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far1ey chess


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I need a chess tutor, but since I am not a paying member I cannot join the chess club which has loads of tutors... My rating is around 1500 but I cannot seem to improve no matter how many games I play nor how many books I read. Please contact me if you think you could tutor me. Thanks.

coyotefan chess


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How much are you willing to pay?

As you are asking someone to assist you, I assume you will pay? I used a tudor a few years ago and paid him $45.00 an hour.

misato chess


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Send me an unrated challenge as soon as you have an open spot (currently 12) - if you like. You name the colours and the opening. We can play a commented game then.

Another chance is that I take a closer look at your past games (or you tell me 1-2 which you think are worth to learn from). I hope to point at some characteristic or decisive positions. This analysis may lead to questions/problems for you, no lectures but some hopefully learning units. All depends on how our preferences will meet.

I offered the same half a year ago to a member in wschmidt�s tutorial chess club who was looking for advice, too. I wanted to give something back to the paying GK-members because they support my non-paying status here. Unfortunately it seems he left GK some weeks later. Now it�s time for new try.

I can remember well what a 14-year-old can afford to pay, there won�t be any problems.

zhnkiu chess


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Well, lets look at

some positional puzzles. I can sometimes find the first move in A. Livshitz: Test Your Chess IQ, Grandmaster Challenge, Book 3 (My IQ estimate appears to be consistently about 1740 ELO), but not so easy seeing all the lines, so I usually only get partial credit. At your level you might be able to handle his Book 2, Master Challenge, where I'm more at home, but the puzzles are comparatively simplistic. But I'd suggest starting with his Book 1 anyway, Introductory Challenge. Here you'll find a basic overview of all the general tactics in the game.

Studying puzzles are about the same pace as playing on Chess, and I see others can already play you unrated. If you like, I can select some from these books to discuss. However, I've since lost Book 1, so be prepared...

?/Would it be ok to post these on the Chess puzzle database or would that be copywrite infringment? The puzzles themselves are taken from existing games...

far1ey chess


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coyotefan $45.00??!?!?!?!! You must be crazy!!!!
As misato said, I'm only 14 and I don't even have a job yet!!! (not even pocket money)

Thanks for the helping hand misato, I really want to get a higher rating...

zhnkiu : I have allready said that I'm reading a lot of chess books and I am currently reading "Chess 5334 Problems, Combinations, and Games by Laszlo Polgar", father of the Polgar sisters which pretty much takes care of any problems I have with recognising wins/paterns. I have also read many books at the local library and my rating before I started reading them was 1300 so I have already come a fair way, and I doubt reading will get me much further unless I get into the really "deep" books which I am too busy to concentrate on. (All this reading caused me to fail half my exams at school).

PS: It's amazing how I do this with my friends calling me "The Chess Nerd" ;)

zhnkiu chess


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Yes, but can it do this...

"Velimirovis-Fridjonsson, Reykjavik, 1974
1.fxe6 fxe6 2.Qh3 Nf8 3.Rxh7! Nxh7 (if 3...Bxb3 4.Rh8+ Kf7 5.Rf1+ Ke8 6.Rfxf8+ Bxf8 7.Qxe6+ Kd8 Rxf8+ Kc7 9.Rf7+) 4.Qxe6+ Kf8 (bad is 4...Kh8 5.Qxe7; 6.e6+) 5.Rf1+ Ke8 6.Rf7! Rb7 7.Bxa4+ Qxa4 8.Rxh7 Kd8 9.Bb6+! Rxb6 10.Qxe7+ resigns"

I certainly can't! I suppose that's the depth of a GM. Notice the critical move wasn't the first move...

Tangentally, I'd suggest studying other things besides chess; Mathematics, Music, Art. These train other areas of your brain, so you don't tip over...

b123 chess


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Check out this link. It's a very good program. At helps me really understanding chess. My rating went from 1100 to 1600+, and i feel i still make progression.

It did took me 3 years to complete step 1 till 4. I didn't used it very often. Only once in a while a few lessons. Don't expect an immediate boost in your rating, but on long term it will definitly open your eyes a bit further.
It's much more interactive as a book and everything is really good explained.

It only cost $25, the same as a half hour coyotefan :p


b123 chess


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It's not showing to complete link. Try copy pasting it.


far1ey chess


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zhnkiu I'm afraid I've still tried everything in that sector.

I have been learning Guitar since Grade 1 (8 Years) and Piano for a few. My maths is excellent. Art... Well My sister is good at drawing. lol. I ain't that good....

wschmidt chess


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I'm reading between the lines of your posts so pardon me if I'm off base. Here is what I see:

"I cannot seem to improve no matter how many games I play nor how many books I read."

