From | Message |
ccmcacollister chess
3/03/2006 16:45:48 play online chess | Subject: Your FAV Game !?
Message: Greetings all.
I am back, more or less, and hungry to see some Chess games. Preferably with some notes too, but not necessarily.
So here's the place, if someone wants to show off their favorite win (or loss/draw for that matter :)
Doesnt matter if a masterpiece, a close call, back and forth 'dogfight', learning experience, or whatever. I might have one coming up one of these days. But my Fav tends to change from day to day. So I'll have to see.
Regards, CraigAC
ccmcacollister chess
3/03/2006 16:52:31 play online chess | oops, just forgot
Message: a couple things. One to put this thread on my Notification list.
[But while I'm here, may as well say that games here should be completed; not ongoing. Just to avoid any potential that one might receive unwanted commentary, as the rules forbid. Tho strictly speaking one could lecture indefinately about their own game, and be in compliance IMO. But, if someone remarked upon their remarks it would be commentary even if unsollicited. So that said. How bout some games! ]
mattdw chess
3/04/2006 02:26:58 play online chess |
Message: I finished this one just over a week ago and was quite proud of it as I had been missing many tactical opportunities up until then and he was the highest rated player (1821) I had managed to beat, though he appears to have had about 30 timeouts since then. The game was very short and went as follows:
(Note: I don't say too much about the opening choice as I don't know that much about it!)
1. e4 (pretty much the only first move for white I play at the moment) 1...e5
2. Nf3 d6
3. d4 (I'd like to get things moving and put pressure on e5) 3...f5 (...though I wasn't expecting that!)
4. dxe5 (I decided that I'm happy to take the pawn and allow him to boot my
knight to g5) fxe4
5. Ng5 d5 (this pawns defensive power is only an illusion...)
6. Nc3 (I hope that he does not notice that the d5 pawn is not actually an adequate defense for e4 so I attack the pawn and develop a piece) 6...c6
7. Ncxe4 Qe7? (if he plays [7...dxe5] then [8.Qxd8+ Kxd8 9. Nf6+] wins, but this was a bad move as my following move either forces his king into the knight fork or a mate in 9 which must have been overlooked - I admit I did not see the whole sequence at this point but I realised that I could at least force his king to go for a walk and and that the likelyhood of mate was very high)
8. Nd6+ Kd7 (the fatal move)
9. Qg4+ (Skewers the bishop and will eventuall force the king to go out and about...) Kc7
10. Qxc8+ Kb6
11. Be3+ Ka5 (The King takes a stroll down the board)
12. Nxb7+ Kb4 (one of only two choices - I think he was hoping for me to make a blunder here and fork his king and queen with Bc5, but I want Mate not the Queen!)
13. a3+ Ka4
14. b3#
I hope that was reasonably interesting! But I think my annotating skills leave something to be desired. :)
naamloos chess
3/04/2006 03:42:34 play online chess | Great thread
Message: I was thinking to put something like this or maybe your best moves or combinations on here. You beat me to it. Unfurtunately, when looking trough my database I notice that I do not have many good games. I will post here one of my earliest games on Chess which was not played well by either player, but shows very clearly the dangers of pawn grabbing.
09-09-2005 Chess
naamloos - captainrook
1. e4 - e5
2. Nf3 - Nc6
3. d4 [This is actually the first Scotch I ever played, later on I would use it more frequently. At the time of this game I played the Ruy Lopez almost exclusively.]
3. ... - Bd6? [A poor move, which allows [4. d5] and furthermore blocks his d-pawn]
4. Bc4?! [I decided to continue developing and allow castling instead of [4. d5]]
4. ... - Nf6 [Taking on d4 was much better as it removes to option of d5 for white.]
5. Nc3 - Bd4? [Black decides that he does not like the blocking of his d-pawn, but the move also drops his e-pawn]
6. 0-0 - Bxc3 [Again I did not take use of the opportunities]
7. bxc3 - Nxe4
8. Re1? [I should have taken back a pawn, this opening phase shows bad play from both sides]
8. ... - Nxc3?? [Suprisingly this pawn grabbing is very bad for black]
