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nmcharlesriordan chess


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Subject: what opening is this

what is the parham attack for white someoen was discussing it at what is the parham att ack for white and is it effective against black.thxs look forword to your responses about the parham attack.

thunker chess


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A link

I've never played this - looks rather shakey to me... Check out this link to wikipedia - it has some info on it.

far1ey chess


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When played on it says its the "Patzer attack" and rightly so...

ccmcacollister chess


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There's a similar concept ...

from the Vienna Game
1.e4 e5 2.Nc3 Nf6 3.Bc4 Nxe4 4.Qh5 Nd6 5.Bb3 Nc6 6.Nb5 g6 7.Qf3 and BL follows with ...f5 and ...Qf6 or ...Qe7 quite often, sac'g his Ra8 for an eventual knight and activity. Something like that. It's a common line and no doubt in any major opening text like MCO.
I don't know if the Parham will be there, exactly. :)
But I would probably start play similarly, but with 2...Nc6. 3.Bc4 g6 4.Qf3 Qf6 =
or 3.Bb5 d6 etc. Along those lines. One sees it a lot in blitz games online. In that line with Qf6, if they don't trade there then there's like ...Bg7 and Nge7; just don't get your queen trapped there by a Bg5 or such. You only need to keep your eyes open for one or two-movers in this thing, most likely. At least that is all I do in blitz and have not been stuck by it. Regards }8-)
[ps Then again, I often tell players that if they can take something and make it their-own, and learn more about it than anyone they play; sometimes there is gold to be found in less than common lines, or less than best, as the case may be. ]

ionadowman chess


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I do know of one example ...

... from master play. H. Westerinen, the Finnish GM played it once (I forget who against), and drew the game.
I'm surprised that it actually has a name, though if someone has taken the trouble to study it properly, no doubt it is deserved. It is the perennial beginner's opening - and the reason why I, and my schoolmates, played the French Defence for several years!

bucklehead chess


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Watch out! A Wayward Queen!

American GM Hikaru Nakamura has used it more than occasionally, with probably the most famous game pasted below (I note that this is game is also mentioned heavily in the Wikipedia piece). Interestingly, seems to label this opening the "Wayward Queen Attack," which is new to me.

Is it effective? Craig is right when he points out that the people likely to play this regularly (assuming they're not complete novices) may be very familiar with the opening's ins and outs. (In this vein, I'd recommend not engaging Craig in a Center Game.) There's been an intermittent discussion in these forums, for example, about the value of Damiano's Defense (1 e4 e5 2 Nf3 f6) based on its being useful as a surprise weapon if you're prepared enough. For my part, I try to REMOVE stinkers from my repertoire, not add them.


[Event "13th Sigeman & Co"]
[Site "Copenhagen/Malmoe DEN"]
[Date "2005.04.22"]
[EventDate "2005.04.15"]
[Round "7"]
[Result "0-1"]
[White "H Nakamura"]
[Black "K Sasikiran"]
[ECO "C20"]
[WhiteElo "2657"]
[BlackElo "2642"]
[PlyCount "174"]

1. e4 e5 2. Qh5 Nc6 3. Bc4 g6 4. Qf3 Nf6 5. Ne2 Bg7 6. Nbc3 d6 7. d3 Bg4 8.
Qg3 Qd7 9. f3 Be6 10. Bg5 Nh5 11. Qh4 h6 12. Be3 Na5 13. Bb3 Nxb3 14. axb3
a6 15. d4 Qe7 16. Qf2 exd4 17. Bxd4 Nf6 18. O-O-O O-O-O 19. Nf4 Rhg8 20.
Rhe1 Kb8 21. Kb1 g5 22. Nfe2 Rge8 23. g4 Qf8 24. Ng3 Nd7 25. Be3 Qh8 26.
Nge2 Be5 27. h4 Qg7 28. Rh1 Nf6 29. Bd4 Nd7 30. Qe3 Qf6 31. hxg5 hxg5 32.
Bxe5 Qxe5 33. Rh5 Rg8 34. Nd5 Rde8 35. Qc1 Qg7 36. Ne3 Nf6 37. Rh2 Rh8 38.
Rg2 Nd7 39. Nd4 Rh3 40. c4 Qf6 41. Rf2 Reh8 42. b4 Qe5 43. c5 dxc5 44. bxc5
Nxc5 45. Qc3 f6 46. Rc2 Na4 47. Qb4 Bd7 48. Nb3 Rh1 49. Rxh1 Rxh1+ 50. Ka2
Nb6 51. Qf8+ Qe8 52. Qxe8+ Bxe8 53. Nc5 Nd7 54. Nxd7+ Bxd7 55. Kb3 Re1 56.
Rc3 Be6+ 57. Kc2 Re2+ 58. Kc1 a5 59. Nc2 Rf2 60. Nd4 Bd7 61. Rc5 b6 62. Rd5
Kc8 63. e5 fxe5 64. Rxe5 c5 65. Nb3 Rf1+ 66. Kd2 a4 67. Nxc5 bxc5 68. Rxc5+
Kb7 69. Rxg5 Rxf3 70. Rd5 Be6 71. Rd3 Rf1 72. Rg3 Rf2+ 73. Kc3 Kb6 74. Kb4
Rf4+ 75. Ka3 Kb5 76. Re3 Bd5 77. Rd3 Bc4 78. Re3 Rd4 79. g5 Rd1 80. b3 axb3
81. Re8 Ra1+ 82. Kb2 Ra2+ 83. Kc3 Rc2+ 84. Kd4 b2 85. Rb8+ Ka4 86. g6 Bb5
87. g7 b1=Q 0-1

far1ey chess


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Interesting game bucklehead. The opening isn't as bad as it looks...

after 3.g6 black has either weak dark squares around his king or is forced to put his bishop on g7 when it has practically no life as the e5 pawn doesn't look like moving anywhere.

fmgaijin chess


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Parham Attack Refers to . . .

NM Bernard Parham of Lafayette, Indiana, US. Parham has championed this and other "unusual" openings (e.g. 1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Qe7?!, the Parham Defense) for many decades and scored some nice victories as well as some disastrous defeats. Bernie advocated independent thinking rather than rote, but perhaps there are limits . . . or are there?

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