From | Message |
spurtus chess
3/17/2006 03:21:16 play online chess | Subject: Beat the French
Message: It seems to be the Blackmar Diemers Gambit players worst enemy
1.e4 e6 2. d4 d5
OR ( as I reach it )
1.d4 d5 2. e4 e6
I hate the french advance variation... yawn.
If one gets the french in a BMD gambit game like this... its good black play! as obviously stodgy defensive play way is not what an attacking gambit player wants... does anybody have any hints and tips for smashing through the French?
drtimer chess
3/17/2006 08:14:15 play online chess | the Tarrasch
Message: I play the french as black a lot and 3.Nd2 is the move I least like to see.
spurtus chess
3/17/2006 08:37:33 play online chess |
Message: Yeah I noticed this is a hot favourite for beating it, playing this Nd2 line is a different matter though... how does it work?
appelfflap chess
3/17/2006 09:19:43 play online chess |
Message: ->
here are a few alternatives
schnarre chess
3/17/2006 11:16:04 play online chess | spurtus
Message: If you're on, it has a good opening explorer. The Tarrasch is a solid & scrappy line vs. the french (I'll usually go 1. e4 e6, 2. d4 d5, 3. Nd2 then if...c5 then 4. c3 or if ...Nf6 then 4. e5---in either case I'll tend to deviate by playing Ndf3 at some point instead of Ngf3).
I haven't played the Blackmar-Diemer Gambit for some time, but french set ups were coverd in a book or two I have: I'll try to dig out a few notes so we can put frog's legs on the menu again.
ccmcacollister chess
3/19/2006 03:42:41 play online chess | Spurtus ...
Message: I feel like BL gets a slight advantage vs the Advance var with a3, by playing ...f6,...c4, and o-o-o set up, which is covered in Watson's first "Play the French" book edition. It's not much. But its a drawish variation unless WT wants to go wild and crazy, imo. [I'm not well versed in the dxc5 lines of WT, and wouldnt really care to play that as WT myself and dont find the attaction. But supposedly there are some attacking chances there.] Also instead of a3 he can go with Be2 and be even more drawish. I've played g3 and Bh3 as Wt before. But would have had little if BL had not walked into a combination.
The Advance variation is pretty much why I would not play the French vs someone lower rated than I in a serious game. Dreary stuff. I'd much rather face an Exchange Variation, where WT has to be careful & play correctly or get into trouble.
spurtus chess
3/20/2006 03:18:33 play online chess | Exchange variation
Message: OK, lets look here then, this looked at first glance much more forcing & the play and incurs an more open game ( something a French player ought to dislike )... I just wondered if there are any exchange variation lines that are dangerous for Black... or will make him more likely to make a misatke rather than find the best move... ie. traps, positional play, attacks & further gambits etc.
alberlie chess
3/20/2006 09:31:18 play online chess | Exchange Var??
Message: Sorry, I still seem to have not really gotten your meaning, spurtus. Are you looking for something to play as WT against the french or as BL? For as WT I would definitely not play the exchange since it allows both players a very natural setup where BL can blitz out the first 6-10 moves in more or less random order against more or less anything that WT plays (of course exaggerating but it _is_ relatively harmless).
schnarre chess
3/20/2006 10:53:58 play online chess | EH?
Message: I don't mind the Exchange variation of the french since I get a decent position after 1. e4 e6, 2. d4 d5, 3.exd5 exd5, 4. c4 Nf6, 5. Nc3 c6, 6. g3 Be7, 7. Bg2 0-0, 8. Nge2 Bf5, 9. 0-0 Re8, 10. cxd5 cxd5, 11. Nf4 effectively winning the d5 square.
spurtus chess
3/20/2006 13:19:33 play online chess | Clarification
Message: The discussion is about how to play as white, and primarily is the exchange variation as equalising as many say it is OR does white have any sneaky resources?
alberlie chess
3/20/2006 14:21:48 play online chess | schnarre,
Message: Be6 in that line. Pawn is covered and taking the bishop seems to be fine for black. Now the fight is no longer about the d5 square but for the e5 square. And after Nd7, Nc6 Bd6 I think black has better chances controlling that square. And, as long as d5 for black doesn't fall, your Bg2 has a nice time reading bedtime stories to your king :o)
alberlie chess
3/20/2006 14:30:36 play online chess | spurtus...
Message: There are probably sneaky resources in every opening. The question is how likely it is that your opponent falls for them. And I would guess that an opening, which reaches symmetry in many lines within the very first moves, is not the most likely candidate for this.
