gives the line 1. e4 e6 2. d4 d5 3. e5 c5 (attacking the base of the pawn chain) 4. c3 (defending) Nc6 (attacking d4 again) 5. Bb5?! (pinning the knight, thus defending d4) Bd7 (unpinning, thus threatening d4 yet again) 6. Nf3? Nxe5! picking up a pawn for nothing.
I can't recall how often I benefited from that trap. Here's a second one, also concerning the Advance variation of the french:
1. e4 e6 2. d4 d5 3. e5 c5 (attacking...) 4. c3 (defending...) Nc6 (attacking again...) 5. Nf3 (defending again...) Qb6 (attacking once more) 6. Be3?? (defending) Qxb2!! and black picks up at least two pawns...
| wschmidt chess
3/05/2006 20:58:02 play online chess | And where, the novice might ask,
Message: would I find more examples of opening tactics that would be helpful? Here are some books that one could look for:
Horowitz and Reinfeld - "Chess Traps, Pitfalls and Swindles"
McDonald - "Modern Chess Miniatures"
Neishtadt - "Winning Quickly at Chess"
Horowitz - "New Traps in the Chess Opening"
Pandolfini - "Chess Openings: Traps and Zaps" and "More Chess Openings: Traps and Zaps 2"
Most are available used on Ebay or Amazon and some are still available new in print. One or two would be well worth the time put into them. ws
| cascadejames chess
3/09/2006 22:44:52 play online chess | swindle or tactic
Message: I can never make up my mind whether a quick trap is a brilliant tactic or a cheap swindle. Maybe
the answer is "yes."
| ionadowman chess
3/10/2006 02:06:47 play online chess | Indeed, but I like...
Message: ...Frank Marshall's use of the word: a cheapo, more or less, played in order save a lost game. Marshall himself was the king of the swindle. It's perfectly legit: In another thread I give an example of a swindle played on me (see most disappointing games).
Here's my favorite, played in a club game:
White: Kb1, Qd2, R:e1, f1, Nd5, P:b2, b3, c2
Black: Kg7, Qc5, R:d8, h8, Nh5, P:a6, b7, d6, e5, f7, g6.
[Forsyte: 3r4r/1p3pk1/p2p2p1/2qNp2n/8/1P6/1PPQ4/1K2RR2]
White to play. White's busted, of course, and his first move doesn't seem to help...
1.Re4 ... (Played with some vague idea of following with Rc4 and Rc7...)
1...Ng3? (...But hoping like hell he would go for the Knight fork!)
2.Qg5! ... (If you have 2 pieces en prise, hang another one: he may take the wrong one. Actually I spotted this just as I was about to abandon the Re4 move on account of the N fork. Here, all captures lead to a draw at best for Black. 2...Nxf1 even loses! I thought 2...Qxd5 also lost, but Black can scratch out a draw: 3.Qf6+ Kh7 4.Rh4 (say) Nh5 5.Rxh5+ gxh5 6.Qf5+ etc. Black might be best advised not to capture at all, but White is certainly back in the game! Instead, Black baled out...)
2... Nxe4
3.Rxf7+ Kxf7
4.Qe7+ Kg8
5.Qxd8+ Kf7 (Hoping White would be silly enough to capture on h8... You could call this an attempted swindle, too.)
6.Qe7+ Drawn. Black can never escape the checks.
To be sure, Black didn't have to play 1...Ng3, nor did he have to capture at move 2. And, however hopeless otherwise, the Re4 did have a purpose beyond merely offering a temptation. In any case, when you are lost, any idea that sets your opponent problems, or places in his way the means for his making a c*** of it, is legit. It's all part of the game! :-)
| ionadowman chess
3/10/2006 02:09:03 play online chess | Was I off topic there...?
Message: ...I saw the word 'swindle" and my knee jerked...
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