From | Message |
3/19/2003 05:25:46 [ report this post ] |
Subject: Why 71% of Americans Support War !..?
Message: i will leave gameknot when the war start . cs 71 % of gameknot is americans .
3/19/2003 05:51:09 [ report this post ] |
3/19/2003 06:56:01 [ report this post ] | If 71% of americans support war
Message: and 71% of gameknot users are american, then only about half the people on gameknot support the war. Is it really worth it?
3/19/2003 07:41:34 [ report this post ] | pawn...
Message: Only if noone that is not American supports it...
3/19/2003 07:45:45 [ report this post ] | s'long...
Message: ...!
3/19/2003 08:00:48 [ report this post ] | Salma
Message: As you probably know, I am staunchly opposed to the illegitimate war against Iraq. Yet, I ask you to reconsider the wisdom of your boycotting gameknot. The site owner and manager has not taken sides on this issue. Boycotting gameknot is like boycotting Europe, since most Americans have Europeans ancestors.
Your best strategy is to stay on gameknot and participate in the political discussions. For example, many Americans are unaware that Bush's pre-emptive strike against a peaceful Arab state will galvanise Arab and Muslim opposition to America. This catastophe needs to be explained by Syrians, such as you.
Your viligance on this discussion forum and your active particpation will have untold benefits for your side of the issue. Please tell us why you oppose this war, and why you are frustrated by the Bush and Blair administrations.
3/19/2003 08:27:50 [ report this post ] | Adios Amiga
Message: Stock up on Duct tape...
3/19/2003 08:42:58 [ report this post ] | Thanks for the insult, Salma...
Message: Good riddance to you, Old Sport. Don't come back.
3/19/2003 08:49:29 [ report this post ] | salma
Message: Dear friend,
It is a basic principle of Logic that mayorities don�t have necessary the reason.
Here is an example to refute the contrary:
1. The bast mayority of Japaneses practice religion X, ergo religion X is true
2. The bast mayority of Mexicans practice religion Y, ergo religion Y is true
3. Religion X and Religion Y are mutualy contradictory, ergo religion X is false or religion Y is false or both of them are false.
4. Any of this conclusions, refutes the statement that being mayority is a suficient condition to posses the truth.
I beg you not to leave GK, we are here to play chess, it is normal that among so much people there are many different oppinions about all sorts of things, but that�s innevitable wherever you go.
Yours truly,
3/19/2003 09:12:56 [ report this post ] | read the fine print
Message: This from the gallup/CNN poll site
As has been the case throughout recent months, support for military action against Iraq is contingent on what happens in the United Nations, as evidenced by the following results from the weekend poll:
* Seventy-eight percent of Americans say they would favor invading Iraq if the United Nations passes a new resolution that sets specific conditions for Iraq to disarm, and just 19% would be opposed under these circumstances.
* If such a resolution were submitted, but the United Nations rejected it, 54% of Americans would favor military action and 43% would oppose it.
* If the United States decides not to offer any new resolutions on Iraq and goes forward with military action without a new U.N. vote at all, half of Americans would oppose an invasion of Iraq, while 47% would be in favor.
So, under current circumstances, it certainly isn't clear that the majority of americans support this war.
3/19/2003 09:34:58 [ report this post ] | getoutofthere
Message: Dear friend,
You are correct. I recive The Gallup Bulletin daily and that�s exactly what american people think in this moments. A very precise piece of information.
3/19/2003 10:05:00 [ report this post ] | Talk
Message: we all sit behind our computers and make judgements. All I ask is for an answer,what should we do. Nothing and let things get worst, S.H. does have a son that is even worst them him right. We all seem to have the right answers,what are they.
For all the people who want to bash the US boycott us don't sell us anything, don't buy anything for us, don't trade with us at all. Yes this would hurt us but we can make do. That also means all the aid and BILLIONS AND BILLIONS of dollars that we give away so the rest of the World will be good doesn't get sent.
Will someone against this War(believe it or not everyone is against war),tell me how this should be handled. Worst part is some people are hoping the US has a hard time with this so they put it in their face. Once we win we will be able to go through the whole country and find anything that was missed. Already hearing that weapons that S.H. didn't have are being used as a threat. You cann't use them if you don't have them. Thats all for now.
3/19/2003 10:40:17 [ report this post ] | Salam
Message: I hope you are reading these responses. With the exception of gatsby,(who happens to have 27 other names on GN from his computer) and a few others these people are really showing the heart that TRUE Americans have.
Maybe I can tweak a nerve that will keep you here:
By that I am saying when communication stops war is all thats left. THERE ARE TWO SIDES TO EVERY STORY! This is a bipolar dimention we live in and NOTHING can exist without EVERYTHING.
Stick around and enlighten us as to the thoughts, feelings, history, ect. ect. of your people and neighbors there in the middle east.
