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Posted by nathanman22


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Subject: Gambits and Sacrifices

I recently have been messing around with a new opening--e5, d5, then d4. This I believe is called the queen's gambit but I could be wrong. I don't know much about gambits--I haven't had time to read many books--but I would be interested in learning more about them. I don't know the whole sequence and if the gambit is accepted, I generally protect my pawn with a knight. Is this a good follow up? What are some of the opening gambits besides the queen and king gambits and when are they most effective? Also, when should you deny and when should you accept gambits? I have tried both with differing results.

Finally, in the way of sacrifices, I have actually made 2 queen sacrifices that resulted in checkmate in my time here. But I get nervous, because sacrifices if they backfire set you significantly back in the way of material. I have a game in which I am about to attempt a double sacrifice that will put me 8 points behind in material, but will break through a king side castle and should be an easy checkmate (with a combination of queen and rook). However, I am eerie about the use of sacrifices because I always worry that I may not have looked far enough ahead and the plan may backfire. When is it a good time to sacrifice? What are some of the best sacrifices you've made to win a game or get significant advantage. This thread is basically for any discussion on gambits and sacrifices, but I hope that someone may be able to help me by answering my questions as well. Have a great day!


Posted by easy19


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There are several good gambits..and usually declining the gambit is best.
But some better be accepted. Kings gambit if accepted favors you

The queens gambit is the best gambit with the highest statistical chance of a win for white 40% win 36% Draw out of 2 million matches

A other very good gambit is the Blackmar diemer gambit if accepted you have a good chance of winning. 1. d4 d5 2. e4 but it is not easy
I have played several good BDG games if you like i send you the game links

Gambits with black i say you have to try.. specially with your rating
Blackburne Gambit - 1. e4 e5; 2. Nf3 Nc6; 3. Bc4 Nd4; With a 7 move checkmate variation for black > I have a worked out file if you like<

and the

Budapest Gambit - 1. d4 Nf6; 2. c4 e5; with a checkmate in 8 variation for black
>I have a worked out file if you like<

And for a cool sacrifice try the Leipzig Gambit (Halloween gambit)
1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Nc3 Nf6 4.Nxe5
You sacrifice a horsie for a pawn and if black is not familiar with the opening a great chance of winning the match.. (
I have a good pdf file if you like up to 15 variations 20 moves deep.

Posted by fmgaijin


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Queen's Gambit

Nathan, the Queen's Gambit proper is 1.d4 d5 2.c4 (though various other move orders can transpose back to this if White or Black delays one of the center P moves. In one of your current games, you are playing the Black side of this and continued with 2...Nf6, the Marshall Variation QGD.
A tribute to Vassily Smyslov — Vassily Smyslov, the seventh world chess champion, died of heart failure in Moscow on March 27, three days after his 89th birthday. He was one of the greatest stars when the Soviet Union dominated chess. Smyslov enjoyed a long chess career, stretching from his days as a teenage master to occasional appearances in his late 70s. But he will be remembered most for his successes in the 1950s. He won two Candidates tournaments, in 1953 (probably his greatest tournament performance) and 1956, to earn the right to challenge world chess champion Mikhail Botvinnik. Their 1954 match ended in a 12-12 tie. Smyslov defeated Botvinnik ...
Posted by easy19


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To clear up

But some better be accepted. Kings gambit if accepted favors you
>>> It favors the one who accepts..
American Grandmaster Makes a Stand in Philadelphia — Most of the top chess players are European, and most of the top chess tournaments are in Europe. So it is not surprising that there are few spots in those competitions for non-Europeans. For many years, if an American chess player was included in an elite event, the invitation went to Gata Kamsky. But Kamsky’s world ranking has slipped to No. 34, while Hikaru Nakamura, the reigning United States chess champion, has risen to No. 17. Nakamura, at age 22, is 13 years younger than Kamsky, and he plays an exciting chess that is popular with fans. So Nakamura now seems to be claiming most of the choice tournament spots. Nakamura competed in ...
Posted by spurtus


