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Chess Forum   << - < - > - >>
Posted by nathanman22


play online chess
Subject: General Rules and Guidelines for Multiple Takes...

Okay, so you are in a position where you have two possible pieces that can make an exchange, and you don't know which piece to take with. The result will not be a higher loss (for instance, you don't take with a queen to get a pawn or something like that), but will result in either a final placement (last exchange) or a equal exchange. What piece should you take with? What are some guidelines and rules to help guide those of us who struggle with knowing what is the best capture? I'm looking for some guiding principles and ideas behind captures involving multiple possibilities, in general. Any assistance is welcome!



Posted by wschmidt


play online chess
I think the question is so general

that any answer is hardly going to be helpful. Without knowing something about the position on the board you''re pretty much left with banalities like, "Capture with the piece that results in the maximum activity for all your pieces" or "If possible, capture with the piece that is more poorly placed than the other" or, Capture with the piece that will make the most sense on that square". Or some such.
Unfortunately, this is a bit like the grandmaster advice I remember reading awhile back about which rook to move to the open file: take as much time as you possibly can analyzing which rook you think should go to the open file - then move the other one.

Posted by wschmidt


play online chess
I think the question is so general

that any answer is hardly going to be helpful. Without knowing something about the position on the board you''re pretty much left with banalities like, "Capt