Do you play online chess or other board games? May we recommend this great site where you can play chess online with players from all over the world! And it's web-based so there's nothing to download. Free registration, global ranking, chess league, mini-tournaments, teams, chess puzzles, active forum, thousands of online chess games played every day -- please join us on to play some chess!
Please visit our online chess forums:
Rapid Chess Improvement - 7 Circles -- Some sacrificial types of combinations are not strictly 100% sound, but unless the opponent picks exactly the right combination of replies will nonetheless give you a win. I have found this to be so in ...
Knight(s) vs Bishop(s) -- ...But I prefer Knights anyday. I don't know what it is. I was lying in bed last night thinking about it actually; I cannot stand Bishops. I'm always losing a piece to a nasty Bishop pin. My Bishops are ...
Corus chess -- POLGAR :) :)) It seems some tendencies are clear already? ...
Chess Principles... -- I really like this idea, it might be amazing to see how much chess lore and precious principle might come trickling down from a multitude of players who use and benifit from such gems every day. It was ...
K&Q; vs K&R; is a win, but ... -- The endgamg rook + 1 pawn vs. queen is also definitely drawn, if pawn, rook and king of the rook side are close together. I had that in one of my OTB games, but it's really not exciting: there is just ...
Knight vs pawns -- Yes :). 3 connected pawns are superior to a knight. ...
FISCHER's latest interview !!! -- Nice to know there are people out there given none opinion, but facts related to such great player as Bobby Fisher. Proffesional work! Is this copyed from somewhere or is it you work, matadordelrey ? it ...
2.Ke2 -- losing a tempo or even two in the opening isn't likely to determine the game, and may even be advantageous if it throws an opponent off guard. And if one is familiar with the little traps and nuances ...
Playing back lost games -- Using chess engines is a good analysis of your games but you should not put too much faith in the suggested moves. Many times I have found that an engine will rate a position as winning for White (as ...
any better moves? -- I think both of those points were great. I realize that Bxc3 is bad now, but i wouldn't have been tempted to do so if I never moved Bc5 to begin with. I was so used to playing the giuoco piano that I didn't ...
castling king or queenside -- I'm still very much a learning/improving player, in a recent game I had a dilema about whether to castle king or queenside, I don't normally have the dilema - I always castled kingside, but I could see ...
The dangers of winning a piece -- That's fine in theory, but the point is that things don't in practice always work out that way. There's a temptation to believe that if you've won a piece -- and I mean genuinely won, not as a sacrifice ...
Your unforgotten game win/lost/draw -- This is my unforgotten games @ GK
Win-board #1812808 -I sacrificed my knight on move 11 with Nxf7! shocking my opponent.
Lost-board #1691475 -My greatest blunders..Until today,I dont know why I move 20.Qd5??? ...
Your Favorite Endgame(s) ? -- ....may be reduced to complete immobility by the advance of the pawn. This is why the King is the best blockader of a pawn --- being immobile is something that Kings are very good at. is the rook and pawn ...
Chess is not only about winning -- Somehow I think you won't be able to "practise your end game" very well if you are a queen up. Closer situations (e.g. rook endgame with an extra pawn - or two) are much more interesting and ...
Three repeat draw -- thanks Also, remember that they're not identical if you could castle in one of the positions but not in another. Fischer once claimed and was awarded a draw for 3 times repepition of position involving ...
Finding plans in the middlegame -- In contemporary practice (see my 'Chicken Factor' thread), as soon as Black obtains equality he proposes a draw. That takes care of half your games, anyway. ;) There are lots of good game collections. ...
PGN Viewer -- Has got to be WinBoard at . Comes with a free (though fairly weak) chess engine you can use for analysis, though you can set it up to use whatever engine you want. You can ...
attacking closed sicilian -- There is a difference when black plays Nd7 instead of Nf6. White really has to watch out for f5! collapsing the centre. thanks for the ideas guys :) That has always been one of my favorite games by Spassky! ...
Drawing etiquette -- Well, over the board it would be unacceptable behaviour, because it would distract you when you only have limited time. In correspondence chess it's much less of a problem, also there's the problem that ...
looking for feedback on this game...... -- good analysis. chrisp. thamks for clearing things up. ...