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Nathan, if you like gambits AND sacrifices checkout the 'Blackmar Diemer Gambit', good for the attacking player.
Sochi 2010 looking to overcome lack of recognition for chess in Russia — Russia stages the world's strongest national team chess championship, yet it receives little publicity. This is partly due to a slow website, and also because most of the team names are non‑geographical. For several years, however, Tomsk were the team to beat. The Siberians, though, were out of contention at halfway in this week's 2010 contest in Sochi, where Moscow and St Petersburg squads vied for the lead. Both front-runners fielded six-player 2700-rated teams, a level which would outclass the best sextet from the UK. The Russian nucleus was boosted by grandmasters from the old USSR, China, and even the odd Westerner. Thus Scotland's Keti Arakhamia-Grant, a former ...
Posted by easy19


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Some links

Some Blackmar Diemer gambits i have played

I play White
game Won
game Draw
game Won
game Lost

I play with Black
game won
game won
game Lost
game Draw
Smyslov style — I continue my appreciation of the 7th World Chess Champion Vasily Vasilyevich Smyslov (1921-2010) who passed away on Saturday in Moscow, with a personal reminiscence. I attended the Candidates semi final in 1983 staged at the Great Eastern Hotel which then adjoined Liverpool Street Station in London. This was Smyslov’s last virtuoso performance as he easily overcame the Hungarian Zoltan Ribli, an excellent chess opening theoretician and very difficult to beat. In the following game Smyslov embarked on a long sacrificial sequence which in the days before chess computers was hard to comprehend. I recall vividly the moment I noticed – belatedly – that 28,Rxe6+!! was arriving. Smyslov was ...
Posted by marinvukusic


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Read this first

Message: - Everything you need to basically know about concrete gambits.

About gambits in general - you can divide all gambits in three big groups:
1. correct - When objectively the gambiteer has full compensation for the material, and the gameplay is equally hard to play for both or easier for the gambiteer.
2. semi-correct - When there is objectively enough compensation to play for a draw if both players play well (but this is not "full" compensation), and the game is equally hard for both.
3. incorrect - When objectively there is not enough compensation and any stronger opponent would be heavily favored to win against the gambit. The game is harder to play for the gambiteer.

Correct gambits can be played as a part of regular repertoire against all opponents regardless of rating differences.

Semi-correct are "specialty" weapons, when there is a win imperative or it is likely that the defender will not be familiar with the correct play or is relatively weaker against positions that arise from the gambit. They require good knowledge of theory and some home preparation is very useful.

Incorrect gambits should be played for fun, to hone attacking skills and practice saving games. Little time should be dedicated to them. This is where people "go wrong" - they dedicate a lot of time and effort into analyzing a bad opening and get creamed anyway.
Finding a draw against a pair of queens — It's never easy to face a brace of queens. But can black find an answer here? Kramnik-Gashimov, Melody Amber 2010. Black to play. RB It's never exactly a comfort to find yourself facing a brace of queens, but at least they're as far from the defence of their own king as it's possible to get, and that king is exposed. Also, as long as the black queen can keep an eye on f8 neither enemy queen can give check on the next move. So there may be a chance for a draw. Three possible moves suggest themselves: 1...Qxg3, Ne1 and 1...Qf1+. 1...Qxg3 looks tempting – the threat is 2...Nf2 mate – but it has the rather obvious and slightly fatal drawback of ...
Posted by spurtus


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I just annotated a BDG game game in which I gambit 2 pawns and a knight.... normally its just one pawn you gambit... Is this a correct/semi-correct or incorrect gambit?

Posted by spurtus


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Budapest Gambit... is apparently NOT a gambit as you can normally always get the pawn back, so it better referred to as the Budapest Defense.

Posted by easy19


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You are probably write spurtus.
But i prefer calling it a gambit :)

As i am correct The Budapest Gambit is an Indian Defence line

Posted by ionadowman


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About "incorrect" gambits...

