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Posted by kinderboy
8/31/2008 13:08:29 play online chess | Subject: Unusual openings
Message: Anyone care to post weird openings like the Talon? Please explain them, as this forum is meant to help the average player.
Contact numis with questions.
Posted by spurtus
9/24/2008 06:53:47 play online chess |
Message: Tranvestite Attack anybody :o)
1.d4 e6 2.c4 Ke7 3.Nc3 Qe8 4.Nf3 Kd8
Posted by tim_b
9/25/2008 12:29:30 play online chess |
Message: How about the Hammerschlag (Fried fox/Pork chop opening) (A00) which begins with the following fine moves:
1. f3 e5 2. Kf2
I can't really explain it, maybe it's an attempt to c*** a snook at your opponent or lull him into a genuine sense of security.
Posted by ionadowman
9/25/2008 13:56:18 play online chess | What is the Talon?
Message: Of course, no one in their right minds would play the Transvestite, or the Fried Fox ... would they? Huh?
There are more "Chessic" openings that are unusual, but known to have been played, many at Master level. E.g Anderssen's Opening 1.a3. In his match against Paul Morphy, Adolf Anderssen opened the first game with this debut: 1.a3 e5?! 2.c4, with a Reversed Sicilian. Anderssen went on to win the game, but then got hammered in the rest of the match.
More weirdly, Tony Miles (playing Black) once responded to Anatoly Korpov's opening move by 1....a6, and went on to win that game!
I've always been rather intrigued by Breyer's Gambit - a strange-looking offshoot of the King's Gambit. 1.e4 e5 2.f4 exf4 3.Qf3!? Capablanca once played it and won comprehensively (can't remember against whom, though).
I recall reading an article and accompanying poem (rather a better effort than the usual kind of thing) in a British Chess Magazine about the King's Own Gambit, a.k.a. the Tumbleweed. 1.e4 e5 2.f4 exf4 3.Kf2. The thing is more playable than it looks.
Finally, though probably most players know of it, few would dare play the opening I'm about to mention There was one Kiwi player out of Dunedin, apparently, who played it regularly, but, given his name, perhaps he could call it his own. Peter or Philip (can't recall which) Paris was the name; and 1.Nh3 is the Paris Opening.
Do these qualify?
Posted by lighttotheright
9/25/2008 22:07:20 play online chess |
Message: Breyer's Gambit is interesting.
The biggest problem I have with it is that Queens are likely to be traded early. That could make it drawish, even though White gains a slight initiative. Another problem I have with it is that the White's Queen lands on a good square that more rightfully belongs to the White knight.
It might be good for a surprise weapon OTB; but you would need a pair of brass ones to use it in competition these days.
As far as the Paris Opening is concerned, it is deceptive too but somewhat less sound.
Posted by blake78613
10/23/2008 17:02:28 play online chess |
Message: [Event "?"]
[Site "St Louis"]
[Date "1929"]
[Round "?"]
[White "Anderson, J"]
[Black "Amateur"]
[Result "1-0"]
1. h3 g6 2. g3 Bg7 3. f3 Nf6 4. e3 O-O 5. d3 d5 6. c3 e5 7. b3 Nh5 8. Kf2 Qg5 9.
Ne2 Bf5 10. a3 e4 11. f4 Qh6 12. g4 exd3 13. g5 dxe2 14. Bxe2 1-0
Posted by easy19
10/24/2008 15:39:44 play online chess |
Message: Halasz Gambit > a rare opening with some nice sharp lines
1 e4 e5 2 d4 exd4 3 f4,
Jerome Gambit > very effective wen playing F2F confusing and winning if they do not know it
1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bc4 Bc5 4.Bxf7+
Crazy anti sicilian very very sharp
1.e4 c5 2. f4 d5 3.Nf3 dxe4 4.Ng5 Nf6 5.Bc4 Bg4 6.Qxg4 Nxg4
Dresden Variation
1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.c4
Latvian Gambit
1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 f5
Patzer Opening : always fun against lower rated players
1. e4 e5 2.Qh5
There are many more but these above are a few of the best..
Posted by easy19
10/24/2008 15:42:10 play online chess |
Message: If you like explaining or example games of one of the above i wil be happy to provide a few.. or explain a bit.. ±P
Posted by blake78613
10/24/2008 18:58:43 play online chess |
Message: I don't think the f4 attack against the Sicilian is either unusual or crazy. MCO 15 devotes 6 columns to it and it's very popular at the club level. It also common on the English Grand Prix circuit.