9. Qd2 [The e5-pawn could have been taken right away [9. Nxe5 - Nxd1? 10. Nxc6] and black loses material.]
9. ... - Na4 [This knight is useless now for black]
10. dxe5 [ I should have taken with the knight]
10. ... - 0-0
11. Qf4? - Qe8? [ After whites move black should have played d4, opening up his position]
12. Ba3 - Ne7 [Black is a pawn up, but also completely lost. All his pieces are stuck]
13. Ng5 - c6
14. Nxh7! [Altough I did the move with the wrong intentions, I still like it]
14. ... - Kxh7
15. Bd3 - g6 [I decided to get back my material, much better was [15. Qh4]]
16. Qxa4 - Rh8
17. Qh4 - Kg7
18. Qf6 - Kg8
19. Bxe7 - a5
20. Re4 [ I need another piece to finish the game]
20. ... - b5
21. Rh4 [Good, but I had much better [21. Qxh8!] with mate in a couple of moves.]
21. ... - Rxh4
22. Qxh4 - Ra7? [The game was lost anyway]
23. Bf6 - Kf8
24. Qh8 #
At the time it was the highest rating I defeated. I did not play well, but it seemed that after my opponent got into a very bad position he gave up without resigning.
bittersweet_ballad chess
3/04/2006 04:01:32 play online chess |
Message: I rarely get the chance to play OTB -- but here's a game I played only a few days back, which was very intense, long (no time control) and interesting. I was the second of a best-of-three match, and was played immediately after the first game, which had lasted about 3 hours. Both players were therefore very tiered.
[Event """]
[Site "?"]
[Date "2006.03.02"]
[Round "?"]
[White "white"]
[Black "black"]
[Result "1-0"]
[ECO "C57"]
1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. Bc4 Nf6 4. Ng5 d5 5. exd5
Nxd5 6. Nxf7 $5 Kxf7 7. Qf3+ Ke6 8. Nc3 Ncb4 9. a3 {I played this move
inuitively, but Fritz gives it an evaluation of -3. If black takes the rook on
a1, white gets to take Nd5 -- giving white a powerful attack, with the black
king in the center, and the black pieces not well developed.} Nxc2+ 10. Kd1 c6
{Apparently black also thinks that taking on a1 would be risky, and instead
protects the vulnerable d5.} (10... Nxa1 11. Bxd5+ Kd7 12. Qg4+) 11. Kxc2 Qa5
$2 12. d4 g6 {black's B must protect f6. Doing so from g7 rather than e7
leaves the king with space to move if attacked} 13. Bg5 Bg7 14. Ne4 $2 {
b4 or Rhe1 were much better moves for white} (14. b4 Rf8 15. Qxf8 Bxf8 16. bxa5
) (14. Rhe1 Rf8 15. Rxe5+) 14... Rf8 15. Qh3+ Kf7 16. Nd6+ Kg8 17. Nxc8 Raxc8
18. Be7 Rxf2+ 19. Kb1 Qd2 20. Qxc8+ Kf7 21. Bxd5+ cxd5 22. Qxb7 Qd3+ 23. Ka2
Qc4+ 24. Qb3 Kxe7 25. Qxc4 dxc4 26. dxe5 $2 {Allows the bishop to come into
play too soon. Although the attack on the b2 square with the bishop and rook
was inevitable, it could have been delayed a bit with perhaps Rhc1.} Bxe5 27.
Rab1 Rxg2 28. Rhc1 c3 29. Kb3 cxb2 30. Rc5 Kd6 31. Ra5 Rxh2 32. Rxa7 h5 {
This was the second game I was playing in a row (it had been more than 5 hours
of non-stop play) and I was extremely tiered, as was my oponent. The rest of
the moves I don't exactly remember -- but white pushed the a-pawn and won the
g-pawn. In the end it was quite evenly poised, perhaps with white having a
slight advantage. Black however blundered with Rh1 at some stage, and white
played Rxb2 - this was followed by bxb2, and white's pawn couldn't be stopped
from being promoted.} 1-0
My general impression about the game is that white should have won this game by pressing correctly in the mid-game. Esp. with a better 14th move.
In the end, althought white had 2 rooks against black's rook and bishop, one of white's rooks was TOTALLY incapacitated because of the black pawn on b2.
bittersweet_ballad chess
3/04/2006 04:03:32 play online chess |
Message: also, black was at a disadvantage to have a black bishop, and pawns that promoted on white squares (b1 and h1). Additionally, the black bishop couldn't stop the white a pawn from promoting for the same reason.
drtimer chess
3/04/2006 05:05:05 play online chess | This still makes me laugh
1. e4 e6 2. d3 Qf6 3. Nf3 h6 4. Be2 g5 5. d4 Qd8
6. e5 f5 7. Nxg5 hxg5 8. Bh5+ Ke7 9. Bxg5+ 1-0
ionadowman chess
3/04/2006 13:20:49 play online chess | I enjoyed your King Hunt mattdw!
