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Posted by chessisvanity


play online chess
Subject: Chess is Tough

Player's Name
Cause of Death

Abe Turner
1924 / 1962
Stabbed nine times in the back by a fellow employee at the Chess Review office.

Alexander Alekhine
1892 / 1946
Choked to death on a piece of meat.

Alexander Ilyin-Genevsky
1894 / 1941
Died in the siege of Leningrad
while on a barge.

Alexander McDonnell
1798 / 1835
Died of Bright's disease.

Alexander Zaitsev
1935 / 1971
Died of thrombosis as a consequence
of a leg operation.

Alexi Troitzky
1866 / 1942
Died of starvation during the
siege of Leningrad.

Aron Nimzovich
1886 / 1935
Died of pneumonia.

Carl Schlechter
1874 / 1918
Died from pneumonia and starvation.

Curt von Bardeleben
1861 / 1924
Threw himself out the window
of his boarding home.

David Bronstein
1924 / 2006
Died of a stroke in Minsk, Belarus at age 82.

David Przepiorka
1880 / 1940
Died in a mass execution outside Warsaw.

Ed Edmundson
1920 / 1982
Died of a heart attack while playing
Chess on a beach in Hawaii.

Edgar Colle 1897 / 1932 Died after an operation for a gastric ulcer.
Efim Bogoljubov 1889 / 1952 Suffered a heart attack after a
simultaneous display.
Frank Marshall 1877 / 1944 Died of a heart attack after leaving
a Chess tournament.
Frederick Yates 1884 / 1932 Died in his sleep from a leak in a
faulty gas pipe connection.
George Koltanowski 1903 / 2000 Heart failure at the age of 97.
George Mackenzie 1837 / 1891 Suicide: took an overdose of morphine.
Georgy Agzamov 1954 / 1986 Russian GM fell between some
rocks at a beach and died.
Gideon Stahlberg 1908 / 1967 Died during the 1967 Leningrad
International tournament.
Gyula Breyer 1893 / 1921 Died from heart disease.
Harry Pillsbury 1872 / 1906 Died of syphillis.
Herman Steiner 1905 / 1955 Died after a California State
Championship game.
Howard Staunton 1810 / 1874 Died of a heart attack while
writing a Chess book.
Janos Flesch 1933 / 1983 Died in a car wreck.
Johann Zukertort 1842 / 1888 Died of a stroke while playing Chess
at a London coffee-house.
Johannes Minckwitz 1843 / 1901 Suicide: threw himself under a train.
Jose Capablanca 1888 / 1942 Died of a stroke while watching a skittles game at the Manhattan Chess Club.
Julius P