Posted by ionadowman
10/25/2008 01:07:47 play online chess | The line ...
Message: ... given by easy19 is rather wild though. The position reached is
What has given up a Q+P for a B. To what end?
7.Bxf7+ Kd7 8.Be6+ Kc6 9.Bxg4 ...
White emerges with 2 pieces for the Q, a threatened fork, an active position, and the immediate threat to pick up the e-pawn. For certain types of player, that is quite sufficient to justify the sac! So much I can figure out - but I have to admit I've never seen the thing before!
The Latvian can be fun, but it has I think been rather over-explored in some lines. Check out the recent ionadowman vs jstevens (accessible via the latter's profile and annotated game list).
Interestingly enough, I've never seen in any chess primer, a proper treatment of how to combat the "Patzer Opening". Very occasionally it appears in Master chess, would you believe?! Although it is no trivial matter to meet, I quite like the standard 1.e4 e5 2.Qh5 Nc6 3.Bc4 g6 4.Qf3 Nf6, with ...d6 and ...Bg7 to follow and a fine game for Black. But don't imagine that White has lost all that much by the Queen sortie: a tempo or two, nothing more, and certainly not fatal.
Posted by alice02
10/25/2008 05:22:37 play online chess | evans gambit jrobichess youtube
Message: have just discovered jrobichess on you tube. I have only watched Evans gambit so far. He describes it then illustrates it with a bobby Fischer game. He explains really clearly.
Posted by easy19
10/25/2008 05:59:27 play online chess |
Message: The sicilian Crazy variation. ( aldo Blake say,s it is common it is not after a few more moves )
Played games 1-0 0-1 1-0
Jerome Gambit ( stil really nice wen playing face to face ) < Info J Gambit
Patzer opening ( i love to play it sometimes against 1600 avarge rated players) < info about patzer opening
Halasz Gambit ( very very rare opening)
I wil play a Halasz tournament soon on THEM >> < info page H Gambit
Posted by easy19
10/25/2008 06:05:30 play online chess |
Message: And i just remember the Halloween Gambit. Stun your opponent with a real agressive opening + sacrifice..
1. e4 e5
2. Nf3 Nc6
3. Nc3 Nf6
4. Nxe5
I have played a tournament so you can look up several games
Posted by easy19
10/25/2008 10:55:34 play online chess | ION
Message: Jstevens made a annotated game of the patzer opening me vs here
She handled it quite well. :)
Posted by chessnovice
10/26/2008 01:10:16 play online chess | ...
Message: I played several games using 1. d4 Nf6 2. c4 b5, with some reasonable success. I think my rating is a little bit inflated, actually, because I played that opening almost exclusively for over a year. I've played it in tournament play as well, usually in the more insignificant rounds where I could afford to be risky.
I stopped playing it after a while, though. I'm not completely satisfied with the value of the gambit. Black can definitely take advantage of subtle mistakes by white, but I dunno... I never managed to find black's very best line.
I've wanted to go through some of those old games (I think I played 97 of the 344 games on the database) and annotate a few of them. I dunno if I'll ever find the time to, though.
Posted by ionadowman
10/26/2008 12:29:40 play online chess | easy19...
Message: ... I recall playing through that game. Joanne seemed to stay level for quite a long time in that game and really just went wrong in the ending, as I recall it.
I suppose one might consider this sort of thing rather unusual:
1.e4 g7 2.c4 e5 ...
(The Great Snake Opening. The game sago vs ionadowman began this way; an epic 100-mover that I annotated some time ago)
It's 'unusualness' is considerably mitigated by the fact that it is susceptible to considerable transposition. After half a dozen moves or so the thing looked fairly 'normal'.
A couple of years ago I had a discussion with someone on GK about the Jerome Gambit. It's quite hard to meet if you don't know what you're doing...
Posted by schnarre
10/28/2008 01:12:41 play online chess |
Message: I've played 1. a3 for some time now & it's usually held me in good stead. (my best recorded game is an 1. a3 game) I've also essayed other Openings such as 1. Nh3, 1. Na3, 1...h6, 1...a6 among others too numerous to list (I also play a Sicilian with 2...Na6).
I'll have to check out some of these others!
Posted by spclpnngslknc
10/31/2008 15:50:01 play online chess |
Message: I always play the Dunst opening (1.Nc3) with white, with black I play the Chigorin defence (1. d4 d5 2. c4 Nc6), the Philidor defence (1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 d6) and against 1. c4 and 1. Nf3 I play Nc6, because I like to play special openings and I know theory on them, most of my opponents don't.
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