Message: 3...f4, by the way, used to be the standard line in the Philidor about 150 years ago. Your game reminded me a lot of that Romantic era... You might like this King hunt. Played OTB more than 30 years ago, I'm still fond of it...
Auckland University Champs, April, 1973
White: A McLachlan
Black: I. A. Dowman
1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 f5 3.exf5 e4 (The critical reply, according to Tony Kosten, in this line of the Latvian Gambit) 4.Qe2 d5?! 5.d4 (5.d3 leads to an edge for White...) Nf6 6.Ne5 Bxf5 (Black already has a plus, I reckon.) 7.Bg5 Nbd7 8.Nxd7 Qxd7 9.Bxf6 gxf6 10.f3 O-O-O 11.Nd2 Bh6 12.fxe4 Rhe8 13.O-O-O? Bg4 14.Qb5 c6 (Preferring to keep Qs on) 15.Qa4 Bxd1 16.Kxd1 Qg4+ 17.Nf3 Qf4 (The King Hunt begins...) 18.Ke2 Qe3+?! (Inaccurate, in that it lengthens the game by 2 moves...) 19.Kd1 Qc1+ 20.Ke2 Rxe4+ 21.Kf2 Qe3+ 22.Kg3 Rg8+ 23.Kh3 Rh4+ 24.Kxh4 Qf4+ 25.Kh5 Qg4+ 26.Kxh6 Qg6#
I always wanted to emulate Ed Lasker's win over Sir George Thomas. This was near enough!
mattdw chess
3/05/2006 08:19:38 play online chess |
Message: Thanks Ion, good game from you too! I think they are the most aesthetically pleasing games usually, does anyone else have a king hunt to contribute? I remember that Lasker v Thomas game from somewhere, I fairly sure it was a puzzle I had attempted (I was positive it was in Seirewans Winning Chess Tactics but I couldn't find it, maybe it was in his first book which I left at home) - I remember I couldn't figure it out for ages as I had moved the wrong knight on move 13 and it didn't cross my mind for ages that I should have moved the other one, a very beautiful finish.
ionadowman chess
3/05/2006 23:27:53 play online chess | Perhaps the curious...
Message: ...might be interested in seeing the score of that game:
White: Ed Lasker
Black: G. Thomas
London, 1911
1.d4 f5 2.Nf3 e6 3.Nc3 Nf6 4.Bg5 Be7 5.Bxf6 Bxf6 6.e4 fxe4 7.Nxe4 b6 8.Bd3 Bb7 9.Ne5 O-O 10.Qh5 Qe7 11.Qxh7+ Kxh7 12.Nxf6+ Kh6 13.Neg4 Kg5 14.h4+ Kf4 15.g3+ Kf3 16.Be2+ Kg2 17.Rh2+ Kg1 18.Kd2#
A couple of points about this. Black's responses from move 11 on were all forced, and I wonder why Lasker didn't play 18.O-O-O#.
ccmcacollister chess
3/06/2006 12:35:34 play online chess | ionadowman ...
Message: Really! 0-0-0+# is so Rare. I've gotten it only once in 30+ years of Chess play, and that in a practice(one step more serious than skittles) game.
It makes me wonder if there might have been some "dishonor" in having to castle at the time ... like being seen as "defensive"?! Or what the deal was? Otherwise I cannot fathom why it would be?! I Surely would be interested to hear about it tho, if anyone does know the cause of this curious event; or one might say non-event.
ccmcacollister chess
3/06/2006 12:39:06 play online chess | EG ...
Message: Could it be that back then, perhaps never moving your king would be seen as artistic aor desirable, like a shutout in baseball ... and maybe then if you were nev er even in check it might be equivalent to a "no-hitter". Part of a PerfectGame of Chess?!
ccmcacollister chess
3/06/2006 12:39:17 play online chess | EG ...
Message: Could it be that back then, perhaps never moving your king would be seen as artistic aor desirable, like a shutout in baseball ... and maybe then if you were nev er even in check it might be equivalent to a "no-hitter". Part of a PerfectGame of Chess?!
misato chess
3/06/2006 12:56:04 play online chess | Both 18. Kd2# and 18. 0-0-0# are nice
Message: In my opinion you check your opponent�s King by castling more frequently than by moving your King. And mating by a King-move is as ultra-rare as by castling, so it�s a matter of taste.
