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drcorbett (#)
3/24/2003 12:53:54 [ report this post ] |
Subject: The Ill*minati
Message: Sorry, I just put a star there for apparently too many followed links, or so Moebile said. Apparently, he knows a lot about them. Who are they? Do they exist? Are they like the Freem*sons? (Also for link thing)
nobody (#)
3/24/2003 12:59:28 [ report this post ] |
Message: The Illuminati were a group that had plans on taking over the world (supposedly) in the 19th century. The organization was disbanded with its leaders being prosecuted. There are rumours that there is a new version of the group. No one can prove it though. Some people even thought that the UN was put together by the Illuminati. There are lots of websites you can visit telling you more.
jean_marc (#)
3/24/2003 13:12:04 [ report this post ] | In a nutshell
Message: A man named Adam Weishaupt founded a secret society in Bavaria in 1776, that had as it�s goal, to rule the world. The methods they would use would be assassinations, bribery, blackmail, revolutions, and espionage. Their model of organization was similar to the Jesuit Order and the steps and degrees of Freemasonry. They intended to control and manipulate banks and bankers, money-lending powers, the world�s financiers. They intended to cause economic collapses, wars, bloody uprisings and revolutions around the world, with each upheaval calculated to re-structure the status quo leaving the Illuminati in greater positions of influence, and poised for their next step. The main enemies or �targets� of The Illuminati in the 1700s were the kings and queens, the monarchies of Europe, and, the Church. The two most-remembered Illuminati-caused revolutions in history, were, the French Revolution and Reign of Terror (1788-1799), and the Russian Revolution of 1917 that first made Communism a world power. The Illuminati and it�s diabolical conspiracy was very real. These things actually happened and are a matter of world history. The Illuminati Conspiracy got exposed. The authorities made raids and seized Illuminati documents. In its day this was all public headline news, not some obscure, rare, or arcane knowledge. There you have the basic gist of it. That is the starting point. That is what people usually mean by �The Illuminati.�
moebile1 (#)
3/24/2003 13:21:11 [ report this post ] | Silenced
Message: I must report that they've caught me and upon threat of death, sworn me to secrecy.
They've convinced me that illuminati is a world-class game where only world-class players can play.
I've probably said too much already here!!!
Nevertheless, here is their homepage:
moebile1 (#)
3/24/2003 13:28:44 [ report this post ] | Actually,
Message: jean_marc already beat me to it.
For what jean_marc just said and more, see this page:
I've been studying further into the matter.
(or at least this is the cover story they wish you to have)
jean_marc (#)
3/24/2003 13:31:53 [ report this post ] | moebile1
Message: this link seem more interesting:
moebile1 (#)
3/24/2003 13:32:12 [ report this post ] | disclaimer
Message: I've only read a part of this particular document so far. I do not know if any rasism or religious bias exists in the link above.
moebile1 (#)
3/24/2003 13:35:29 [ report this post ] | You're right jean_marc
Message: Very interesting...
jean_marc (#)
3/24/2003 13:36:42 [ report this post ] | that's nothing
Message: check this out:
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