From | Message |
cascadejames chess
5/06/2006 08:58:55 play online chess | Subject: Novice Nook #16
Message: Perhaps WSchmidt's computer is malfunctioning again. So here is the link.
I have not played a serious OTB game in about 40 years so some of this week's discussion is a bit
foreign to me. What is a "time delay clock"? - referred to on p. 9.
It's interesting to hear his advice to play against players who are both weaker and stronger than
you. As I have been relearning chess, I have been striving to play against stronger players, but
his advice to also play against some weaker players makes sense. It is also easier on the ego. :-)
mattdw chess
5/06/2006 12:17:50 play online chess | 9. d4 ?
Message: I quickly skimmed over the article but I don't understand why 9. d4 is so good for white? Couldn't black maintain a big advantage by playing something like (9...Bxd4 10. Nxd4 Qh4 11. h3 Qxf2+ 12. Kh1 exd4) ?
ionadowman chess
5/07/2006 02:02:38 play online chess | Appearances can be deceiving...
Message: ...Black looks to have something on in Mattdw's final position, but I'm pretty certain that White will see off this attack and retain the advantage of the piece for 2 pawns. Personally I prefer 11.Nf3 or maybe 11.Bd5 instead of 11.h3. Black pretty much has to go for it anyway, so you might as well consolidate. All the same, after any of these 3 options, however formidable the Q+N combination in attack, they aren't enough here to overcome White's available defensive resources.
Having said that, Heisman ought possibly to have gone a little further into this position, because White's advantage - in the light of the attack Black obtains - isn't so easy to appreciate. Black has the initiative - however fleeting - and White has to defend. White's position isn't all that comfortable either if his K-wing is getting broken up. Has Black time to reinforce his attack? At some point he'll want to play ...d6 (or ...dxc6, which is why 11.Bd5 seems a good idea), to reinforce by ...Bh3, say. But that will give White time to improve his defences, and ...Bh3, or Bg4 might not hit at anything much, assuming it will be playable at all.
So, after mattdw's sequence, play: 13.Bd5 Qh4 14.Qe2 Nf2+?! 15.Kg1 (Kh2 seems playable, too) 15...Nxh3+?! 16.gxh3 Qg3+ 17.Kh1! (If 17.Kf1 d6! then 18.e5! is the 'only move', but it looks sufficient) 17...Qxh3 18.Qh2 Qf3+ 19.Kg1 d6 20.Bf4 Bh3 21.Nd2 ... This leaves White with 2 minor pieces and a good development against 4 pawns. OK Black doesn't have to be so single-minded as this particular line, but I think you get the picture... At best he'll stay behind in material.
mattdw chess
5/07/2006 10:23:32 play online chess | Good ideas.
Message: Thanks for the insight, I'll try offer some more in depth thoughts after my exams, but for now I have another question - is 14...d6 for black to defend the knight then retreat and centralise with 15...Ne5 not such a good idea? It seems ok to me, leaving black up two pawns and an ok position.
ionadowman chess
5/07/2006 13:41:23 play online chess | mattdw...
Message: ... you might have forgotten the extra bishop White has in compensation for the 2-pawn deficit. Other than that there's a lot to be said for your centralizing (and consolidating) plan. The bloodyminded approach I submitted for two reasons. The first reason is that Black has given up material (B for 2P) and 'going for broke' is one approach he could take to make it good. The second reason is that it's no 'gimme' for White, or at least, not as much as one might infer from Heisman. If you play 13.Kf1 in the line I've suggested (and it's the first move one would think of, I dare say) you have to find 14.e5! in response to 13...d6, otherwise White gets squashed after 14...Bh3.
Another approach, as mattdw suggests, is to play 'as if nothing has happened', consolidate and centralize, then inaugurate a pawn storm on the K-wing, say. It's probably no trivial matter for White to meet this plan, and Black will probably have a lot of fun, even if he does go under.
mattdw chess
5/07/2006 14:05:44 play online chess | Ah yes!
Message: I just noticed that the image of the board in the article has the knight still on b8, I just set up the position from there and didn't think too much about how it came about, a bit confusing! The knight should have been on c6 previously which is why the white Bishop is sitting there, I was a bit slow. ;) So yes, you're right, white would have the advantage but with some interesting play still left for black.
ccmcacollister chess
5/08/2006 07:20:32 play online chess | cascadejames
Message: Time Delay Clock would be the same as saying Fischer Clock or Allegro Clock ... one that adds back some time after each move is made. }8-)
ccmcacollister chess
5/08/2006 07:21:30 play online chess | (I believe)
Message: :)
ionadowman chess
5/08/2006 13:16:11 play online chess | Black might...
Message: ... go in for this line in 'odds-giving' style, forcing White to 'prove' that he has the advantage.
cascadejames chess
5/08/2006 21:01:31 play online chess | Thanks Craig
Message: Fischer time I understand.