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Do you play online chess or other board games? May we recommend this great site where you can play chess online with players from all over the world! And it's web-based so there's nothing to download. Free registration, global ranking, chess league, mini-tournaments, teams, chess puzzles, active forum, thousands of online chess games played every day -- please join us on to play some chess!
Please visit our online chess forums. Here's the most recent chess related discussions in a blog format:

Evans Gambit -- Could you help me on the theory of Evans Gambit? How must i play Evans Gambit.What are the best moves you think?What are the purposes of the moves,how must i answer the moves of black if i playing white etc?In short,what moves do i have to play to have an advantage at the opening? That move wants to, play online chess ...

The Magician from Riga. -- Mikhail Tal is been one of the greatest chess player ever, of course. What do you want to remember of him? His playing style, his character, his quotes, his sacs or his wonderful games? I know some quotations on chess by him. "There are two kinds of sacrifices: sound ones and mine." , play online chess ...

Are quick draws ever a good thing? -- I don't think so. However I did agree to a very quick draw two weekends ago in a situation where I didn't feel comfortable. Looking back on the game and the position, I still don't know whether I made a good decision or not. But I think my position could not have been much worse if it was any , play online chess ...

Pieces score in endgames. -- I watched many endgames in which a player who has only a Rook doesn't win against another player who has only a bishop. Searching in Internet about this fact, I've found 90% Rook vs Bishop is a draw. And I know a player who has 2 bishops (without pawns) can win against a lonely king, while 2 knights, play online chess ...

The Ideas Behind the Chess Openings, Reuben Fine -- Hi, In one of his development of the centre game he suggest : 1. e4 e5 2. d4 exd4 3. Qxd4 Nc6 4. Qe3 Nf6 5. Nc3 Be7 6. Bd2 d5 7. exd5 Nxd5 8. Nxd5 Qxd5 9. Ne2 Bg4 10. Nf4 Qd7 11. f3 O-O-O ! 12. O-O-O Bf5 Why 11. ... O-O-O ! and why the blacks don't take the bish, play online chess ...

A chess saying... -- "White plays to win, black plays to draw." I don't remember who said it, but it's an interesting thing to talk about. What do you think? I seems to have been the approach taken by many chess masters, but certainly not all. Judging by the recent World Championship match, Vishy Anand ha, play online chess ...

Going Both Ways; Corr. & OTB Chess -- Hi All. In another thread SCHNARRE brought up KON GRIVAINIS , which led to comments from IONADOWMAN and some recollections for me. So here we are. I WOULD LIKE THIS THREAD TO BE RELATED TO PLAYERS WHO HAVE PLAYED OTB CHESS BUT ALSO POSTAL CHESS OR SOME FORM OF CORRESPONDENCE PLAY, SUCH AS N, play online chess ...

Can you castle onto an occupied square? -- Can you legally castle if your king's target square is occupied by an enemy piece? I looked up the castling rules on Wikipedia and FIDE, and found nothing to prohibit the king from castling onto an occupied square. I assume the king would capture the enemy piece on the target square just as it, play online chess ...

Checkmate or not -- Hello, I recently played