But what about an ending with your King in check, and when you move with it (him?), your opponent is checkmated? More than ultra-rare!
ccmcacollister chess
3/06/2006 16:00:05 play online chess | Not my Fav, but a King Hunt
Message: Message:
This one is a King Hunt, so I'll submit it since the thread had turned to them.
BL's 12...o-o is known as "Castling into it" ! And deserves a Question mark for sure.
How strange that, Knowing it was going to be Mate after he stepped forward with 22....Kg6 , I missed the chance to end it properly with 23.Bd3+ , a move shorter then the game. Hmmm, actually two moves shorter it seems.
So 23.Rxd7 ? must get a question mark, although it captures a piece! In that respect I considered putting this one in the Disappointments Thread.
16.Rh8+?? of course would fail after Kxh8! 17.Qh2+ and ...Nh4
and that theme fails to mate immediately, even if first permitted to divert his Q by:
(Even tho now the Rh8 could not be taken & WT would maintain attacking chances)
16.Nxc7 Qxc7
17.Rh8+ Kg7
18.Rh7+ Kg8
board #4256145
ccmcacollister chess
3/06/2006 16:02:09 play online chess | opps , it didnt hyperlink?
Message: Strange, I had the board hyperlink when I first posted this. Then after repasting it here to make a slight change, it did not hyperlink. ?! weird. But here it is then ...
board #4256145
ionadowman chess
3/07/2006 12:56:09 play online chess | I haven't looked at this thread for a day or two.
Message: some interesting comments on the finish of the Lasker-Thomas game. I have seen a checked K move to deliver checkmate, but only in endgame studies, problems or (my favorite) the 'antiproblem'. Of the last, my favorite was one in which white had to advance the e-pawn to e8, promote it to a rook, then castle with it (the K not in check, and the recently promoted rook not having yet moved) along the e-file (O-O-O-O-O-O!!!) to deliver mate along the second rank! [Of course there is a rule that forbids this (the Official Rules of Chess [1974] explicitly states castling occurs along a rank), tho' I'm not sure there was at the time the 'antiproblem' was composed.]
I've discovered one of my old correspondence games also has a King Hunt. I'll post that shortly. But in keeping with the original purpose of the thread, I'd also like to discuss master games. In this connexion, I didn't like the Fischer-Spassky 1972 match very much, but there was one mighty game that said a lot of good things about both players. Game 13: not the most accurate, but a real fighting game. It's just about the only one I bother to play through these days...
mattdw chess
3/07/2006 14:10:01 play online chess | Strange chess problem.
Message: Speaking of unusual chess problems, this one is quite interesting, I believe it was from Smullyan's Chess Mysteries of Sherlock Holmes: -> White to move and mate in 1.
(Try thinking outside the box...*very* far outside...)
juve_leo chess
3/07/2006 17:00:50 play online chess | Actually
Message: This one took me about instantly 1.b2=B#
juve_leo chess
3/07/2006 17:02:13 play online chess | Because
Message: Kxb2 is totally legall. Patzerish
ionadowman chess
3/08/2006 00:34:51 play online chess | How about...
Message: 1.b8=Black N#. Couldn't see anything else... This would make it an antiproblem, unless there genuinely is a legal solution! Another possibility is White to play and checkmate in HalF a move! This one's a bit easier... 1.N(in hand)-c6# What do you reckon?
Here's the Spassky-Fischer game I like so much...