... Paul Keres had this to say. As part of developing one's imagination, he recommended playing "unsound" gambits, as they tend to tactical games, and one has to be resourceful against a strong defence. Keres took his own advice, too. Very active in correspondence chess in the late 1920s and early 1930s (apparently having as many as 150 games on the go at once), quite a lot of his games feature King's Gambits, Latvian (Greco Counter-) Gambits, Queen's Pawn Counter-Gambits and the like. A line in the King's Gambit is called the Keres Gambit:
1.e4 e5 2.f4 exf4 3.Nc3!?
I've played the thing once in OTB play (a win) and in GK (also a win, but with a big rating edge).

There is one gambit that if Black accepts he gets into all kinds of strife:
1.e4 e5 2.Nc3 Nf6 (...Nc6 is fine, but this is all right) 3.f4 exf4? 4.e4 and where is the knight to go?
Black's usual response to the offer is to countergambit: 3.f4 d5! leading to an even game.

Posted by chessnovice


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Keres is right, for sure. I spent a year playing 1. d4 Nf6 2. c4 b5, and it improved my midgame vision pretty dramatically.

Posted by spurtus


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mmm this thread is motivating to find a fresh new gambit...

Posted by ccmcacollister


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A fresh new Gambit?!

You could try Craig'sSuperAnti-ScandiBlitzGambit#1 ...
1.e4 d5 2.ed Qd5 3.Be2?! Qxg2 4.Bf3 I think the record is something like 200-20-15 }8-)

For some reason people don't accept it much tho. Whether moving too quick, or they stop and look and it looks dangerous or just puts their Q in an unScandi place. Strangely the win seems the more likely when they do take it. Tho that is also their best winning chances it seems. Declining is usually a pretty even game. But that is not necessarily to their advantage since blitz endings tend to favor me. Often they choose the wrong Q retreat immediately after accepting tho.

Ion ... after Ng8/ Nf3 looks like a KGA with WT up a tempo or two ...shudder... ! I guess maybe BL better forget about having an extra pawn and play something like ...d6 PDQ !? :)

Posted by ccmcacollister


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oops ...

The correct name should be Craig'sSuperSILLYAnti-ScandiBlitzGambit#1

Posted by easy19


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Try the unsound and dangerous
Jerome Gambit (1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bc4 Bc5 4.Bxf7+ Kxf7 5.Nxe5+)

surprising but dangerous to play

Posted by easy19


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And a entertaining link belonging to the post above..

Posted by heinzkat


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I liked this one...

"In a gambit, you give up a pawn for the sake of getting a lost game." (Samuel Boden)

Posted by ionadowman


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Hi Craig...

My researches into that horrible Vienna "Gambit" don't explore the 3...exf4 4.e5 line much at all: I guess even for opening analysts the prospect is too horrible to contemplate.

Yet (to diverge from the main twist of this thread) not all such knight retreats are bad. There's a line in the English opening that goes like this:
1.c4 Nf6 2.Nc3 e6 3.e4 c5 4.e5 Ng8. Aron Nimzovitch thought this was quite OK for Black! I've played this line as White a couple of times. The first was a 12-move win; the other I managed no more than a draw.

I recall that Sam Boden quotation (though I always thought it was Siegbert Tarrasch who said it). I guess the gambiteer, then, is playing in "odds-giving" style...


Posted by spurtus


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I tried this gambit last night and beat a player 600 points above my grading..

1.e4 e5 2.Nc3 Nf6 3.f4 exf4

I did ask him to accept the gambit though, he said he would normally have not accepted it though.

Posted by ionadowman


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A good test...

... of the value of the opening line. It's not always easy to get someone to try these experiments though! I recall Kasparov complaining bitterly about having to play Black in this line 1.e4 e5 2.f4 exf4 3.Bc4 b5?! I suspect he went into it thinking of the kudos he'd get saving the game for Black, but in the end lasted about as long as Kieseritzky did against Anderssen. Rather a dent to the pride, seemingly.

Posted by bigpaul


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Blackmar Gambit!

