From | Message |
Posted by lapsekili
12/09/2008 06:57:26 play online chess | Subject: Against e6 Sicilian
Message: 1.e4 c5 2.Af3 e6 are the first two moves of any game.
How must white play against this less common sicilian?
Posted by andy94
12/09/2008 10:38:56 play online chess |
Message: If you mean with A the Q: well.....Gameknot database says the most common move after that Sicilian is Bc4, but my suggestion is to develop every piece quickly, so you can play not only Bc4, but even Nc3.
But the question is: why Qf3?
Posted by lapsekili
12/09/2008 11:02:26 play online chess | pardon
Message: A is for knight not queen.Sorry again i made a mistake i usually do again,It will be 2.Nf3 i wrote in Turkish again :( sorry.
Posted by ganstaman
12/09/2008 13:05:14 play online chess |
Message: Play against this like you would any open Sicilian.
1. e4 c5 2. Nf3 e6 3. d4 cxd4 4. Nxd4
Moves like 3. Bc4 can be ok, but why would you move that bishop there now? Black just closed off that diagonal, so the bishop is basically useless there.
Or, if you normally play closed Sicilians, play that here too. 1. e4 c5 2. Nf3 e6 3. Nc3 and so on.
I would suggest checking out any database of games between top players. This move isn't unheard of and there are many paths that can be taken after the first several moves.
Posted by gt2win
12/09/2008 15:15:51 play online chess | 1. e4 c5 2. Nf3 e6
Message: These games end to be rather different from more common sicilain openings
1. e4 c5 2. Nf3 d6 or 1. e4 c5 2. Nf3 Nc6. Best bet is to use the database and learn the opening lines that way if your not sure what to do, but 3. d4 is certainly the best third move.
Posted by lapsekili
12/10/2008 02:43:11 play online chess |
Message: That is why i ask it here.More common is e4 c5 Af3 d6 so i know a bit how to deal with it but this is less common and i wanted to see your ideas.
Posted by ccmcacollister
12/10/2008 05:39:01 play online chess | One very interesting line
Message: for WT to venture is after 3.d4 cd 4.Nd4 Nf6 5.Nc3 Bb4!? 5.e5!? and then Black usually responds with 5...Ne4 or 5...Nd5 after which 6.Qg4 makes a very interesting tactical game.
Or WT can play more conventionally vs the Bb4 with something like 5.Bd3 . Personally I don't "Like" to allow pawn doubling by ....BxNc3+ which can follow that, but objectively it seems alright since WT will have the Bishop pair and activity, plus the absence of BL's Kings Bishop to compensate him for the doubling. Not something I'd swear to, having not played it in a serious game, but gotten good play in skittles or blitz. Often a bit drawish in mine. (Of course the 5.e5 line seems not drawish at all ! :)
Posted by gt2win
12/10/2008 06:27:43 play online chess | my ideas?
Message: After 3. cxd4 4. Nxd4 two regular fourth moves for black are 4. a6 or 4. Nf6. So what should you do after each of these???
4. a6. This variation immediately controls the b5 square (preventing Nb5 for white, a good move in some variations) and prepare a future advance of b5, which allows black to develop their white squared bishop at b7 and/or put pressure on whites kingside with b4. So although 4. a6 looks passive, it’s pretty good in the long run. White’s best responses are 5. Nc3 or 5. Bd3. After 5. Nc3 black would like to play Nf6 but it’s not very good because 6. e5 Nd5 7. Nxd5 damages blacks pawn structure. So black will play a move that prevents 6. e5, the best of which is Qc7 (on c7 the queen can help blacks plan to put pressure on the queenside) and then they can play 6. Nf6. If black does this white’s best sixth move is Bd3, which guards the e pawn against pressure posed by blacks potential b5 and Bb7.
If white chooses to play 5. Bd3 instead of 5. Nc3, this immediately protects the e pawn against the threats discussed above, and with no knight to threaten on c3 the value of a black pawn push of b5 and b4 is reduced. So 5. Bd3 may be slightly better than 5. Nc3.
4. Nf6. Clearly 5. Nc3 is best here to protect the e pawn. Black may then play 5.Nc6, then 6. Ndb5 takes the game out of 2. e6 waters and into 2. Nc6 waters. Since you’ve little experience against 2. e6, this transformation into a different sort of Sicilian game will probably be useful for you.
Black may also play 5. d6, when 6. Be3 is a solid developing move, or 6. e4 immediately aims to attack blacks kingside, where he’ll likely castle later. It’s good to play both these moves at some point, and either one is sound to play first on move 6.
I’d love to write more, but this article’s already too long, so I have to stop…
Posted by ccmcacollister
12/10/2008 07:04:45 play online chess | oops, above ...
Message: It should have said ...
"6.e5!? and then Black usually responds with 6...Ne4 or 6...Nd5 after which 7.Qg4 makes a very interesting tactical game."
Posted by gt2win
12/10/2008 12:31:19 play online chess | thank you ccmcacollister
Message: Actually the last move i mentioned should have said 6. g4 instead of 6. e4. I don't normally write chess articles, for a first attempt one mistake's not too bad...
Posted by lapsekili
12/10/2008 12:38:12 play online chess | thanks
Message: Thanks for your comments if there is anyone who can share further information,please write.
Posted by ccmcacollister
12/10/2008 16:39:13 play online chess | gt2win . . .
Message: Thanks to YOU too~!
Actually, I was referring to my Own OOPS in my 5:39:01 post ... so if I happened to fix one in your's too; well it must have been purely Chess-Intuition~!!! haha
Regards, Craig }8-)
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