On 4. c4 black also has Bb4+ wich, according to Watsons "play the french" scored above average for black.
If you want a real battle, go for the winawer or play an advanced variation with an early Qg4. Those seem to have the potential of getting very sharp. But then again, what do _I_ know... ;o)
bittersweet_ballad chess
3/22/2006 04:57:17 play online chess |
Message: I really like the position white gets in this line:
e4 e6, d4 d5, Nc3 Nf3, Bg5 Be7, e5 Nd7, h4!? Bxg5, hxg5 Qxg5, Nh3
spurtus chess
3/22/2006 08:09:45 play online chess |
Message: indeed a nice position for white bittersweet, Black has a dodgy white bishop which cant get out and wouldnt be surprised if black loses if he eventually castles king side, what with the semi open h file... its just the sort of thing I'm looking for...
schnarre chess
3/22/2006 11:34:01 play online chess | Good
Message: hunting spurtus! We'll have frogs legs on the menu once more!
jstack chess
3/24/2006 06:05:01 play online chess | Alekhine-Chatard attack
Message: The only about this is you can't force black into it. He can go into the Winawer with 3..Bb4 which has a lot of theory. I am too lazy of a chess player to prepare for that.
andrewthemanyhued chess
3/24/2006 10:15:03 play online chess | BDG alternatives for the french
Message: Spurtus,
If you play the Blackmar-Diemer Gambit why not keep it in the same kind of lines with the Alapin-Diemer Gambit
1.d4 d5 2.e4 e6 3.Be3
or the Diemer-Duhm Gambit
1.d4 d5 2.e4 e6 3.c4
ccmcacollister chess
3/24/2006 14:18:38 play online chess | Is it really safe ...
Message: to play something called the "dumn gambit"??
}8-)) ( ?!?!
PS (I wonder if the first line from andrewthemanyhued is what was being called the "Esh" {Etsh?!} gambit in the 80's or is that different? Anyone sure on it? I believe it is. Which I first saw at referenced in his APCT by Esh, 80's or very early 90's)
andrewthemanyhued chess
3/24/2006 15:49:24 play online chess | Temple of Doom!
Message: It looks like it would sound like "dumb," but the pronunciation is really "DOOM."
And in the DDG, it is doom for black!
schnarre chess
3/25/2006 13:49:14 play online chess | DDG
Message: reminds me of a line I played years ago. I might just break it out again!
stendhar chess
3/27/2006 04:05:37 play online chess | I forgot the name
Message: But there's a more interesting gambit in the french after 1.e4 e6 2.d4 d5 3.Nc3 Bb4 4.a3 Bxc3+ 5.bxc3 dxe4 6.f3!? This is for all those who wish to avoid the Winaver and still play something interesting.
mean_guy183 chess
3/28/2006 21:16:17 play online chess | Previous post
Message: Not many people would play 5...dxe4 though.
stendhar chess
3/29/2006 00:25:37 play online chess |
Message: Botvinnik did. But I guess Botvinnik represents an elite few that not many people indentify with.
schnarre chess
4/06/2006 14:42:40 play online chess | Eh?!?
Message: Most games 5....dxe4 has been following.
ionadowman chess
4/07/2006 02:56:48 play online chess | 5...dxe4...
Message: ...was what I had played against me in this line.
1.e4 e6 2.d4 d5 3.Nc3 Bb4 4.a3 Bxc3+ 5.bxc3 dxe4 6.Qg4?! (Is 6.f3 better here?)...Nf6 7.Qxg7 Rg8 8.Qh6 Rg6 9.Qd2 Nc6 10.Bb2 e5 (These doubled e-pawns are a real pain) 11.O-O-O Qe7 12.d5 Nb8 13.c4 Nbd7 14.Re1 Nc5 15.f4 (Inaugurating a violent attempt to undermine Black's centre) ...Na4 16.Nf3 Nxb2 17.Kxb2 exf3 18.Rxe5 Be6 19.dxe6 fxe6 20.f5 Nd7 21.Rxe6 Rxe6 22.fxe6 Qxe6 23.gxf3 O-O-O 24.Ka2 Qf6 25.Qe3 Nb6 26.Be2 Qf7 27.Qb3 Qh5 28.Qb5 Draw agreed. I figured that my extra pawn and B vs N balanced White's weaknesses. The 6.Qg4 line used to be recommended, but in this game, Black seemed at will to establish something of a bind on the centre, which required (it seemed to me) considerable effort to demolish. Has anyone any improvements (for either side?)