I got so wound up reading this thread that I started a tourney just to learn the Blackmar gambit.

Here's the link.



Posted by far1ey


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Im not sure thats the start of the blackmar gambit. In the current starting position black can play e6/c6 transposing to a carokann/french.

Posted by ccmcacollister


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Are you thinking of getting in BIGPAUL's Blackmar-Diemer tourney? :)
True, as his Thematic Position START now is {1.d4 d5 2.e4 }, BL Does have those Decline options. I wonder if he Wanted to permit them?! [...since BL usually Does have those options for Declining it in Non-Thematic play?!] If NOT, then I see a difficulty choosing a START position & sequence.
HOW to disallow those choices, yet still allow BL the choice for both the common mainline Gambit var's; of ...dxe4 OR ...Nxe4, from the postiion after 1.d4 d5 2.Nc3 Nf6 3.e4 ? Do you see a way I am overlooking ?
Or would you opt to remove the option for Nxe4, such as 1.d4 d5 2.e4 de4 3.Nc3 Nf6 ...etc. ? (I've heard the opinion before that ...Nxe4 may provide the less dangerous game for BL to play against.)
And trying to use 1.d4 Nf6 2.Nc3 d5 3.f3 sequence still permits Declines like those, but removes the chance for BL to opt for accepting by ...Nxe4 instead of dxe4, in the next several moves.
* * * * * * *
{ In reviewing the opening, I noted there is now a move order that is no longer in use. I'll SEND YOU A PM. Perhaps that was some factor in the START chosen by BIGPAUL!? }
* * * * * * *
Regards, Craig

Posted by ccmcacollister


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Thanks for posting your interesting sequence 1.e4 e5 2.Nc3 Nf6 3.f4 !? ...I've got to try it in some blitz now. See how it feels, & does for me~!
You may recall I've mentioned I played Vienna Gambit in OTB tmt's, but always felt lacking a tempo as WT, and did not do well with it. BUT, I had always played f4 from positions where it was AFTER the moves 1.e4 2.Nc3 3.Bc4; such as 4.f4.
Looking at MCO-14 tonight,my trouble with THAT sequence seems supported by it. With assessments of it given such as " dash over +" advantage to BL in ALL LINES (where BL does not err) except One ... It being rated as "wild but even". So that EVEN is the best chance it gives to WT at all, when f4 comes after 3.Bc4 as I
played it.
HOWEVER, your line shows only ONE response to it there, which is 3.f4 "d5" as you mentioned. Since those lines turn-out given ratings from (mostly = as you say)= for BL, to being + over = for WT(slight edge) vs a couple BL's later choices; it appears the MCO-14 must consider ...d5 to be the Only good line there or by far the best chance !? (rather than it given alone for such reason as it being so strong it's overpowering, or such).
Quite a difference from the way I used to play it. Yet I must say it seems odd to me. It Looks to me like my old 3.Bc4 ought to be Good since it STOPS that ...d5 move, before playing f4! But that has not been the case. Consequently, I've become intrigued by that opening again & want to figure out what is what. Why such an odd seeming situation ... or is it that I am looking at it sideways and playing it backwards or something like THAT !?! :)
Thanks for giving me something interesting to do this week :)

Posted by bigpaul


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I want all the options open, following from white's decisive "e4"! The on-line database goes only this far when asked to "review the Blackmar" opening. I am quite unfamiliar with this gambit, whether accepted or not, and the play that follows from such a novel opening (novel to me at least), I would very much like to test just as it would be responded to in a normal game situation. Hence the "decline" option is in play as well.

I find that most opponents are spooked by a gambit offer anyway, so I have found it useful to explore the decline options as well. I began my "gambit love affair" with the Queen's gambit, then added the King's gambit, and now I want to learn this one. With all three at my disposal, I should be able to offer gambit's in a much greater % of my games. I have always admired the gambit concept, and the heightened tension that it seems to deliver to any game, but was always too scared to try them out myself. I got over that "gambit fear" and now I seem to want to play gambits all the time.