"I'm reading a lot of chess books and I am currently reading "Chess 5334 Problems, Combinations, and Games by Laszlo Polgar", father of the Polgar sisters which pretty much takes care of any problems I have with recognising wins/patterns. I have also read many books at the local library...."

"I doubt reading will get me much further unless I get into the really "deep" books which I am too busy to concentrate on."

What these quotes from your messages suggest to me is that you may be "reading" a lot but not studying very much. I.e, if, up til now, you've "read" a lot of books but haven't mastered the material by being able to put it into practice, you might consider going back to one or two of those books and really studying them.

For example, if you've gone through a tactics book once, go through it again and again until you can do every puzzle in 30 seconds or less. (Do it with a book of 300 positions, not Lazlo's 5000+.) If you've gone through a middle game book, set up the key positions from each chapter on your chess software and play against the computer at different settings so you can implement the correct plan against a variety of responses. Do the same thing against the computer while going through an endgame book.

Once again, reading a chess book is not the same thing as studying it. You can glean some general principles from reading, but in chess, general principles will only take you so far.

You don't say anything about analyzing your games. Take the last ten games you played and run them through your computer for two minutes a move analysis. My guess is you will find you made a lot of tactical errors in both your wins and your losses. Ask yourself what underlies those errors. Did you examine the move that your opponent made and didn't see its implications? Or did you not examine the move at all? Over the next 15 weeks, do that for all 150+ games you've played on GK. Print out the positions where you made the tactical errors. Study them until you can solve each one in 30 seconds or less, your own puzzle book.

Obviously, you're not going to do all this stuff at once - pick something and go with it. Really learn it. I posted one of my favorite chess quotations at the beginning of the Chess Coaching Club: Bent Larsen was once asked: �How do you get better at chess?� He responded: �First you learn one thing really well. Then you learn something else really well. Then you go on to something else. Pretty soon you know a lot.�

Oh, and stick with Misato as long as she'll let you. She's both sane and wise - a rare combination in a chessplayer. ws

ionadowman chess


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Looking at yr game history, far1ey...

...You seem to be doing sensible things: you try to play sensible openings, and you seem consistently to be playing opponents with slightly higher ratings. It seems likely you have hit a plateau in your chess development - you are in the middle of learning something, without really realising it!
A look at your latest defeats indicates you do need to work on your endgames. You ought to have won the latest one, and you certainly had the better of the late middlegame/early endgame in the other. Both were against higher rated players.
In the former. possibly you were a bit overconfident when gradually giving up a whole rook's lead in material to simplify the game. Unfortunately the pawn ending you obtained may have been winning for Black - he certainly was winning once he got his passer on the a-file.
In the latter game's rook ending, there was no need to let him promote his a-pawn. After checking his king, ...Ra1 is indicated. (Placing your rook behind the passed pawn is a standard part of one's endgame technique, whether the passed pawn is the enemy's, or your own.)
Hope this helps...

ionadowman chess


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A clarification on that last rook ending

...Even after 51...c1+ 52.Kg2 Ra1(!) Black is probably still lost, e.g:
53.Rb7+ Ke6 (pointless going after the rook; better to see what you can save out of your K-side) 54.Rxg7 h6 55.Rh7 Kf5 56.Rxh6 Rxa7 still leaves Black with 1 pawn vs 3. But white is left with some work to do...

far1ey chess


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ionadowman - Hmmmm I have never really analysed my games that deeply, I'll start doing it right away. As to the last game, well it was a fiasco to say the least.

PS: Thanks for the tips, they will certainly help me in my games.

ionadowman chess


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If you mean against amasil...

... your ...Re2 was a bit premature, but until then your game seemed OK pretty much. (I might not have played 9...e4, but without going into it deeply, I don't see any immediate problem with it.) Your response to his caveman opening was restrained and well-considered. By about move 10, though, things were getting very complicated, White with pressure on f7, Black with central pressure. A fair bit of analysis was called for here, methinks...
If you like, I could look into it a bit further...

ganstaman chess


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amasil v far1ey

I think I'm looking at the same game ionadownman was. Why resign there as black? All I see is that black is forced to lose the exchange, which isn't even close to a reason to resign, at any level of chess. I hope I'm just missing something obvious, because premature resignations sadden me (no excitement for the viewers, no learning of defense and creating complications for the loser, no learning how to win a won game for the winner -- everyone loses).

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