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From | Message | ccmcacollister chess
5/28/2006 21:40:21 play online chess | Subject: KEY-GAMES or Demonstrative :
Message: There are certain Chess games that may overturn theory or show clear examples of the strategy and tactics of a given variation to the extent that they become Key. And by understanding these, one can synthesize continuations in associated lines. These are games that are critical to know, to really be proficient in a given opening. And often positions from them will be repeated many times, with various attempts at improvement stemming from them. Or perhaps the play from them is so decisive that one side of the position is then deemed too risky to play. Or found to be unsound. Or there is at least one major idea from them that is crucial to theory.
Besides those games, I would also like this thread to contain games that are demonstrative of some technique, be it an endgame finish, an attack (sacrificial or not), successful defensive technique, opening play or any other demonstration that a player would find essential or useful to know.
I would like to invite everyone to show such games, be they personal or by GM, or other games. Also to comment upon any submitted by myself or by others. And even to offer annotation to any game(s) appearing here. Whether you or someone else has submitted them. I would like the purpose of the thread to be increasing understanding of the game of Chess in any way, and at/for different levels of players as well. Also, please do indicate any question(s) you may have about any of the games and are unable to figure out for yourself. And I hope everyone will jump in and answer the questions that do arise. That will be one of the most interesting parts of this exercise, to me; To see what it is that players of various strengths aor styles would ask about. And the variety of thoughts that come about in reply.
Regards, Craig A.C. }8-)
PS// Most of my own Key Game familiarity will be with games played prior to about 1992, at which time I pretty much discontinued any intensive Chess studies. I hope there is a lot of new ideas out there that I haven't seen ! But with such good and inventive players I have never gotten to study, such as Anand, Kramnick, Adams, Carlson, etc ... I am sure there will be some Very Interesting games out there. [EG...When I was in my Postal and OTB heyday, NO one Ever played a serious game using the so called "English Attack" line featuring f3 and so on vs the
Sicilian. It was considered dull and unenterprising, if not inadequate.] There are even many games from the Polgar sisters that must be very excellent to know, but I dont. The examples from them that I do know, are usually very creative and enterprizing.
But dont limit yourself to newer games if you feel there is value in an old or classic game. Sometimes those are the best. Yet nary show up in our tournament experience if players now believe that game was the last word on a certain line of play. But still it is quite worthwhile to know of and understand WHY that is so, imo.
So dont be afraid to post one that may now be superceded in importance, but was Key in its day. Or continues to hold instructive value. We Need To Know !
And I would like to see some new forum contributors come forth here, and some of you who havent been around for awhile. We need your help now. Please? :)
Please help me to make this a very interesting and informative thread, with your games, questions, and answers ... which we will all work together to decipher. !
... }8-) Thanks in advance to all who heed the sirens' song of theory and practice
| ccmcacollister chess
5/28/2006 21:57:05 play online chess | Karpov - Korchnoi 1974 Dragon Sicilian
Message: In my view, this is probably the most important game in the Yugoslav Variation of the Dragon Siclian, that has ever been played. And one that is absolutely critical to know of if you plan to engage in either side of that opening. It is also an Excellent example of an h-file attack vs Black's fianchettoed 0-0 king position.
| ccmcacollister chess
5/28/2006 21:58:45 play online chess | Link did not take to the actual game
Message: It just went to the database site. So here are the moves. I will try to see if another site will come thru with the actual game moves from this game of Moscow 1974
1. e4 c5
2. Nf3 d6
3. d4 cxd4
4. Nxd4 Nf6
5. Nc3 g6
6. Be3 Bg7
7. f3 Nc6
8. Qd2 O-O
9. Bc4 Bd7
10. h4 Rc8
11. Bb3 Ne5
12. O-O-O Nc4
13. Bxc4 Rxc4
14. h5 Nxh5
15. g4 Nf6
16. Nde2 Qa5
17. Bh6 Bxh6
18. Qxh6 Rfc8
19. Rd3 R4c5
20. g5 Rxg5
21. Rd5 Rxd5
22. Nxd5 Re8
23. Nef4 Bc6
24. e5 Bxd5
25. exf6 exf6
26. Qxh7+ Kf8
27. Qh8+
| ccmcacollister chess
5/28/2006 22:12:21 play online chess | Here is the game
Message: from a different database. A point of interest. The attack now known as the Yugoslav was formerly known as the Rauser Attack in the 1970's. I'm not sure when the name change took place. And often a name may be changed in one country at a time, or by one particularly important publication of it that starts the Chess community using a new moniker for it. I would be interested to know, if anyone could tell me if it was such an article causing a fast change? Or a more gradual process as in the former methodology?
| ccmcacollister chess
5/28/2006 22:43:24 play online chess | Velimirovic vs Bukal
Message: This is not the game from Velim that I was actually searching for. I'm not sure if it is Key ... but the Kingside assault is just too pretty to pass up. So I'm bringing it here and hope you will enjoy it too.