3/19/2003 10:41:12 [ report this post ] | A question
Message: "Bush's pre-emptive strike against a peaceful Arab state"? OK, there are those that are opposed to unilateral (or indeed any) U.S. action against Iraq, but I'd like to know who really believes that Iraq is a PEACEFUL state. I also wonder why Muslims think this war is anti-Muslim, since Iraq is by all standards a secular state. Saddam Hussein has used weapons of mass destruction more than once, abuses his own people, on more than one occassion has launched wars of aggression, and has known links with terrorist organizations. I have nothing against the Iraqi people, and I find it lamentable that the major casualties of this war will be average Iraqi citizens. However, unless a sane, reasonable government takes over Iraq, I don't see a better alternative to removing Hussein and his family (and friends, I might add) by force.
3/19/2003 10:51:19 [ report this post ] | Trkingfish..
Message: Don't use my name in a post unless you want to begin an exchange in which you will lose.
3/19/2003 10:53:40 [ report this post ] | stuka
Message: It's a "NO BRAINER" that Suudamb should go and that point simply needs no further discussion.
The problum lies with the way that bush has handled this and that there are more options with handleing him now..well..six months ago, then in the last twenty some years.
The suffering and loss of life is what is at issue and a few months ago I could have given many suggestions as to how to deal with him but it is simply a moog point now. i'm a nobody so if I had some good ideas certainly our elected representitives should have come up with something.
3/19/2003 10:56:08 [ report this post ] | Gatsby
Message: No problum, I'll choose from the other 27 names you use on this site from now on.
3/19/2003 10:58:44 [ report this post ] | Good idea.
Message: This way you avoid the humiliation of verbal thrashings... Some advice: Buy a dictionary. Good day, Old Sport.
3/19/2003 11:08:59 [ report this post ] |
Message: hey trkingfish, maybe you should go back to pre- school to learn how to spell and count.
3/19/2003 11:09:58 [ report this post ] |
Message: hey trkingfish, your mamma's calling you for dinner....
3/19/2003 11:10:33 [ report this post ] | gatsby
Message: Thank you for the advise. Let me return the favor: GET A PERSONALITY!!! And a good day to you to, Old Sport.
3/19/2003 11:11:23 [ report this post ] |
Message: holy sh it, trkingfish, i just saw your profile, and you 're one ugly bastard!
Note from webmaster: frenchie has lost his forum posting privileges for 1 month as a result of this and other posts.
3/19/2003 11:14:02 [ report this post ] | Frenchie
Message: GREAT!!! I almost missed it. And we're haveing French fried jerks favorite.
3/19/2003 11:14:19 [ report this post ] | trkingfish...
Message: I'm impressed you were able to correctly spell "personality."
3/19/2003 11:14:38 [ report this post ] | A couple of points
Message: 1. The war in Iraq will not likely last long. Iraq is very
weak militarily. The US is counting on scaring the Iraqi
military into surrendering, which will likely work.
Paradoxically, if Iraq is so weak, why the rush to war other
than waiting is incontinent for the US?
2. The long-term concerns are the implication of the Bush
doctrine for a new world order, where the US is the lone
hyper-power (we have gone beyond super power). Iran,
N. Korea, Syria are likely next targets. We Americans
need to think long on whether this is what we want. The
rest of the world has to worry about whether absolute
power tends to corrupt absolutely.
3/19/2003 11:15:17 [ report this post ] | I cheated
Message: I used a spell checker
3/19/2003 11:16:26 [ report this post ] | But you forgot
Message: to use it on your previous post, as the word should read "having," not "haveing."
3/19/2003 11:18:07 [ report this post ] |
Message: the guy can't even spell with a spell checker!!!!
crap, now i've seen everything. what a moron.......
Note from webmaster: frenchie has lost his forum posting privileges for 1 month as a result of this and other posts.
3/19/2003 11:22:59 [ report this post ] | frenchgatsby
Message: 27 user names on this site, only one of them with a rateing over 1300, frenchy under 1200, and you are calling people moron's?
3/19/2003 11:27:45 [ report this post ] | Trkingfish...
Message: Only four of those people you mention are capable of playing active games... So, unless gameknot changes the current system enabling unlimited accounts, it will be impossible for anyone else to gain rating points. As a user of this site, you should already know that, thereby, you continue to display desperation in your weak posts. Don't forget about that dictionary.
3/19/2003 11:41:46 [ report this post ] |
Message: "moron's"????? that would NOT be the plural form you were looking for, einstein. either english isn't your 1st language, or you're just a simpleton.
you should go read one of your pop-up books now.
3/19/2003 11:42:23 [ report this post ] | Trkingfish...
Message: It's never ending. I hope your children are not witnessing your desecration of the English language. The word you strive for is "rating," not "rateing."
3/19/2003 11:48:26 [ report this post ] | Wow Salma
Message: What do you feel about your thread now?
3/19/2003 11:53:00 [ report this post ] | LOLLL
Message: Keap warking it gats, I'm loseeing aul selvf respickt.
Can you spell "OBNOXIOUS?"
