From | Message |
3/06/2004 00:04:45 [ report this post ] |
Subject: rating?
Message: I won the game against felixmistza but it didn't affect my rating!
3/06/2004 00:13:51 [ report this post ] | His rating is only 11xx
Message: his account was suspended because he had over 200 games including tourneys that he was timing out in. This is the second time felix has done this. Check his ratings graph.
On your past game history it says you got 0.1 points because his rating is so low now.
3/06/2004 01:17:05 [ report this post ] | ?
Message: But our game had started when his rating was 2100!
and as a rule I must get at least 10 score!
3/06/2004 01:57:51 [ report this post ] | Are you sure it was 2100?
Message: Look at his ratings graph. Your game started on Oct 30th. The graph looks like it was pretty low rating at that time.
The rating system says it uses the higher rating of when the game started and when it ended. right now his rating is 1 so it must have used the rating when the game started. I noticed both you and Januszxxx both got low scores from the games with felix. Both your games started in Oct. Other people have gotten higher points from the games which started in Jan when his score was higher.
3/06/2004 02:26:02 [ report this post ] | zaferani
Message: felix rating was only 1189 when the game started that's why you only got .1 points.
3/06/2004 04:20:53 [ report this post ] | Correct
Message: Mike did not give him back his rating until Nov. 3
3/06/2004 07:25:29 [ report this post ] | That is just one of the.....
Message: many problems created by people that sign up for
hundreds of games and then dump them. Zaferani
don't feel alone. That kind of play hurts everyone in
GK. Not only deflates some ratings but inflates
many more that win by timeout when his rating
was high. For one I am glad that problem has been
addressed and that problem is gone. Hopefully
we will see the damage that kind of play does.
3/07/2004 00:51:25 [ report this post ] | ?
Message: But I'm sure that his rating was near 2100 (maybe 2050)!
Because I was started a game that player could join only above 2000, so
He couldn't join unless his rating above 2000!
I think the reason is concern to his rating, because when his time was out
He had only 1 score so he hadn�t any point to give me,
if it happened his rating Would be negative and that is impossible,
and I think mike must solve this
3/07/2004 01:28:03 [ report this post ] | ?
Message: But I'm sure that his rating was near 2100 (maybe 2050)!
Because I was started a game that player could join only above 2000, so
He couldn't join unless his rating above 2000!
I think the reason is concern to his rating, because when his time was out
He had only 1 score so he hadn�t any point to give me, if it happened his rating
Would be negative and that is impossible, and I think mike must solve this
3/07/2004 01:29:25 [ report this post ] | zaferani
Message: If you look at your past game history it tells you his rating at the start of the game. It says 1189!
3/07/2004 06:36:44 [ report this post ] | baseline
Message: I think zaferani might be right and he has his reasons to feel frustrated.
Take a look at the following scenario:
1. On October 30, zaferani created a game asking only players over 2000 to join it. At that time felixmiszta was indeed 1189 so they couldnt start playing.
2. The next day Mike awards felixmiszta with a 2000 rating so now he was able to join the game and zaferani correctly assumed he is facing a strong challenge.
3. When the game ended, the system merely looked back at the date when the game was created, i.e. October 30 and considered those rating values for computations.
Best wishes,
3/07/2004 07:04:52 [ report this post ] | florinserban
Message: You are right.
Mike reseted the rating on the 3rd of November while already games were going on for Felixmiszta (also in MTs). The games that were in the join-game-erea before this date and were picked up bij him had to deal with that. When a decent person would play the game to the end it wouldn't make a difference, now a few people didn't get the ratingpoints they deserved (especially the chessplayers that would have won).
A lot of things are already said, but a person who manupilate this fantastic site in that way shouldn't play here anymore.
3/07/2004 09:47:02 [ report this post ] | ?
Message: Why Mike awards Felixmistza a 2000 rating?
Is it legal act?
3/07/2004 10:28:14 [ report this post ] | True Strength
Message: Mike has adjusted the rating in the past in "special circumstances" to represent the true strength of the player. Normally requested by the player.
3/07/2004 21:58:07 [ report this post ] | skipslot
Message: WHO ELSE???????? Other than reseting someone to 1200?
