ccmcacollister chess
3/25/2006 19:28:21 play online chess | Subject: Blitz Chess @ Chessanytime dot com:HELP PLZ...
Message: Please advise, if you are also a blitz player at : c h e s s a n y t i m e DOT c o m
Did you experience any trouble getting onto that site tonight, or recently, or get knocked off of the site while playing? Or aware of any problem going on there recently of any similar nature?
Tonight I got knocked off , only from that site, but not from browser nor net connection. And then could not get back online to it, to my paid account. Nor would it permit a guest sign-on nor Trial sign-on, which I tried just in order to try to talk with an online Administrator there. But could not do so. Now sitting and pending response to 2 e-mails to the site about it.
Any helpful info appreciated ... or relating of similar experience(s) there. Any info of site down or under maintenance, etc?
Have verified that my JAVA is updated to latest and that account is paid up over a month, still. Yet recieved sign-on error msg of "IO Execution error / connection refused / JAVA . And then when tried the Firewall bypass click ... It changed msg to say "Login not Registered". (Yet when Trial tried in order to find an administrator ... it said that KTTUN login was 'already in use' ! ) \
I'll be getting some more GK Blitz in tonight now it seems. Which I do also like. But after starting blitz here tonight already, was warmed-up and looking for some faster play to finish off with. }8-(
But calamity has reared her ugly head, 'The gods laugh', and we mortals pay the price of their entertainment :((
Big-BIG--SIGH----and thoughts of woe . . .
Craig A.C.