The tourney that was the most fun ever in my life, was the following. It was my first experience ever with the Kings gambit and it worked out rather well for me. I'm sure that higher rated players would have given me a better schooling to be sure, and that is why the tourney I just set up is open to much stronger players than myself. I love the Cunningham defence when playing black! Here are my three best games from the tourney IMO. What FUN!

game playing white (won)
game playing black (won)
game playing white (won)





Posted by bigpaul


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Blackmar Gambit! tourney nixed.

I will try a tourney of this type another time. It seems that the interest is just not there at present. Thanks to you all for your excellent input on this thread. It has been most informative.



Posted by easy19


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I wonder where is nathanman22 he started the topic and we made it intresting i am sure he has something to say about it :)

Posted by ionadowman


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It looks as though this thread...

... might be splitting into a Blackmar-Diemer branch and a Vienna branch.

Craig- my books tell me that 1.e4 e5 2.Nc3 Nf6 3.Bc4 is the Vienna Game. But there is a gambit line (according to my MCO11) that continues 3...Nc6 4.f4 Nxe4 5.Nf3 Nd6 6.Bb3 e4 7.Ng5 h6 8.Ngxe4 Nxe4 9.Qe2 Nd4 10.Qxe4+ Qe7, assessed as =.
It doesn't show the consequences of other moves at 4 and 5.

I do recall playing, as Black, a kind of Latvian Gambit against a Vienna-type opening: 1.e4 e5 2.Nc3 f5. After 3.exf5 the thing transposed into an Allgaier Gambit with colours reversed and White had an extra tempo (specifically the N on c3). I won the game (it was against a strong player), and it seemed as though the extra tempo was a liability. Unfortunately I lost the score of the game long ago so I can't show the whole game.

But there is a gambit line that is very closely related to the Allgaier, as evinced by the name: the Hampe-Allgaier Gambit:
1.e4 e5 2.Nc3 Nc6 3.f4 exf4 4.Nf3 g5 5.h4 g4
6.Ng5 h6 7.Nxb7 Kxb7 8.d4 d5 9.Bxf4 Bb4 10.e5 Be6...
It doesn't seem to offer White much, but it can test an opponent who doesn't know the line...


Posted by spurtus


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please send link to BDG tourney

Posted by bigpaul


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BDG tourney

I nixed the tourney, in part because I'm really just a little too busy to get such a project going this week. I'll likely re-launch the tourney next week when I have a little more time. If you think you might join such a tourney, tell me please what would be the best ratings bracket for your taste, and what would be your preferred time controls. Also, do you prefer a BDG accepted theme, or would you rather the decline option be there as well?



Posted by easy19


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I like to join if the time control is 3 days or at max 5 days a move..

And accepted.

initial position..

Posted by bigpaul


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BDG accepted

Someone else might have to start the tourney. With my present rating, I would be unable to extend the reach of the ratings range to include you. (I think you can only spread the ratings to a 400pt. max above your own when starting a tourney)

If somebody else starts this tourney instead of myself, it would benefit me if the ratings limits included people currently in the 1600's like myself. I'm IN if somebody else gets this going before I do, and if I qualify in the ratings as well.



Posted by bigpaul


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joined cunningham tourney instead

Message: Looks like my "Blackmar gambit" intentions will have to wait. I just joined the KGA/Cunningham defense tourney instead. All the players have better ratings than mine. I have everything to learn and little to lose. Thx for the tip from



Posted by bigpaul


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BBG tourney

Its now back on. Decline option is in play however. Time control is 5 days + 2 days. Here's the link.

Rating range 1550-1950. 9 Player tourney.




Posted by spurtus


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doh sorry cant play right now..maybe next time, i'm too skinflint to pay for membership to play in more than one tourney

Posted by bigpaul


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No worries.

Posted by lighttotheright


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I would consider such a BDG tournament; but I'm concerned about the rating spread. Also, I would want at least 5 days per turn...I'm busy these days.