World Champ Match 1972, Reykjavik, Game 13
White: B. Spassky
Black: R. Fischer
1.e4 Nf6 2.e5 Nd5 3.d4 d6 4.Nf3 g6 5.Bc4 Nb6 6.Bb3 Bg7 7.Nbd2 (Considered a novelty at the time. It doesn't give White much in this game.) 7...O-O 8.h3? a5! 9.a4? dxe5 10.dxe5 Na6! 11.O-O Nc5 (Black already has a sizeable edge) 12.Qe2 Qe8! 13.Ne4 Nbxa4 14.Bxa4 Nxa4 15.Re1 Nb6 16.Bd2 a4 (Already Black's Q-side majority is making itself felt...) 17.Bg5 h6 18.Bh4 Bf5!? (Maybe Bd7 is better) 19.g4 Be6? (Bxe4 or Bd7 seem to be indicated according to Gligoric) 20.Nd4! (Making the most of his chances, White pulls himself right back into the game!) 20...Bc4 21.Qd2 Qd7 22.Rad1 Rfe8 23.f4! Bd5 24.Nc5 Qc8 (=) 25.Qc3?! [e6!=] e6! 26.Kh2 Nd7 27.Nd3? [Nb5] 27...c5! 28.Nb5 Qc6 29.Nd6 Qxd6 30.exd6 Bxc3 31.bxc3 f6 [It's not that crash hot for White again, but again he stages an amazing comeback...] 32.g5! hxg5 33.fxg5 f5 34.Bg3 Kf7 [That lonely pawn isolated and surrounded is going to sell his life dearly!] 35.Ne5+ Nxe5 36.Bxe5 b5 ['My centre is broken, my flanks retreating. I attack!' Marshal Foch, I think...] 37.Rf1 Rh8 38.Bf6! a3 39.Rf4 a2 [How is White going to keep those pawns out?] 40.c4 [Maybe Ra1 is indicated here, but I suspect Mr Spassky preferred to keep his rooks active, whatever the cost. A brave move, methinks] 40...Bc4 41.d7 Bd5 [What a position!] 42.Kg3! Ra3 43.c3 [This looks crazy, blocking the long diagonal, but Kf2 loses] 43...Rha8! 44.Rh4! e5! 45.Rh7+ Ke6 46.Re7+ Kd7 47.Rxe5 Rxc3+ 48.Kf2 Rc2+ 49.Ke1 Kxd7 50.Rexd5+ Kc6 [White has achieved material parity, but those unopposed passers on the Q-flank are still menacing...The battle rages on, unabated...] 51.Rd6+ Kb7 52.Rd7+ Ka6 53.R7d2 Rxd2 54.Kxd2 b4 55.h4! [Pinning his hopes on a K-side counterattack. It don't look that promising, but there's nothing else!] 55...Kb5 56.h5 c4! 57.Ra1 gh5 58.g6 h4 59.g7 h3 60.Be7 Rg8 61.Bf8 [Locking up the rook, but at the cost of immobilising his jailer. Maybe Bf6 offered batter chances, but it ain't over yet!] 61...h2 62.Kc2 Kc6 63.Rd1! b3+ 64.Kc3? [A slip, though not necessarily fatal...] 64...h1=Q! [To free up his K] 65.Rxh1 Kd5 66.Kb2 f4 67.Rd1+ Ke4 68.Rc1 Kd3 [Now comes the fatal moment - ] 69.Rd1+?? [Rc3!] Ke2! 70.Rc1 f3 71.Bc5 Rg7 72.Rxc4 Rd7! 73.Re4 Kf1 74.Bd4 f2 [Threatens 75...Rxd4, so...] 0-1. What a game!
mattdw chess
3/08/2006 00:37:15 play online chess | Correct!
Message: (b8=Black N#) What's the definition of antiproblem? I've not actually heard that phrase used until now.
ionadowman chess
3/08/2006 01:48:26 play online chess | Antiproblems...
Message: mattdw...I ran across these in a British chess magazine in the early '70s. They were problems that has some quirk in the solution that wasn't (always) quite legal - like the promotion to the Black knight in your example. Unfortunately I can't remember any examples (I don't think I've seen your one before, but it certainly fits!), though I do recall some motifs. (I'm the same way with jokes, dammit!) The 'half move' suggestion I offered here is my own invention, but it was inspired by the memory of a White to play and checkmate in half a move problem. But that was the first half of the move. Lifting the key piece exposed the opponent to checkmate, but every square that the piece could land on to complete its move gave the enemy K an escape square! Very funny. In your problem, I liked the idea of completing a move already begun...
A really peculiar one I vaguely recall involved a series (three, I think) of pawn promotions by both sides, all to the opposite coloured queen, leading to a checkmate by White. A few legal ones involved figuring out whether one side or both could castle. I don't mean retro-puzzles as such, more that in a given situation, a chosen line that would win if the enemy could castle would fail if he couldn't; and vice versa. Imagine a 'White to win' with the Black K and both Rooks on their home squares, giving a whole range of possibilities! Can the King castle at all, on one side only, or both?
The 'en passant' rule also featured, as did board orientation! When you discover you are sitting on Black's side of the board, a whole new range of possibilities emerge!
I haven't seen anything like an antiproblem in years - not even in David Norwood's puzzle book. Maybe someone out there can tell us more about the antiproblem?
ionadowman chess
3/08/2006 12:23:00 play online chess | Another King Hunt...
Message: Played by correspondence 1975...
A fairly complicated game, this - you might have fun with the 'what ifs'.
White: I.A. Dowman
Black: M.K.