Velimirovic was one of the most exciting players of his day, playing much in the 60's and 70's, in very sharp style reminiscent of Tal / Bronstein. And as you might have guessed, was one of my very favorite players to follow. If you want to put some excitement into your play or just your day, you MUST see Velimirovic. Any tactical player Must fall in love with him, or be losing their eyesight!
If you have not seen his play before, Please let me know what you think. Even if it is just to say "That dogs not so shaggy" :))
| ionadowman chess
5/29/2006 03:21:42 play online chess | Yugoslav attack...
Message: ...I think it was formerly known as the Porcupine Attack. I knew it as the Yugoslav attack int the early 1970s... In a GK game last year, I followed the Karpov-Korchnoi game to which you allude, with a rather interesting, if disappointing, result. I can't say my handling of the early endgame was particularly joyful...
White: ionadowman
Black: feyenoord (obviously a football fan)
1.e4 c5 2.Nf3 d6 3.d4 cxd4 4.Nxd4 Nf6 5.Nc3 g7 6.Be3 Bg7 7.f3 O-O 8.Qd2 Nc6
9.Bc4 Bd7 10.h4 Ne5 11.Bb3 Rc8 12.O-O-O Nc4 13.Bxc4 Rxc4 14.h5 Nxh5 15.g4 Nf6
16.Nde2 (! according to P.R. Markland, "showing a true understanding of the position." After this game, I have my doubts...) 16...Re8 (!) 17.Bh6 Bh8 18.e5 Nxg4! (Damn!)
19.fxg4 Bxe5 20.Bf4 Qa5 21.Bxe5 Qxe5 22.Qh6 Qg7 23.Qxg7 Kxg7 24.g5 Bc6
(It's hard to figure out a way to weaken that pawn phalanx to get in amongst it.)
25.Rhg1 h6 26.gxh6 Kxg6 27.Nd4 Kg7 28.Rd3 Rh8 29.Nxc6 bxc6 30.Re1 Kf8
31.Rde3 e6 32.b3 Rf4 33.Ne4 Ke7 34.c4 Rh2 35.Re2 Rf1+ 36.Kc2?! Rxe2+ (So far White has achieved a steady worsening of his position, and Black's grip is starting to look more like a stranglehold. White wants to create a passed pawn on the Q-side, but it doesn't look that easy to achieve...) 37.Rxe2 d5 38.cxd5 exd5 39.Nc3 Kd7 40.b4 g5 41.a4 (a plan is beginning to emerge...)
g5 42.Nb5 a6 43.Nd4 Kd6 44.b5 axb5 45.Nxb5 Kc5 46.Nc7 Kb4?!
47.Nxe6! (Looks desperate, and it is, but this is what I had been steering for during the last few moves. I felt this offered the only chance of saving the draw) 47...fxe6 48.Rxe6 Kxa4 49.Rg6 Rf4 50.Rg5 Kb4 51.Rxd5 Kc4 52.Rd8 Rd4 53.Rg8 Kd5 54.Kc3 (...beginning a mad dash for the K-side to stop Black's remaining pawn.)
54...Ra4 55.Rg5+ Ke6 56.Kd3 Kf6 57.Rg8 Kf5 58.Ke3 Ra3+ 59.Kf2 Ra2+ 60.Kg3 Draw.
| ccmcacollister chess
5/29/2006 12:22:55 play online chess | ionadowman ...
Message: Yes, your opponent was following later theory I believe (tho its hard to know. Sometimes a key game causes play to revert to earlier ideas). With Re8. In any case it's been seen many times in play since this one. Often back in the early 80's USA otb was where I've met it. (Ragnvald Nilssen played it a lot.) And obviously is better than following Korchnoi unto doom above. And the sac at g4 was being seen in postal play before I played 8th USCCC back in the later 80's.