Pre-game routine -- For all you OTB players, I would like to ask something. When you play in a tournament, what do you do...lets say 2 hours before your game. Do you study a chess book hoping to pick up something useful? ...
Chess Magazines -- Daily newsletters in PDF format, including PGN and ChessBase formats of all included chess games. There will be (if not already) a weekly version of the newsletter as well, which will include all the ...
how do you mate? -- I should of gone 51. Rc7, I remember considering it (I've even won many games in that fashion w/ less simple scenerios!), but I Know what happened cuz also remember thinking that if I did that followed ...
Dropping queen - knowing whento spend more time on -- personally, I would prefer to move relatively early in the morning, early enough to not be tired, but not too groggy. also i try staringat the board before i go to bed, then sometimes i actually see things ...
Think like a grandmaster/ Play like a grandmaster -- .....that I'm considering writing: "Think like a grandmaster/Play like a duffer" ;) Basically they are books for people truly aspiring to get to where the title of the book suggests they are ...
When to fianchetto? -- I don't understand the concept of the fianchetto very well. It requires an extra move to set up (i.e., advancing the knight's pawn). It leaves holes. If the fianchettoed bishop takes a piece, it needs ...
For those of you who use Fritz... -- I've recently started having Fritz analyse and annotate my completed games. I then go through and add my own annotations and thought processes, and then save the game to my GK database. My question is ...
What is chess? -- The purpose of Chess is to defeat an opponent and crush his ego, so its mentality is the reverse of virtuous. But it may have value in diverting psychopathic desires that could issue in vice into relatively ...
Is it true or not? -- Is it true or not?.A strong blitz player is also a strong player in longer time control and vice versa. Look at ICC for example--you'll see GMs with relatively low ratings, and non-GMs with really high ...
HELLO CHESS COMRADES -- I JUST WANT TO SAY HI!TO ALL MY CHESS COMRADES! Добрый день! .....if it isn't ol' edmaster! COMMANDER, holey camoley, it's BOBBY BACK!!!!!!!! ...
salut... -- "Can someone refer me to any French language websites? I would be especially interested in sites where there is news of recent championships and tournaments etc. Thanks a lot." ....unreasonable ... -- enter this chess site..! No content yet, as far as I can see. So why should you advertise it here? If any website can be called "Bobby Fischer's Website," it's . ...
The opening that baffles and eludes you... -- Didn't know what it was called, but I played it as black a while back and got destroyed! As my opponent slowly but surely brought his pieces in for the kill, I was left with simply jostling my rooks back ...
Garry backs out! -- testing 123 honolulu , I like your idea for the Championship a lot! Not that anyone will ever ask Me :-) It would be nice for the host organization to guarantee at least some minimum prizefund for the ...
Why I'm thinking of giving up chess -- Imagine the position after 58...Qxb5. White would have queened first, but what then? If White activated his king, your pawn would then have been able to reach its promotion square. If White didn't activate ...
8th Afro-Asian championship -- :) this is the server of iccf (me too i dont like to send moves by mail) its like gk ..u see the board :) ...
improvment limitation -- Climbing the staircase is normal I think. You won't know how high it goes but there always seems to be another step. ;-) If you check-out my rating graph, you'll see a line that looks like a flight or ...
scared of pawns -- ....of "The Middle Game" by M.Euwe & H. Kramer, is devoted to 'Static Features', that is, mostly, pawn-structure. I've learned more from this book than from any other, though I daresay some might ...
Something sharp and double edged -- 1.d4 f5, the Dutch? I've never found ANY defence against 1.d4 that worked for me. All right, perhaps I should be saying "that I could get to work for me", instead of blaming my tools for my bad ...
TD's or Arbiters here ? -- that's a good story, but if i was in AM's position & it was a tourny or championship w/ prizes on the line then AK would of had to bite the bullet. lol:) One of my favourite examples of gm's not knowing ...
Resignation etiquette -- You may resign (or not) whenever you wish. Your opponent may resign (or not) whenever they wish. Etiquette is, unfortunately, subjective. Each player will have his or her own idea of when it's time ...
good chess books? -- id=bananaman1_id how do you link someone's name to read. An absolute must is Basic Chess Endings by Reuben Fine. Almost any player can pick up any where's from 25 to 100 points on the ELO rating system. ...