From | Message |
gambiter chess
6/10/2006 11:21:01 play online chess | Subject: f5 line in the kalashnikov
Message: Hi
I am preparing for an otb game this week and I was wondering if you guys could help me out. I was wondering if anyone knows about an f5 line or idea in the kalshnikov. It would probably be prior to Nf6 but after Be7. e4 c5 Nf3 Nc6 d4 cxd4 Nxd4 e5 Nb5 d6 c4 Be7 N1c3 a6 Na3. It might be some where in this variation. Sorry if I am being too vague! ; )
trond chess
6/11/2006 12:11:08 play online chess | game database
Message: This following line is in the Chess games database and seems to be good scoring for black:
1. e4 c5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. d4 cxd4 4. Nxd4 e5 5. Nb5 d6 6. c4 Be7 7. Nb1-c3 a6 8. Na3 f5
Good luck in your preparations.
thunker chess
6/11/2006 13:56:53 play online chess | Chessbase 9 database
Message: Searching the 05 database w/ Chessbase 9 after position 8.Na3 for any one player 2600+ yields 57 games. 16 white wins, 32 draws and 9 black wins.
Black scores best w/ 8 ... Be6 (48% black wins), next w/ 8 ... f5 (39% black wins) followed by 8 ... Nf6 (draw) and 8 ... h6 (black loss)
Best wishes
gambiter chess
6/15/2006 14:35:37 play online chess | Thanks
Message: Thanks guys, this is an interesting line I found on chess lab. e4 c5 Nf3 Nc6 d4 cd Nxd4 e5 Nb5 d6 c4 be7 Nb1-c3 a6 Na3 f5 exf5 Bg5 and if Bxg5 Nxd6 wins the bishop on f5. Thought this was kind of cool. : )Thanks again
daniele chess
6/15/2006 15:14:52 play online chess | Look at this
Message: [Event "FRA-chT"]
[Site "France"]
[Date "1999.??.??"]
[Round "6"]
[White "Nunn, John DM"]
[Black "Nataf, Igor Alexandre"]
[Result "0-1"]
[ECO "B32"]
[WhiteElo "2600"]
[BlackElo "2481"]
[PlyCount "56"]
[EventDate "1999.02.??"]
[Source "ChessBase"]
[SourceDate "1999.11.16"]
1. e4 c5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. d4 cxd4 4. Nxd4 e5 5. Nb5 d6 6. c4 Be7 7. N1c3 a6 8. Na3
f5 9. Bd3 f4 10. g3 Nf6 11. gxf4 exf4 12. Bxf4 O-O 13. Bg3 Ng4 14. Be2 Nxf2 15.
Qd5+ Kh8 16. Bxf2 Nb4 17. Qh5 Rxf2 18. Kxf2 Bh4+ 19. Kg2 g6 20. Qf3 Qg5+ 21.
Kf1 Bh3+ 22. Qxh3 Rf8+ 23. Bf3 Qe3 24. Qxh4 Nd3 25. Nd5 Qxf3+ 26. Kg1 Nf2 27.
Kf1 Qxh1+ 28. Ke2 Qxa1 0-1