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amenhotepi chess


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Subject: White; Chess opening Pe2-e3 ...

is anyone familiar with White Pe2-e3, and later White Pd2-d3, and later White King-side Castleing opening. i, am particularly interested [..i, have been playing Chess "on-and-off" for 30 yrs] how to Play an Offensive against this initial Pe2-e3 ..etc. i, hope i don't sound like a complete div. - thanks for your time

ganstaman chess


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Playing 1.e3 or 1.d3 is not all that ambitious, but it's not bad. Black is allowed to develop as he wants since white didn't claim any of the center. While there are other choices, it looks to me like this will either transpose into some reversed opening (white playing as if black with an extra move), or they will become some sort of hypermodern opening for white (holding back, developing pieces, and then striking in the center).

You can probably find sample games that open like this. The only problem is that 1.e3 and 1.d3 leave so many options for both sides that the game really becomes what you make of it. It all depends on what your goal is with the opening -- that is, what do you hope to achieve by playing 1.e3 or 1.d3 instead of 1.e4 or 1.d4?

amenhotepi chess


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opening Pe2-3

I, have found playing White, that: prior to Move3 Pe2-3, and, Move4 Pd2-3 - if I start with: Move1 Ph2-3, then, Move2 Ng1-f3, I can usually make o-o with Move5 Bf1-g2; then timely, Move6 Nf3-h2 prior to o-o or, soon after o-o.
I have found, that: Nh2 from Ng1 via Nf3 is quite strong, especially if, later: Pe3-e4, or, Pd3-d4 ....
ganstaman - it appears to me - if Ph2-h3 can be made before my Opponent makes Pe7-e6[or /e5] then: once he\she has made that Move, the OPEN Diagonal c8/h3 goes someway to cancelling ,strong: N at h2.
Of course, if I [often] still have: P at e3, or P at d3 while N is getting to h2 [ Objective, as I see it in this case,] many of my P do n't even reach Row4, or, Row5.
If I am lucky: I can capture my Opponent's N at e7, with, my: Bc1-g5 ..then later Bg5xN, there. - Sometimes, failing to capture: N at e7 [with my B at g5;] if I can get that B to g3, I have "some position."
IF, my Opponent captures Q-side pieces [especially Ps..] quickly, early-on in the Game his\her Ps can quickly get to Row3, at least, and forthrightly open e-File ...where Qs may get quickly-swapped.

- Thanks for your time ganstaman. If, you know more of this .. prehaps you have an opinion. I would definately like to hear it. Or you could make some corrections to my thinking. best

amenhotepi chess


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White Ph2-h3

gangstaman, Move1 Ph2-h3 is: an irregular-opening called the Clemenz Opening. Since I generally align my Clemenz Play to an Advance of King's Pawn, I suppose this is aligned-play. Sometimes with play Ph2-h3, I play: Grob's Attack with Pg2-g4, or, sometimes to g3, again aligned to; Advance of King's Pawn. I play this sort of Opening with French Defence ..and o-o. And: Barne's Opening, with; Pf2-3 the BEST [though: I find Play AFTER Barn's, complex.]

ganstaman chess


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Well, some of these ideas are playable. The Grob and Barne's won't win except against weaker oponents (but then you likely would have won regardless of how you opened). I've tried them both and can say that they definitely give an advantage to the other player, which isn't something you have to or want to do.

The Clemenz is playable, but pointless. You have many other moves that sever a better purpose. If you really enjoy opening like this, then go ahead and do it. But I would certainly recommend more popular openings where you develop your pieces to active squares and actually try to win the game through some aggressiveness. This opening seems too passive and overly defensive.

There is a thread about the hippopotamus opening here. You may want to check it out (I think it links to some games and articles). While it's usually used by the black player, white can play it too. You should see how the player that started that thread likes the opening now after studying/practicing it for this time.

amenhotepi chess


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Thanks, for your opinion. I, will check out the hippopotamus Thread ..sounds interesting.
I am interested too, in the notion that the Barn's opening won't Win, except against weaker Opponents. I find the opening intriguing .. but thanks anyway -

ganstaman chess


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Barne's opening

Well I guess it can win, just much less often than other openings. Not only does it not do anything helpful, it actually does harmful things to your position. If you actually want to win fairly often and you're not crazy, then I see no reason to use the Barne's Opening.

I'm sure there are people out there that will claim it has many merits, but every opening, no matter how bad it is, will have a cult that follows it....

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