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Subject: capts. team ranking poll

i just want to give my thoughts on this. i may not fully understand this elo system but i think useing this for team rankings is not the way to go. i have spoken to a few others and i have found there are many opinions on this. one reason i dont like the thought of elo (or any rateing system) determining the ranking is in my opinion it will make the number one team a lot less meaningful. seems to me it will only be the scrambling of teams from day to day in and out of the top spot and not a true number one to be had. this number one spot is one of the reasons i think this poll got started. i for one dont care about how far the dutchables are in front of everyone else. i simply like looking each day at my teams score as a direct result of either winning or loseing. i never look (and i dont think my team does either although i cant speak for all of them) at the over all rankings. all i care about is my teams progress. i have heard all the arguements for the elo, the main one seems to be that the current system is a never ending race. i agree it never ends but i dont see what that matters. i dont care if the dutchables have one million points, everyone knows that length of time as a team on gk and number of games played has alot to do with the score so why do we really care?? i know many disagree with me but although the currrent system isnt perfect i think ranking by rateing is worse. i hope someone can convince me the new system will be better.



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I think that there are many, many question that should be asked before making any
changes. At first blush, I don't think it is a good idea at all. Implementation of such a
system would surely cause a brand new set of "issues" that could and probably would be
more difficult to resolve than those inherent in the current system.

More detail and further inquiry ought to be required and thought through before any such
system were thrust upon a system that is working well right now.



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Changing the table to elo ranking is a horrible mistake...
1.Table will be very unstable, one team might be #1 today and #100 tomorrow just because one players lost 4 games in time out
2.Top ten teams can avoid any more team match and just save their rank easily
and so many other issues...
i for one, regret that many people voted for elo without thinking about it



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The real discussion now . . .

is not the ELO vs. points discussion. it is the discussion for a team league, which requires mandatory competition in divisions within the league. That is how you should determine No. 1. There are two current threads in the GK related forum.

What is most interesting is that once this format was discussed, the number of interested people has been steadily increasing.

Jump on the bandwagon and support a team league.




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i for one dont

want a team leauge. a leauge should be voluntary.



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Stinky . . .

in your other post in a thread in GK Related Forum, you had objections but you added at the end: "you want a leauge fine but dont force it on everyone else. otherwise the idea is good." I see your criticism primarily as saying, with an item or 2 worth discussion, the idea is "Good."

Why not join us in discussing the most feasible way of having a league and ensuring real competition?




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As I said before....

....why not leave it the way it is and organise besides the teamcompetition an annual knockouttournament for the teams with let's say 4 to 6 players.

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