3/07/2004 23:07:21 [ report this post ] | Sounds OK
Message: I think its right that Mike can adjust a player rating to conform with strength or special circumstances. [No I don't have an adjustment request in.] It would also seem good to do for Zaferani in this case to give full credit, but that could make for a lot of adjustments for others!! what would really be good would be if the GK sytem would not take less than the Current Rating of a player to consider when awarding opps Elo pts, when that player Times Out multiple games in a day, Or resigns them on the same day.
Best might be if that current rating would stay in place, insofar as calculating opp Elos, from the time that the first of multiple timeouts occurs, until such time as the
Players started Playing actively again. It would be wonderful if a manual adjustment could be made now, in all these cases. Sound like it might be Work tho.
A Question: If I've kept postal ratings 2180-2214, 2223, 2330 elsewhere and online corr ratings all 3 in 2200's elsewhere.... Am I being unfair to otheres in NOT asking for a Special Consideration? Since it is not like I have not played the Computerized variant of Corr Chess before. Just not at GK. But did spend a 5 or 6 year layoff from Corr Chess before starting here. If I'm being unfair, I'll make a request. But
till now have only tried to "make it obvious" re past experience. Which has probably disadvantaged me, since I got opponents probably very to somewhat underated themselves, at the time we started. (Which is Exactly what I wanted tho, when issued my Challenge to GK, to Start vs some strong players, so I'm not complaining nor unhappy about that!) But if I blow a few games now, or just get whooped on(!), and come out 1600. Then join a team or tmt I wonder. Seems like I'd have an
advantage then in pairings, etc.? Unfair ? I do know other Master type players online at GK whose rating needs to catch up too. In fact its a majority situation, with the start at 1200.
3/07/2004 23:38:39 [ report this post ] | ?
Message: Then everyone accept when I started my game with Felixmistza,he had
a rating above 2000.
But what is my fault his award rating must recapture from him?
3/08/2004 00:14:56 [ report this post ] | Just Realized
Message: It may very well be part of the reason that GK takes Start Rating OR End Rating, whichever is higher, to use. In order to minimize the damage if someone does quit all at once. Then at least the start rating may reduce the damage somewhat. Unless they gained rapidly during the game[in which case everybody still gets hurt]. Or an unfortunate occurance like Z had. Maybe he Should be able to get adjusted if his was an isolated (aka "freak") occurance ?! As it sounds like it was.
3/08/2004 06:00:15 [ report this post ] | Why?
Message: Are you pleading your case in a open forum? None of these people can do anything for you. Wouldn't be more constructive to message the Webmaster and deal with it that way. This isn't a site wide problem its a quirky thing that happened to you. It's just a few rating points. And what are rating points worth? You can't use them to buy lunch.
3/08/2004 06:32:09 [ report this post ] | Free Lunch !!
Message: (This year only) To anyone who resigns a game to me worth 10 pts Elo, or more.
You must come to my house in Iowa to collect though. But there's no Tax or Hidden Fees.
3/08/2004 07:44:54 [ report this post ] | baseline
Message: Yes you are right! Few points aren�t having a worth, but I want to know is it just?
3/08/2004 07:51:39 [ report this post ] | Not just (fair)
Message: but such is life.....
3/08/2004 23:26:31 [ report this post ] | ?
Message: Is anybody know who else receive rating except Felixmistza?
3/09/2004 02:50:17 [ report this post ] | Please
Message: I had the honour to play with Mr. Felixmistza,
I won because he abandoned. He had his reasons, I respect that, forget, please, the ratings. Think about the person.
He is a priest, I'm an atheist since I was 13. To me, he is a gentelman, a great human being and hopefuly, my friend.
Best wishes,
3/09/2004 05:04:39 [ report this post ] | zaferani
Message: "is it just?" I don't kinow if i can answer a question like that. I looked at the game and felt you were clearly winning, he really should have taken time to resign the game, but I have no idea what is really going on with felix. I don't think anyone has taken any direct action to harm you. There is really no one to point a finger at and say "you have done this!" Its very odd, I still recommend that you talk to the webmaster and take heart in the fact that you played a fine game.
3/09/2004 05:28:56 [ report this post ] | macheide
Message: An honorable man would not have bailed out twice. It has nothing to do with ratings, but respect. This is why so many question if he was really a preist. A true man of god would not disrespect hunderds of people as Felix did.
3/09/2004 06:57:55 [ report this post ] | macheide
Message: Are you sure he is priest? How do you know? Only from a picture?
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