1.c4 Nf6 2.Nc3 c5 3.Nf3 d5 4.cxd5 Nxd5 5.e4 Nb4 6.Bc4 Nd3+ 7.Ke2 Nf4+ 8.Kf1 Nc6 9.d4 cxd4 10.Bxf4 dxc3 11.Qb3 e6 12.Rd1 Qf6 13.Bg5 Qg6 14.Bb5 f6 15.Qxc3 Qxe4 16.Bxf6 Qb4 17.Rd8+ Kf7 18.Ng5+ Kg6 19.Bd3+ Kh5 20.g4+ Kh4 21.Bf5 gxf6 22.Nf3+ 1-0 It's mate after 22...Kh3 23.Ng1+ Kh4 24.Qxf6#
Possibly Black ought to have accepted the piece sac at move 16...
ccmcacollister chess
3/08/2006 15:04:06 play online chess | This was my fav try on the problem
Message: Hello, mattdw!
Chess Problem:
Well how about bxa8=K+# ! Discovered Check, and Mate.
It can be there on a8 because it was Not a King when it moved next to the opponents King. But because it IS a King, it cannot be taken.
gfweiss chess
3/08/2006 21:24:19 play online chess | corrections
Message: Ionadowman - you have two mistakes in your Spassky-Fisher PGN, as follows:
40...Bc4 should be 40...Bxc4 (there's a white pawn on c4)
46...Kd7 should be 40...Kd6 (Kd7 is illegal, d6 is the only available square)
ionadowman chess
3/08/2006 23:03:22 play online chess | Oops - sorry...
Message: I was transcribing from an old Informator, which doesn't indicate captures. That one slipped through the cracks. The other was a simple mis-transcription, one I missed!
ionadowman chess
3/09/2006 12:23:35 play online chess | Did you...
Message: ...enjoy the game though?
fmgaijin chess
3/10/2006 10:24:26 play online chess | Anti-Problem
Message: A term invented (to my knowledge) by American GM Andy Soltis to describe a set of problems where the rules of chess are "tweaked" a bit. They generally involve things that are "legal" by some poorly-stated versions of the rules (for example, I have seen cheap plastic sets come with rules that do no specify that you must promote to pieces of your OWN color (per the underpromotion to BLACK knight above) or do not specify that castling must take place on a RANK, not a FILE.
Here are a couple of my favorite anti-problems:
W: Ke1, Rh1, Nb5, Nc5, Pe7
B: Kb1
White to Move and Mate in Two (Solution in Next Post)
W: Kh1, Pc6, Pe7, Pg3, Ph2, Qg7
B: Kh3
White to Move and Mate in Two (Solution in Next Post)
fmgaijin chess
3/10/2006 10:27:20 play online chess | Solutions
Message: #1 1.e8=R Black any 2.0-0-0-0! # (After all, neither K nor R has moved, and we all know how to castle . . . )
#2 1.e8=BK! Kd8 (Only "legal" move) 2.Qd7## (Double Checkmate!)
I know one with a triple checkmate, too . . .
ionadowman chess
3/10/2006 13:11:10 play online chess | Black King...
Message: ...of course! ccmcacollister gave an example! I just didn't think of it. Any other promotion gave Black a chance to interfere (even win!), and promotion to a Black pawn left it stalemate. Explains why the c6-pawn is there too.
fmgaijin's first example is one I do remember. I'd be inclined to record vertical castling as O-O-O-O-O-O though: the number of O's being the number of squares between K and R.
ionadowman chess
3/16/2006 12:01:49 play online chess | This seems to have died...
Message: ...So I thought I'd revive it with the following OTB game which was my favorite for many years. Very tactical; very complicated: enjoy...
White: I. A. Dowman
Black: P. Hawkes
Wellington, 1980
Belgrade Gambit...
1. e4 e5
2. Nf3 Nc6
3. Nc3 Nf6
4. d4 exd4 (Watch this pawn's career!)
5. Nd5 Nxe4
6. Bc4 Bb4+
7. c3 dxc3
8. O-O O-O
9. Qc2 Re8
10. Bf4 cxb2
11. Bxc7 bxa1=Q
12. Rxa1 Nd4
13. Nxd4 Qg5
14. Bf4 Qh5
15. Nc7 b5
16. Bd5 Bc3
17. Bxa8 Bxa1
18. Nxe8 Nxf2
19. Bf3 Nh3+
20. Kf1 Qh4
21. Nf6+ gxf6
22. Qxc8+ Kg2
23. Nf5 1-0 (Mate in 2)