There was a major mono-gram published in Chess Life and Review in 1975 (possibly 76 but I doubt that) about this Karpov-Korchnoi (there was also a Karpov-Korchnoi Dragon prior to this that was a key game before it). Possibly it was Sv. Gligorics "Game of the Month". I'll try to verify. Anyway it discusses many possiblities arising from this game. One was retreating Qd8 after the Rooks both go to BL's c-file. Which was considered inadequate. From memory thin the refutation involved WT timely Nd5 vs the Nf6.
Anyway dont feel bad. We are in the same boat. Dare I say Ship? I took a loss as WT too, in postal against WmJShipley while trying to follow Sherzer analysis as WT using Bg5 vs the ....h5 line that they have come to call Soltis (Tho way back the Soltis line was the one where bl played Nxd4 then ....b5. So should they say New Soltis and Old Soltis, or call one the Andy? ? anyway...) Tho I did a hypnotic blunder later in the game it appeared before that that Shipley had improved the thing to where the question ... should WT just call it a bust arose to me.
I'm hoping this game will show up when I recover my XT games, if 8th USCCC is there. Unfortunately I think it is in the 80% of my games and theory destroyed in the flood. (No not THAT flood ... a few years after that one :)
[My 3 Dragons as BL in USCCC play thus broke even with that game. A win vs a 2300+ and draw vs 2200+]
| ionadowman chess
5/29/2006 13:09:40 play online chess | Thanks for your reply, Craig!
Message: ...I wasn't too unhappy with the game - I was happy with salvaging the draw, even though it put a term on my winning streak! I was aware that we were following a later game than K-K '74, but don't recall at what point we struck out into "terror" incognita - it was a few moves after 18...Nxg4 at any rate. Still, I haven't trusted Markland's evaluation of 16.Nde2 since then. It seemed to me Black has a marginal edge after 18...Nxg4, and I haven't found any improvement for White.
| ccmcacollister chess
5/29/2006 17:13:31 play online chess | Edwards - Curry / Caro-Kann
Message: This is a Caro-Kann game from APCT between Jon Edwards(2400ish) and Bob Curry(2300ish) , in the variation ...Nf6, Nxf6 gxf6 which Curry has played very successfully to the point of developing a formula for the opening that included strategy of fighting for f5 and f4, when to play ...Nd5, etc. Not just moves but sequences and timing of them.
This line Wt plays Ne2 rather than the more common Nf3. And the white side was having some rather unfavorable results. Largely, I suspect due to the awkward nature of his attack upon the BL Q-side that leads with the a-pawn and often got locked up, rather than opening lines. Edwards finds and improvement however, in spite of that. Which is the point where I last recall seeing the game. So have not yet seen the end yet, myself. But note the outcome is as I expected. I'm trusting there wont be a major snafu involved. And look forward to seeing it in full shortly. But dont plan any notes for anything that does not ellicit interest; as there was not much for the Dragon. Nor Velimirovic.
The game may be viewed at GameColony . com by using the first link I put in above that says www chesslab . com here. Then type in Edwards and Curry as the players when you get there.
A hint about this site. Leave the rating indicator at ANY when expecting to look up CORR games, as they usually will not have any ratings used, unfortunately, on that site.
[Also a tip for the other site that I used in the second link which shows here as Chessgames . com . On it, do not check the boxes for KIBITZING or ANNOTATIONS at first or it often shows NO GAMES. First see if there are any games at all there. THEN look for ANNOTATIONS or KIBITZING and you may be more successful in seeing what is available there.]
1. e4 c6
2. d4 d5
3. Nd2 dxe4
4. Nxe4 Nf6
5. Nxf6+ gxf6
6. c3 Bf5
7. Ne2 h5
8. Ng3 Bg6
9. h4 Nd7
10. Be2 Qa5
11. a4 O-O-O
12. b4 Qc7
13. a5 e5
14. a6 b6
15. O-O e4
16. b5 c5
17. Qb3 f5
18. Bg5 Re8
19. Qd5 f6
20. Qa8+ Nb8
21. Bf4 Qxf4
22. Qb7+ Kd8
23. dxc5 Re7
24. Rfd1+ Ke8
25. Qc8+ Kf7
26. cxb6 Kg7
27. bxa7 Rxa7
28. b6 Rf7
29. a7 Bd6
30. b7
* * *
Short and sweet. }8-)
| ionadowman chess
5/30/2006 13:34:57 play online chess | Remarkable final positions...
Message: ... in both games!
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