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Chess Forum   << - < - > - >>
Posted by lapsekili


play online chess
Subject: old indian defense

i saw its begining moves somewhere and it came interesting to me.Does anyone knows what are the variations of it? How must black go on?!

Posted by ccmcacollister


play online chess
lapseklll ...

Here are a few URL's with hyperlinks, to sites featuring Old Indian info. There is more to be
found by simply doing a google search for the Advanced Specific Phrase of "old indian
defense" , which is how I found these which were part of that search.
RE: The Old Indian, one of its main functions is for use against players of the Samisch WT
variation, which it is supposed to discourage. One can see in the game given last below, that
black can come to attack very quickly from the Old Indian. (Tho my MCO 14 calls it a stodgy
but solid system, hard to beat. :)
THE following game, Polugaevsky vs Nezhmetdinov 1958, is a
wonderful attacking, sacrificial game won by Black; who passive
sac's his Queen among other things, to end with a white King to
be mated by a knight on a6~!

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