You can? Very good but then it is probably one of your GN screen names.
3/19/2003 11:55:53 [ report this post ] | drbmon
Message: Good point!!!
3/19/2003 11:58:09 [ report this post ] |
Message: it's GK screen names!!!!
you are one sorry specimen, my dear fellow.
3/19/2003 11:58:21 [ report this post ] | Fish...
Message: You can't seem to help embarassing yourself, can you?
3/19/2003 12:02:32 [ report this post ] | gatsby
Message: Pleese rereade that post. misspelling was the point EINSTIENE!!!
3/19/2003 12:04:04 [ report this post ] | salma
Message: don't go -- chess are above any war :)
what is funny is that from 'opposer to peace protestors' i am now seen as 'war activist' :-). all i ever wanted is to show that 'peacec protestors' are not correct in their views on the situation...
3/19/2003 12:08:27 [ report this post ] | Yes, your obvious
Message: attempt at mispelling purposely did not go unnoticed. I was paying it no mind, as it was a simple attempt to draw attention away from your poor language skills. Develop advanced tactics for any future updates.
3/19/2003 12:14:28 [ report this post ] |
Message: hey fish, check this out, you idiot.
if you're going to correct someone, please be sure your facts are in order.
Note from webmaster: frenchie has lost his forum posting privileges for 1 month as a result of this and other posts.
3/19/2003 12:24:01 [ report this post ] | Peaceful nation
Message: Iraq has been a peaceful nation since the end of Gulf War I. Iraq has not invaded any other country since that time. I realize many will disagree with my portayal of Iraq as peaceful. However, according to international law, Iraq IS in fact peaceful.
The damage coming from Gulf War II is precisely the aggression of USA and UK against a peaceful nation. There are serious internation law questions. More importantly, the US position is a radical departure from its past. This radicalism permits ANY ACTION WHATSOEVER against any country whatsoever for any or no reason. It is a defining moment, claiming that might makes right. Civilized responses, through international consent, is now optional, rather than required. THIS is the main casualty of the Bush-Blair policy.
3/19/2003 13:08:40 [ report this post ] | Peaceful Iraq?
Message: Well, I suppose that depends if you consider the assassination attempt of former President Bush in 1993 and the attack on Irbil in 1996 peaceful. And then, of course, there are the attacks and torture on his own people....
Here are some other Iraq facts to ponder.
3/19/2003 13:08:57 [ report this post ] | drgandalf
Message: was Afganistan under Taliban a 'peacefull' nation?
3/19/2003 14:00:39 [ report this post ] | Afghanistan was certainly...
Message: ...stable under the Taliban, if oppressive. Look at the massive infighting going on there now, now that the yanks have come, slaughtered for mindless revenge, and gone. Some of the the worst fighting that has ever occured in Afghanistan is now ongoing and do the americans care? Of course not. No oil or money to be made.
And I supported removing the Taliban. I dread to think of the mess Iraq will be left in.
3/19/2003 14:35:46 [ report this post ] | frenchie
Message: Sir,
Many people are reading you so, please watch your mouth.
Besides, the only thing you had been doing is what in Logic is named "ad hominem" attack. You are attacking a person because of the way he writes, you are not giving arguments against what he thinks or says.
3/19/2003 20:29:01 [ report this post ] | Frenchie...
Message: See you in thirty days, Old Sport. May your lunar cycle be short lived as the forums shall miss you dearly.
3/20/2003 00:07:37 [ report this post ] | gatsby
Message: please speak for yourself here.
you're not making a hard case here for your country, if that was the purpose.
if i'd read this thread earlier, i'd probably reported "frenchie" myself, but that's already taking care of.
now let's please get back to a more intelligent conversation then "i can spell better then you".
ps. be aware that your reply will tell more about you then about me:)
3/20/2003 00:24:55 [ report this post ] | Well,
Message: Personally I think gatsby should have all 27 of his accounts banned, because they are all one in the same, and his actions definitely deserve this punishment.
To Salma -- If you are still reading this topic and it's replies, please reconsider your decision, there are MANY here who oppose bush, I would even suggest over half. It would be an interesting poll actually, except it might offend some people.
3/20/2003 01:34:53 [ report this post ] | silverwolf
Message: good point. I didn't consider that people other than americans would support the invasion. I wonder how that's going anyway... My brother is in the Army stationed in Germany. I just found out he got called for duty in Iraq. I hope nobody dies. Especially him.
3/20/2003 01:36:41 [ report this post ] | yay last post!
Message: ha ha
Boo for war!
3/20/2003 01:44:49 [ report this post ] | leaving
Message: Don't leave.
1. They are not responsible for their media,I would love to know who is .
2.You can just stay away from the forums, then you would not engage in opinon.
3.Your act would only increase the percentage ..........and that would not be a good thing ( tongue in cheek).
4. I know to see some views are saddening but the world isn't a bed of roses.
5, When oppossed to a view you reiterate your own views, not walk away.
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